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2014 (216)
A Cleanup Algorithm for Implementing Storage Constraints in Scientific Workflow Executions. Srinivasan, S.; Juve, G.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Vahi, K.; and Deelman, E. In 9th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS), 2014. Funding Acknowledgements: OCI SI2-SSI program grant #1148515
A Cleanup Algorithm for Implementing Storage Constraints in Scientific Workflow Executions [pdf]Paper doi link bibtex
A Demonstration of Linked Data Source Discovery and Integration . Slepicka, J.; Yin, C.; Szekely, P.; and Knoblock, C. A. In Proceedings of the ISWC 2014 Posters & Demonstrations Track, 2014. CEUR, 1272
A Demonstration of Linked Data Source Discovery and Integration  [pdf]Paper A Demonstration of Linked Data Source Discovery and Integration  [link]Link link bibtex 7 downloads
A Further Look at Potential Impact of Satlets on Design, Production, and Cost of Satellite Systems. Barnhart, D.; Hill, L.; Fowler, E.; Hunter, R.; Hoag, L.; Sullivan, B.; and Will, P. In Small Satellite Conference, August 2014.
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A Multi-parameter Detection Scheme to Seek Stealthy Hardware Trojan Threats in FPGAs. Shila, D.; Venugopalan, V.; and Murray, B. April 2014. \textbf[Best Presentation Award]
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A Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process Model of Skin Conductance Responses Integrated with Observed Regulatory Behaviors for Autism Intervention. Chaspari, T.; Goodwin, M.; Wilder-Smith, O.; Gulsrud, A.; Mucchetti, C.; Kasari, C.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2014.
doi link bibtex
A Novel Multi-Institutional Database for Tracking and Reporting Dose-Volume Data and Normal Tissue Effects . Simpson, D.; Ambite, J.; Kosztyla, R.; Kumaraguruparan, G.; Liu, M.; Moore, K.; Murphy, J.; Wu, J.; and Moiseenko, V. International Journal of Radiation Oncology *Biology *Physics , 90(1): S849 - S850. 2014. Proceedings of the American Society for Radiation Oncology 56th Annual Meeting ASTRO's 56th Annual Meeting. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2014.05.2435
A Novel Multi-Institutional Database for Tracking and Reporting Dose-Volume Data and Normal Tissue Effects  [link]Paper doi link bibtex
A Parallel Query Engine for Interactive Spatiotemporal Analysis. Sathe, M.; Knoblock, C. A.; Chiang, Y.; and Harris, A. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2014.
A Parallel Query Engine for Interactive Spatiotemporal Analysis [pdf]Paper A Parallel Query Engine for Interactive Spatiotemporal Analysis [pdf]Slides link bibtex 14 downloads
A Performance Model to Estimate Execution Time of Scientific Workflows on the Cloud. Pietri, I.; Juve, G.; Deelman, E.; and Sakellariou, R. In 9th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS), 2014. Funding Acknowledgments: DOE contract for dv/dt ER26110
A Performance Model to Estimate Execution Time of Scientific Workflows on the Cloud [pdf]Paper doi link bibtex
A Real-Time MRI Study of Articulatory Setting in Second Language Speech. Benitez, A.; Ramanarayanan, V.; Goldstein, L.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Sep 2014.
doi link bibtex
A Scalable Approach to Learn Semantic Models of Structured Sources. Taheriyan, M.; Knoblock, C. A.; Szekely, P.; and Ambite, J. L. In Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2014), 2014.
A Scalable Approach to Learn Semantic Models of Structured Sources [pdf]Paper A Scalable Approach to Learn Semantic Models of Structured Sources [link]Slides link bibtex 358 downloads
A Semantic-Based Approach to Attain Reproducibility of Computational Environments in Scientific Workflows: A Case Study. Santana-Perez, I.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Rynge, M.; Deelman, E.; Perez-Hernandez, M. S.; and Corcho, O. In 1st International Workshop on Reproducibility in Parallel Computing (REPPAR), in conjunction with Euro-Par 2014, 2014. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF FutureGrid 0910812
A Semantic-Based Approach to Attain Reproducibility of Computational Environments in Scientific Workflows: A Case Study [pdf]Paper link bibtex
A Supervised Signal-To-Noise Ratio Estimation Of Speech Signals. Papadopoulos, P.; Tsiartas, A.; Gibson, J.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2014.
doi link bibtex
A Survey of Digital Map Processing Techniques. Chiang, Y.; Leyk, S.; and Knoblock, C. A. ACM Computing Surveys, 47(1): 1–44. 2014.
A Survey of Digital Map Processing Techniques [link]Link A Survey of Digital Map Processing Techniques [pdf]Paper link bibtex 31 downloads
A System for Efficient Cleaning and Transformation of Geospatial Data Attributes. Chiang, Y.; Wu, B.; Anand, A.; Akade, K.; and Knoblock, C. A. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2014.
A System for Efficient Cleaning and Transformation of Geospatial Data Attributes [pdf]Paper link bibtex 7 downloads
A Unified Approach for Modeling and Optimization of Energy, Makespan and Reliability for Scientific Workflows on Large-Scale Computing Infrastructures. Ferreira da Silva, R.; Fahringer, T.; Durillo, J. J.; and Deelman, E. In Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Systems and Applications (MODSIM), 2014. Funding Acknowledgments: DOE contract for dv/dt ER26110).
A Unified Approach for Modeling and Optimization of Energy, Makespan and Reliability for Scientific Workflows on Large-Scale Computing Infrastructures [pdf]Paper link bibtex
A Unified Probabilistic Approach for Semantic Clustering of Relational Phrases. Grycner, A.; Weikum, G.; Pujara, J.; Foulds, J.; and Getoor, L. In Fourth Workshop on Automated Knowledge Base Construction, 2014. NIPS
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A Visibility-based Model for Link Prediction in Social Media. Zhu, L.; and Lerman, K. In Proceedings of the ASE/IEEE Conference on Social Computing, 2014.
A Visibility-based Model for Link Prediction in Social Media [pdf]Paper link bibtex abstract 37 downloads
A collaborative approach to heading estimation for smartphone-based PDR indoor localisation. Abadi, M. J.; Luceri, L.; Hassan, M.; Chou, C. T.; and Nicoli, M. In 2014 International conference on indoor positioning and indoor navigation (IPIN), pages 554–563, 2014. IEEE
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A distributed optimization algorithm for attack-resilient wide-area monitoring of power systems: Theoretical and experimental methods. Zhang, J.; Jaipuria, P.; Chakrabortty, A.; and Hussain, A. In International Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security, pages 350–359, 2014. Springer, Cham
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A power side-channel-based digital to analog converterfor Xilinx FPGAs. Hutchings, B. L; Monson, J.; Savory, D.; and Keeley, J. In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM/SIGDA international symposium on Field-programmable gate arrays, pages 113–116, February 2014. ACM
A power side-channel-based digital to analog converterfor Xilinx FPGAs [link]Paper doi link bibtex
A study of invariant properties and variation patterns in the converter/distributor model for emotional speech. Kim, J.; Erickson, D.; Lee, S.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Sep 2014.
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A two-step blocking scheme learner for scalable link discovery. Kejriwal, M.; and Miranker, D. P. In Shvaiko, P.; Euzenat, J.; Mao, M.; Jiménez-Ruiz, E.; Li, J.; and Ngonga, A., editor(s), Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Ontology Matching collocated with the 13th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2014), Riva del Garda, Trentino, Italy, October 20, 2014, volume 1317, of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pages 49–60, 2014.
A two-step blocking scheme learner for scalable link discovery [pdf]Paper link bibtex
ANALYSIS OF INTERACTION ATTITUDES USING DATA-DRIVEN HAND GESTURE PHRASES. Yang, Z.; Metallinou, A.; Erzin, E.; and Narayanan, S. In 2014 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ACOUSTICS, SPEECH AND SIGNAL PROCESSING (ICASSP), of International Conference on Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing ICASSP, 2014. IEEE IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Florence, ITALY, MAY 04-09, 2014
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Active target detection with mobile agents. Choudhary, S.; Kumar, N.; Narayanan, S.; and Mitra, U. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2014, Florence, Italy, May 4-9, 2014, pages 4185–4189, 2014.
Active target detection with mobile agents [link]Paper doi link bibtex
Adaptation and Policy-based Resource Allocation for Efficient Bulk Data Transfers in High Performance Computing Environments. Chervenak, A. L.; Sim, A.; Gu, J.; Schuler, R. E.; and Hirpathak, N. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Network-Aware Data Management, of NDM '14, pages 1–8, Piscataway, NJ, USA, 2014. IEEE Press
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Affective language model adaptation via corpus selection. Malandrakis, N.; Potamianos, A.; J Hsu, K.; N Babeva, K.; C Feng, M.; C Davison, G.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2014.
doi link bibtex
AlexU-Word: A New Dataset for Isolated-Word Closed-Vocabulary Offline Arabic Handwriting Recognition. Hussein, M. E.; Torki, M.; Elsallamy, A.; and Fayyaz, M. . 2014.
AlexU-Word: A New Dataset for Isolated-Word Closed-Vocabulary Offline Arabic Handwriting Recognition [link]Paper link bibtex abstract
Aligning ontologies of linked data. Parundekar, R.; Knoblock, C. A.; and Ambite, J. L. In Linked Data Management: Principles and Techniques. CRC Press, 2014.
Aligning ontologies of linked data [pdf]Paper link bibtex
Amplify Scientific Discovery with Artificial Intelligence. Gil, Y.; Greaves, M.; Hendler, J.; and Hirsh, H. Science, 346(6206): 171-172. 2014.
Amplify Scientific Discovery with Artificial Intelligence [link]Link doi link bibtex
An Arabizi-English Social Media Statistical Machine Translation System. May, J.; Benjira, Y.; and Echihabi, A. In Proceedings of the Eleventh Biennial Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas, Vancouver, Canada, October 2014. Association for Machine Translation in the Americas
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An Asset Management Approach to Continuous Integration of Heterogeneous Biomedical Data. Schuler, R. E.; Kesselman, C.; and Czajkowski, K. In Galhardas, H.; and Rahm, E., editor(s), Data Integration in the Life Sciences, pages 1–15, Cham, 2014. Springer International Publishing
doi link bibtex abstract
An Investigation of Vocal Arousal Dynamics in Child-Psychologist Interactions using Synchrony Measures and a Conversation-based Model. Bone, D.; Lee, C.; Potamianos, A.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Sep 2014.
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Analysis and Predictive Modeling of Body Language Behavior in Dyadic Interactions from Multimodal Interlocutor Cues. Yang, Z.; Metallinou, A.; and Narayanan, S. S. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 16(6): 1766-1778. Oct 2014.
doi link bibtex
Analysis of Emotional Effect on Speech-Body Gesture Interplay. Yang, Z.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Sep 2014.
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Announcing the SIGAI Career Network and Conference. Das, S.; Epstein, S. L.; and Gil, Y. AI Matters, 1(1). 2014.
Announcing the SIGAI Career Network and Conference [pdf]Paper Announcing the SIGAI Career Network and Conference [link]Link link bibtex
Apparatus and method for sharing a generic configuration across a group of network devices. Sankaran, G. C. August~5 2014. US Patent 8,554,883
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Are articulatory settings mechanically advantageous for speech motor control?. Ramanarayanan, V.; Lammert, A.; Goldstein, L.; and Narayanan, S. S. PLoS One, 9(8): e104168. Aug 2014.
doi link bibtex
Artificial intelligence: no longer just for you and me. Gil, Y. AI Matters, 1(1): 4–5. 2014.
Artificial intelligence: no longer just for you and me [link]Paper doi link bibtex 3 downloads
Assessing millennial-scale variability during the Holocene: A perspective from the western tropical Pacific. Khider, D.; Jackson, C. S; and Stott, L. Paleoceanography, 29(3): 143–159. 2014.
Assessing millennial-scale variability during the Holocene: A perspective from the western tropical Pacific [pdf]Paper doi link bibtex
Automatic intelligibility classification of sentence-level pathological speech. Kim, J.; Kumar, N.; Tsiartas, A.; and Li, M. Computer, Speech, and Language. 2014.
doi link bibtex
Barista: A Framework for Concurrent Speech Processing by USC-SAIL. Can, D.; Gibson, J.; Vaz, C.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pages 3306-3310, May 2014.
doi link bibtex
Bridging the Virtualization Performance Gap for HPC Using SR-IOV for InfiniBand. Musleh, M.; Pai, V. S.; Walters, J. P.; Younge, A.; and Crago, S. P. 2014.
Bridging the Virtualization Performance Gap for HPC Using SR-IOV for InfiniBand [pdf]Paper link bibtex
Broadening Network Performance: The Edge and Outages. Heidemann, J. Presentation at the Second perfSONAR NSF Workshop, February 2014.
Broadening Network Performance: The Edge and Outages [link]Paper link bibtex abstract
Building Dynamic Knowledge Graphs. Pujara, J.; and Getoor, L. In Fourth Workshop on Automated Knowledge Base Construction, 2014. NIPS
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Cardinal pill testing of system virtual machines. Shi, H.; Alwabel, A.; and Mirkovic, J. In 23rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 14), pages 271–285, 2014.
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Challenges for Provenance Analytics Over Geospatial Data. Garijo, D.; Gil, Y.; and Harth, A. In Ludäscher, B.; and Plale, B., editor(s), Provenance and Annotation of Data and Processes - 5th International Provenance and Annotation Workshop, IPAW 2014, Cologne, Germany, June 9-13, 2014. Revised Selected Papers, volume 8628, of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 261–263, 2014. Springer
Challenges for Provenance Analytics Over Geospatial Data [link]Paper doi link bibtex 1 download
Challenges in Modeling Geospatial Provenance. Garijo, D.; Gil, Y.; and Harth, A. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Provenance and Annotation Workshop (IPAW), Cologne, Germany, 2014.
Challenges in Modeling Geospatial Provenance [link]Paper link bibtex 6 downloads
Class Capture-the-Flag Exercises. Mirkovic, J.; and Peterson, P. A. 2014 USENIX Summit on Gaming, Games, and Gamification in Security Education (3GSE 14). 2014.
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Classical information transmission capacity of quantum black holes. Adami, C.; and Ver Steeg, G. Classical and Quantum Gravity, 31(7): 075015. 2014.
Classical information transmission capacity of quantum black holes [link]Paper link bibtex abstract
Classification of Cognitive Load from Speech using an i-vector Framework. Van Segbroeck, M.; Travadi, R.; Vaz, C.; Kim, J.; Black, M. P.; Potamianos, A.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Sep 2014.
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Classification of clean and noisy bilingual movie audio for speech-to-speech translation corpora design. Tsiartas, A.; Kumar Ghosh, P.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2014.
doi link bibtex
Co-registration of speech production datasets from electromagnetic articulography and real-time magnetic resonance imaging. Kim, J.; Lammert, A.; Ghosh, P. K.; and Narayanan, S. S. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 135(2): EL115-EL121. Feb 2014.
doi link bibtex
Coherent control of non-Markovian photon-resonator dynamics. Levi, A. F. J.; Venuti, L. C.; Albash, T.; and Haas, S. Phys. Rev. A, 90: 022119. Aug 2014.
Coherent control of non-Markovian photon-resonator dynamics [link]Paper doi link bibtex
Collaborative Software Development Needs in Geosciences. Gil, Y.; Moon, E.; and Howison, J. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE2), held in conjunction with the IEEE ACM International Conference on High Performance Computing (SC), New Orleans, LA, 2014.
Collaborative Software Development Needs in Geosciences [link]Paper link bibtex
Common motifs in scientific workflows: An empirical analysis. Garijo, D.; Alper, P.; Belhajjame, K.; Corcho, Ó.; Gil, Y.; and Goble, C. A. Future Gener. Comput. Syst., 36: 338–351. 2014.
Common motifs in scientific workflows: An empirical analysis [link]Paper doi link bibtex 3 downloads
Community Resources for Enabling Research in Distributed Scientific Workflows. Ferreira da Silva, R.; Chen, W.; Juve, G.; Vahi, K.; and Deelman, E. In 10th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (eScience 2014), 2014. Funding Acknowledgements: OCI SI2-SSI program grant #1148515, DOE contract for dv/dt ER26110
Community Resources for Enabling Research in Distributed Scientific Workflows [pdf]Paper doi link bibtex
Comparing Time-Frequency Representations for Directional Derivative Features. Gibson, J.; Van Segbroeck, M.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Sep 2014.
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Computing Vocal Entrainment: A Signal-derived PCA-based Quantification Scheme with Application to Affect Analysis in Married Couple Interactions. Lee, C.; Katsamanis, A.; Black, M. P.; Baucom, B.; Christensen, A.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. Computer, Speech, and Language, 28(2): 518-539. Mar 2014.
doi link bibtex
Concept of a miniature atomic sensor. Hamilton, P.; Jaffe, M.; Brown, J. M; Estey, B.; Müller, H; Compton, R.; and Nelson, K. In 2014 International Symposium on Inertial Sensors and Systems (ISISS), pages 1–4, 2014. IEEE
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Content-Oriented Mobile Edge Technology System Integration Framework and Field Evaluation. Cao, Z.; French, M.; Krishnan, R.; Ng, J.; Talmage, D.; and Zhang, Q. In 2014 IEEE Military Communications Conference, pages 1405-1410, Oct 2014.
doi link bibtex
Cost Optimization of Execution of Multi-level Deadline-Constrained Scientific Workflows on Clouds. Malawski, M.; Figiela, K.; Bubak, M.; Deelman, E.; and Nabrzyski, J. Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics,251-260. 2014. Funding Acknowledgments: OCI SI2-SSI program grant #1148515
Cost Optimization of Execution of Multi-level Deadline-Constrained Scientific Workflows on Clouds [link]Paper doi link bibtex
Creating a Sustainable Assembly Architecture for Next-Gen Space: The Phoenix Effect. Barnhart, D.; Will, P.; Sullivan, B.; Hunter, R.; and Hill, L. In National Space Symposium Paper, 2014.
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Critter: Content-Rich Traffic Trace Repository. Sharma, V.; Bartlett, G.; and Mirkovic, J. In Proceedings of the 2014 ACM Workshop on Information Sharing & Collaborative Security, pages 13–20, 2014. ACM
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Data model of the strategic action planning and scheduling problem in a disaster response team. Nourjou, R.; Szekely, P.; Hatayama, M.; Ghafory-Ashtiany, M.; and Smith, S. F Journal of Disaster Research, 9(3): 381–399. 2014.
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Demystifying Information-Theoretic Clustering . Ver Steeg, G.; Galstyan, A.; Sha, F.; and DeDeo, S. In Proc. of ICML'14, 2014.
Demystifying Information-Theoretic Clustering  [link]Paper link bibtex
Design of a gis-based assistant software agent for the incident commander to coordinate emergency response operations. Nourjou, R.; Hatayama, M.; Smith, S. F; Sadeghi, A.; and Szekely, P. arXiv preprint arXiv:1401.0282. 2014.
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Design, Implementation and Security Analysis of Hardware Trojan Threats in FPGA. Shila, D.; and Venugopalan, V. In IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), pages 719-724, June 2014.
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Developmental acoustic study of American English diphthongs. Lee, S.; Potamianos, A.; and Narayanan, S. S. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 136(4): 1880-1894. Oct 2014.
doi link bibtex
Digital asset management for heterogeneous biomedical data in an era of data-intensive science. Schuler, R. E.; Kesselman, C.; and Czajkowski, K. In 2014 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), pages 588–592, Belfast, United Kingdom, November 2014. IEEE
Digital asset management for heterogeneous biomedical data in an era of data-intensive science [link]Paper doi link bibtex
Discovering structure in high-dimensional data through correlation explanation. Ver Steeg, G.; and Galstyan, A. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 27. 2014.
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Dynamic Runtime Optimizations for Systems of Heterogeneous Architectures. Tran, G. P.; Kang, D.; and Crago, S. P. 2014.
doi link bibtex
Dynamic assignment of geospatial-temporal macro tasks to agents under human strategic decisions for centralized scheduling in multi-agent systems. Nourjou, R.; Smith, S. F; Hatayama, M.; Okada, N.; and Szekely, P. International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing (IJMLC), 4(1): 39–46. 2014.
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EarthCube EC3 2014 Field Trip Report. Gil, Y. 2014. Report of the EarthCube Research Coodination Network on ' Earth-Centered Communication for Cyberinfrastructure: Challenges of field data collection, management, and integration '
EarthCube EC3 2014 Field Trip Report [link]Paper link bibtex
EarthCube: Past, Present, and Future. Gil, Y.; Chan, M.; Gomez, B.; and (Eds), B. C. 2014. EarthCube Project Report EC-2014-3
EarthCube: Past, Present, and Future [link]Paper link bibtex
Efficient Data Staging Using Performance-Based Adaptation and Policy-Based Resource Allocation. Chervenak, A. L.; Sim, A.; Gu, J.; Schuler, R.; and Hirpathak, N. In Proceedings of the 2014 22Nd Euromicro International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing, of PDP '14, pages 244–247, Washington, DC, USA, 2014. IEEE Computer Society
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Enabling collaborative research for security and resiliency of energy cyber physical systems. Hussain, A.; Faber, T.; Braden, R.; Benzel, T.; Yardley, T.; Jones, J.; Nicol, D. M; Sanders, W. H; Edgar, T. W; Carroll, T. E; and others In 2014 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems, pages 358–360, 2014. IEEE
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Enabling the 2nd Generation in Space: Building blocks for large scale space endeavors. Barnhart, D.; Garretson, P.; and Will, P. Journal of British Interplanetary Society, 67. 2014.
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Energy Performance of FPGAs on PERFECT Suite Kernels. Kuppannagari, S.; Chen, R.; Sanny, A.; Singapura, S. G.; Tran, G. P.; Zhou, S.; Hu, Y.; Crago, S. P.; and Prasanna, V. 2014.
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Energy-Constrained Minimum Variance Response Filter for Robust Vowel Spectral Estimation. Vaz, C.; Tsiartas, A.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2014.
doi link bibtex
Enhancing Audio Source Separability Using Spectro-Temporal Regularization with NMF. Vaz, C.; B Dimitriadis, D.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Sep 2014.
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Entanglement in a quantum annealing processor. Lanting, T.; Przybysz, A. J; Smirnov, A Y.; Spedalieri, F. M; Amin, M. H; Berkley, A. J; Harris, R.; Altomare, F.; Boixo, S.; Bunyk, P.; and others Physical Review X, 4(2): 021041. 2014.
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Error-corrected quantum annealing with hundreds of qubits. Pudenz, K. L; Albash, T.; and Lidar, D. A Nat. Commun., 5: 3243. 02 2014.
Error-corrected quantum annealing with hundreds of qubits [link]Paper doi link bibtex
Estimation of the movement trajectories of non-crucial articulators based on the detection of crucial moments and physiological constraints. Kim, J.; Lee, S.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Sep 2014.
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Evaluating GPU Passthrough in Xen for High Performance Cloud Computing. Younge, A. J.; Walters, J. P.; Crago, S. P.; and Fox, G. C. 2014.
Evaluating GPU Passthrough in Xen for High Performance Cloud Computing [pdf]Paper link bibtex
Evaluating Latency and Throughput Bound Acceleration of FPGAs and GPUs for Adaptive Optics Algorithms. Venugopalan, V. In IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), pages 1-6, September 2014.
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Extending provenance information in CBRAIN to address reproducibility issues across computing platforms. Glatard, T.; Lewis, L. B; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Rousseau, M.; Lepage, C.; Rioux, P.; Mahani, N.; Deelman, E.; and Evans, A. C In NeuroInformatics 2014, 2014.
Extending provenance information in CBRAIN to address reproducibility issues across computing platforms [pdf]Paper link bibtex
FileMap: Map-Reduce Program Execution on Loosely-Coupled Distributed Systems. Fisk, M. E.; and Hash, C. L. In Proceedings of the 4thInternational Workshop on Cloud Data and Platforms, pages to appear, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, April 2014. ACM
doi link bibtex abstract
Forget about Performance, Think about Concurrency. Gramoli, V.; Kuznetsov, P.; and Ravi, S. 6th Workshop on the Theory of Transactional Memory, Paris, France. 2014.
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FragFlow Automated Fragment Detection in Scientific Workflows. Garijo, D.; Corcho, Ó.; Gil, Y.; Gutman, B. A.; Dinov, I. D.; Thompson, P. M.; and Toga, A. W. In 10th IEEE International Conference on e-Science, eScience 2014, Sao Paulo, Brazil, October 20-24, 2014, pages 281–289, 2014. IEEE Computer Society
FragFlow Automated Fragment Detection in Scientific Workflows [link]Paper doi link bibtex 22 downloads
From Map Images to Geographic Names. Chiang, Y.; Moghaddam, S.; Gupta, S.; Fernandes, R.; and Knoblock, C. A. In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, 2014.
From Map Images to Geographic Names [pdf]Paper link bibtex 17 downloads
Fusion of Diverse denoising systems for Robust Automatic Speech Recognition. Kumar, N.; Van Segbroeck, M.; Audhkhasi, K.; Drotar, P.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2014.
doi link bibtex
GPU Passthrough Performance: A Comparison of KVM, Xen, VMWare ESXi, and LXC for CUDA and OpenCL Applications. Walters, J. P.; Younge, A.; Kang, D.; Yao, K.; Kang, M.; Crago, S.; and Fox, G. June 2014.
GPU Passthrough Performance: A Comparison of KVM, Xen, VMWare ESXi, and LXC for CUDA and OpenCL Applications [pdf]Paper doi link bibtex
Geospatial Data Integration with Linked Data and Provenance Tracking. Harth, A.; and Gil, Y. 2014. W3C/OGC Workshop on Linking Geospatial Data
Geospatial Data Integration with Linked Data and Provenance Tracking [link]Paper link bibtex 8 downloads
Gesture Dynamics Modeling For Attitude Analysis Using Graph Based Transform. Yang, Z.; Ortega, A.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Oct 2014.
doi link bibtex
Graph-based Approach for Motion Capture Data Representation and Analysis. Kao, J.; Ortega, A.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Oct 2014.
doi link bibtex
HPMMAP: Lightweight memory management for commodity operating systems. Kocoloski, B.; and Lange, J. In 2014 IEEE 28th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, pages 649–658, 2014. IEEE
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HUBzero and Pegasus: integrating scientific workflows into science gateways. McLennan, M.; Clark, S.; Deelman, E.; Rynge, M.; Vahi, K.; McKenna, F.; Kearney, D.; and Song, C. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience. 2014. Funding Acknowledgements: OCI SI2-SSI program grant #1148515, OCI SDCI program grant #0722019
HUBzero and Pegasus: integrating scientific workflows into science gateways [link]Paper doi link bibtex
Hearing the shape of the Ising model with a programmable superconducting-flux annealer. Vinci, W.; Markström, K.; Boixo, S.; Roy, A.; Spedalieri, F. M; Warburton, P. A; and Severini, S. Scientific reports, 4(1): 1–7. 2014.
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High Level Hardware/Software Embedded System Design with Redsharc. Skalicky, S.; Schmidt, A. G.; and French, M. In International Workshop on FPGAs for Software Programmers, 2014.
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High-precision self-characterization for the LUT burn-in information leakage threat. Zick, K. M.; ; and French, M. In 2014 24th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL), pages 1-6, Sep. 2014.
doi link bibtex
How Linked Open Data Can Help in Locating Stolen or Looted Cultural Property. Fink, E. E.; Szekely, P.; and Knoblock, C. A. In Ioannides, M.; Magnenat-Thalmann, N.; Fink, E.; Zarnic, R.; Yen, A.; and Quak, E., editor(s), Digital Heritage: Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection, LNCS 8740, pages 228–237. Springer International Publishing, 2014.
How Linked Open Data Can Help in Locating Stolen or Looted Cultural Property [pdf]Paper link bibtex
Hull detection based on largest empty sector angle with application to analysis of realtime MR images. Kumar, N.; and Narayanan, S. S. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2014, Florence, Italy, May 4-9, 2014, pages 6617–6621, 2014.
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Integration and Automation of Data Preparation and Data Mining. Narayanan, S.; Jaiswal, A.; Chiang, Y.; Geng, Y.; Knoblock, C. A.; and Szekely, P. In Proceedings of the First Workshop on Data Integration and Application at the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 2014.
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Mapping hierarchical sources into RDF using the RML mapping language. Dimou, A.; Sande, M. V.; Slepicka, J.; Szekely, P.; Mannens, E.; Knoblock, C. A.; and Walle, R. V. d. In IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC), pages 151–158, 2014. IEEE
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Modeling Therapist Empathy through Prosody in Drug Addiction Counseling. Xiao, B.; Bone, D.; Van Segbroeck, M.; Imel, Z. E.; Atkins, D.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Sep 2014.
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Modeling temporal activity patterns in dynamic social networks. Raghavan, V.; Ver Steeg, G.; Galstyan, A.; and Tartakovsky, A. G IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 1(1): 89–107. 2014.
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Multiancestral analysis of inflammation-related genetic variants and C-reactive protein in the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology study. Kocarnik, J. M.; Pendergrass, S. A.; Carty, C. L.; Pankow, J. S.; Schumacher, F. R.; Cheng, I.; Durda, P.; Ambite, J. L.; Deelman, E.; Cook, N. R.; Liu, S.; Wactawski-Wende, J.; Hutter, C.; Brown-Gentry, K.; Wilson, S.; Best, L. G.; Pankratz, N.; Hong, C.; Cole, S. A.; Voruganti, V. S.; B ̊u ̌zkova, P.; Jorgensen, N. W.; Jenny, N. S.; Wilkens, L. R.; Haiman, C. A.; Kolonel, L. N.; Lacroix, A.; North, K.; Jackson, R.; Le Marchand, L.; Hindorff, L. A.; Crawford, D. C.; Gross, M.; and Peters, U. Circulation. Cardiovascular genetics, 7: 178–188. April 2014.
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Practical Resource Monitoring for Robust High Throughput Computing. Juve, G.; Tovar, B.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Robinson, C.; Thain, D.; Deelman, E.; Allcock, W.; and Livny, M. Technical Report Technical Report 14-950, University of Southern California, 2014. Funding Acknowledgments: DOE contract for dv/dt ER26110
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Predicting Clients inclination towards Target Behavior Change in Motivational Interviewing and investigating the role of laughter. Gupta, R.; Georgiou, P.; Atkins, D.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Sep 2014.
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Probabilistic Models for Collective Entity Resolution Between Knowledge Graphs. Pujara, J.; Murphy, K.; Dong, X. L.; and Janssen, C. In Bay Area Machine Learning Symposium, 2014.
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Publishing the Data of the Smithsonian American Art Museum to the Linked Data Cloud. Szekely, P.; Knoblock, C. A.; Yang, F.; Zhu, X.; Fink, E.; Allen, R.; and Goodlander, G. International Journal of Humanities and Art Computing (IJHAC), 8: 152-166. 2014.
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Publishing the Data of the Smithsonian American Art Museum to the Linked Data Cloud. Szekely, P.; Knoblock, C. A; Yang, F.; Fink, E. E; Gupta, S.; Allen, R.; and Goodlander, G. International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing, 8(supplement): 152–166. 2014.
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Real-time magnetic resonance imaging and electromagnetic articulography database for speech production research (TC). Narayanan, S. S.; Toutios, A.; Ramanarayanan, V.; Lammert, A.; Kim, J.; Lee, S.; Nayak, K. S.; Kim, Y.; Zhu, Y.; Goldstein, L.; Byrd, D.; Bresch, E.; Ghosh, P. K.; Katsamanis, A.; and Proctor, M. I. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 136(3): 1307-1311. Sep 2014.
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Replication of Associations Between GWAS SNPs and Melanoma Risk in the Population Architecture Using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) Study. Kocarnik, J. M A. P.; S Lani AND Han, J. A. D.; Logan AND Cheng, I. A. W.; Lynne R AND Schumacher, F. R A. K.; Laurence AND Carlson, C. S A. C.; Dana C AND Goodloe, R. J A. D.; Holli AND Baker, P. A. R.; Danielle AND Ambite, J. L. A. S.; Fengju AND Quresh, A. A A. Z.; Mingfeng AND Duggan, D. A. H.; Carolyn AND Hindorff, L. A A. B.; William S AND Kooperberg, C. A. L. M.; and Loic AND Peters, U. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 134(7): 2049–52. 2014. doi: 10.1038/jid.2014.53
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Rethinking Centrality: The Role of Dynamical Processes in Social Network Analysis. Ghosh, R.; and Lerman, K. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, 19(5): 1355 – 1372. July 2014.
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Robust Ramsey sequences with Raman adiabatic rapid passage. Kotru, K.; Brown, J. M; Butts, D. L; Kinast, J. M; and Stoner, R. E Physical Review A, 90(5): 053611. 2014.
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Robust Unsupervised Arousal Rating: A rule-based framework with knowledge-inspired vocal features. Bone, D.; Lee, C.; and Narayanan, S. S. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 5(1): 201-213. Apr 2014.
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Robust object classification in underwater sidescan sonar images by using reliability aware fusion of shadow features. Kumar, N.; Mitra, U.; and Narayanan, S. S. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering. 2014.
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SAIL: Sentiment Analysis using Semantic Similarity and Contrast Features. Malandrakis, N.; Falcone, M.; Vaz, C.; Bisogni, J.; Potamianos, A.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of SemEval 2014, Aug 2014.
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SENSS: Software Defined Security Service. Yu, M.; Zhang, Y.; Mirkovic, J.; and Alwabel, A. In Open Networking Summit (ONS 2014), 2014.
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Safe and automated live malware experimentation on public testbeds. Alwabel, A.; Shi, H.; Bartlett, G.; and Mirkovic, J. In 7th Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test (CSET 14), 2014.
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Scheduling in data center networks with optical traffic grooming. Sankaran, G. C; and Sivalingam, K. M In 2014 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Cloud Networking (CloudNet), pages 179–184, 2014. IEEE
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Schema matching over relations, attributes, and data values. Tian, A.; Kejriwal, M.; and Miranker, D. P. In Jensen, C. S.; Lu, H.; Pedersen, T. B.; Thomsen, C.; and Torp, K., editor(s), Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, SSDBM '14, Aalborg, Denmark, June 30 - July 02, 2014, pages 28:1–28:12, 2014. ACM
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Selection of optimal vocal tract regions using real-time magnetic resonance imaging for robust voice activity detection. Prasad, A.; Ghosh, P. K.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Sep 2014.
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Semi-supervised term-weighted value rescoring for keyword search. Audhkhasi, K.; Sethy, A.; Ramabhadran, B.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2014.
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Solid state electrochemical alkali sources for cold atom sensing. Bernstein, J.; Whale, A.; Brown, J. D; Johnson, C.; Cook, E.; Calvez, L.; Zhang, X.; and Martin, S. W In Solid State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop, 2014.
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Stochastic Contextual Edit Distance and Probabilistic FSTs. Cotterell, R.; Peng, N.; and Eisner, J. In Proceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, 2014.
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T-DNS: Connection-Oriented DNS to Improve Privacy and Security. Zhu, L.; Hu, Z.; Heidemann, J.; Wessels, D.; Mankin, A.; and Somaiya, N. Technical Report ISI-TR-2014-688, USC/Information Sciences Institute, February 2014. This technical report has been superceeded by ISI-TR-2014-693
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T-DNS: Connection-Oriented DNS to Improve Privacy and Security. Heidemann, J. Presentation at the Spring DNS-OARC Meeting, May 2014. This talk is about the technical report ISI-TR-2014-688, joint work with Liang Zhu, Zi Hu, duane Wessels, Allison Mankin, and Nikita Somaiya
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T-DNS: Connection-Oriented DNS to Improve Privacy and Security (extended). Zhu, L.; Hu, Z.; Heidemann, J.; Wessels, D.; Mankin, A.; and Somaiya, N. Technical Report ISI-TR-2014-693, USC/Information Sciences Institute, June 2014.
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T-DNS: Connection-Oriented DNS to Improve Privacy and Security (poster abstract). Zhu, L.; Hu, Z.; Heidemann, J.; Mankin, A.; and Wessels, D. Poster at SIGCOMM 2014, August 2014.
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Ten Simple Rules for the Care and Feeding of Scientific Data. Goodman, A.; Pepe, A.; Blocker, A. W.; Borgman, C. L.; Cranmer, K.; Crosas, M.; Stefano, R. D.; Gil, Y.; Groth, P.; Hedstrom, M. L.; Hogg, D. W.; Kashyap, V. L.; Mahabal, A.; Siemiginowska, A.; and Slavkovic, A. B. PLoS Comput. Biol., 10(4). 2014.
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The Interplay Between Dynamics and Networks: Centrality, Communities, and Cheeger Inequality. Ghosh, R.; Lerman, K.; Teng, S.; and Yan, X. In Proceedings of the 20th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD'2014), 2014.
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The Psychologist as an Interlocutor in Autism Spectrum Disorder Assessment: Insights from a Study of Spontaneous Prosody. Bone, D.; Black, M. P.; Lee, C.; Williams, M.; Levitt, P.; Lee, S.; and Narayanan, S. S. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 57: 1162-1177. Aug 2014.
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The Research Object Suite of Ontologies: Sharing and Exchanging Research Data and Methods on the Open Web. Belhajjame, K.; Zhao, J.; Garijo, D.; Hettne, K. M.; Palma, R.; Corcho, Ó.; Manuél Gómez-Pérez, J.; Bechhofer, S.; Klyne, G.; and Goble, C. A., 2014.
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The Simple Rules of Social Contagion. Hodas, N. O.; and Lerman, K. Scientific Reports, 4. 2014.
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Theoretical Analysis of Diversity in an Ensemble of Automatic Speech Recognition Systems. Audhkhasi, K.; Zavou, A.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 22(3). 2014.
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Tripartite Graph Clustering for Dynamic Sentiment Analysis on Social Media. Zhu, L.; Galstyan, A.; Cheng, J.; and Lerman, K. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD/PODS, 2014.
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Understanding Stylistic Coordination in Dialogues. Gao, S.; Ver Steeg, G.; and Galstyan, A. In (submitted), 2014.
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Understanding confounding effects in linguistic coordination: an information-theoretic approach. Gao, S.; Ver Steeg, G.; and Galstyan, A. arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.0696. 2014.
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Unsupervised Speaker Diarization Using Riemannian Manifold Clustering. Huang, C. W.; Xiao, B.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Sep 2014.
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User Requirements for Geospatial Provenance. Garijo, D.; Gil, Y.; and Harth, A. 2014. Provenance Analytics, co-located with the Fifth International Provenance and Annotation Workshop (IPAW)
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Workflow Reuse in Practice: A Study of Neuroimaging Pipeline Users. Garijo, D.; Corcho, Ó.; Gil, Y.; Braskie, M. N.; Hibar, D. P.; Hua, X.; Jahanshad, N.; Thompson, P. M.; and Toga, A. W. In 10th IEEE International Conference on e-Science, eScience 2014, Sao Paulo, Brazil, October 20-24, 2014, pages 239–246, 2014. IEEE Computer Society
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A Case Study into Using Common Real-Time Workflow Monitoring Infrastructure for Scientific Workflows. Vahi, K.; Harvey, I.; Samak, T.; Gunter, D.; Evans, K.; Rogers, D.; Taylor, I.; Goode, M.; Silva, F.; Al-Shakarchi, E.; Mehta, G.; and andrew Jones, E. D. Journal of Grid Computing, 11(3): 381-406. 2013. Funding Acknowledgements: NSF grant OCI-0943705
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A General Approach for Extracting Road Vector Data from Raster Maps. Chiang, Y.; and Knoblock, C. A. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, 16(1): 55-81. 2013.
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A Globally-Variant Locally-Constant Model for Fusion of Labels from Multiple Diverse Experts Without Using Reference Labels. Audhkhasi, K.; and Narayanan, S. S. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 35(4): 769-783. Apr 2013.
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A Graph-based Approach to Learn Semantic Descriptions of Data Sources. Taheriyan, M.; Knoblock, C. A.; Szekely, P.; and Ambite, J. L. In Proceedings of the 12th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2013), 2013.
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A Holistic Framework for Bridging Regional Threats to User QoE. Cai, X.; Heidemann, J.; and Willinger, W. Technical Report ISI-TR-2013-687, USC/Information Sciences Institute, December 2013.
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A Neuroinformatics of Brain Modeling and Its Implementation in the Brain Operation Database BODB. Arbib, M. A; Plangprasopchok, A.; Bonaiuto, J.; and Schuler, R. E Neuroinformatics, 12(1). November 2013.
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A Primer for the PROV Provenance Model. Gil, Y.; Miles, S.; Belhajjame, K.; Deus, H.; Garijo, D.; Klyne, G.; Missier, P.; Soiland-Reyes, S.; and Zednik, S. 2013. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
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A Semantic Approach to Retrieving, Linking, and Integrating Heterogeneous Geospatial Data. Zhang, Y.; Chiang, Y.; Szekely, P.; and Knoblock, C. A. In Proceedings of the 2013 IJCAI Workshop on Semantic Cities, 2013.
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A Study on the Effect of prosodic emphasis on overall speech translation quality. Tsiartas, A.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2013.
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A clock directly linking time to a particle's mass. Lan, S.; Kuan, P.; Estey, B.; English, D.; Brown, J. M; Hohensee, M. A; and Müller, H. Science, 339(6119): 554–557. 2013.
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A market for satellite cellularization: a first look at the implementation and potential impact of satlets. Barnhart, D.; Hill, L.; Fowler, E.; Hunter, R.; Hoag, L.; Sullivan, B.; and Will, P. In Proceedings of AIAA Space 2013Conference and Exposition. Washington DC: AIAA, pages 2579–2589, January 2013.
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A practical characterization of a NASA SpaceCube application through fault emulation and laser testing. Walters, J. P.; Zick, K. M; and French, M. In 2013 43rd Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN), pages 1–8, 2013. IEEE
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A robust frontend for ASR: combining denoising, noise masking and feature normalization. Van Segbroeck, M.; and Narayanan, S. S. In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2013.
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A two-step technique for MRI audio enhancement using dictionary learning and wavelet packet analysis. Vaz, C.; Ramanarayanan, V.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Aug 2013.
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A workflow PROV-corpus based on taverna and wings. Belhajjame, K.; Zhao, J.; Garijo, D.; Garrido, A.; Soiland-Reyes, S.; Alper, P.; and Corcho, O. In Proceedings of the Joint EDBT/ICDT 2013 Workshops, pages 331–332, 2013. ACM
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ASSESSMENT OF A CHILDS ENGAGEMENT USING SEQUENCE MODEL BASED FEATURES. Gupta, R.; Lee, C.; Lee, S.; and Narayanan, S. Workshop on Affective social speech signals, Grenoble. 2013.
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Accelerating Real-Time LIDAR Data Processing Using GPUs. Venugopalan, V.; and Kannan, S. In IEEE 56th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), pages 1168-1171, August 2013.
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Acoustic-Prosodic, Turn-taking, and Language Cues in Child-Psychologist Interactions for Varying Social Demand. Bone, D.; Lee, C.; Chaspari, T.; Black, M. P.; Williams, M.; Lee, S.; Levitt, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, pages 2400-2404, Aug 2013.
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Activation Cascades in Structured Populations. Galstyan, A. In Handbook of Human Computation, pages 779–789. Springer, New York, NY, 2013.
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Active Probing of Edge Networks: Hurricane Sandy and Beyond. Heidemann, J. Talk given at FCC Workshop on Network Resiliency, February 2013.
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Active Probing of Edge Networks: Outages During Hurricane Sandy. Heidemann, J. Talk given at NANOG57 as part of panel hosted by James Cowie, February 2013.
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An Audio-Visual Approach To Learning Salient Behaviors In Couples Problem Solving Discussions. Gibson, J.; Xiao, B.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), Jul 2013.
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An Investigation of Articulatory Setting Using Real-time Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Ramanarayanan, V.; Goldstein, L.; Byrd, D.; and Narayanan, S. S. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 134(1): 510-519. Jul 2013.
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An Overview on Perceptually Motivated Audio Indexing and Classification. Richard, G.; Sundaram, S.; and Narayanan, S. S. Proceedings of IEEE, 101(9): 1939 - 1954. Sep 2013.
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An Unsupervised Algorithm for Learning Blocking Schemes. Kejriwal, M.; and Miranker, D. P. In Xiong, H.; Karypis, G.; Thuraisingham, B. M.; Cook, D. J.; and Wu, X., editor(s), 2013 IEEE 13th International Conference on Data Mining, Dallas, TX, USA, December 7-10, 2013, pages 340–349, 2013. IEEE Computer Society
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An initial analysis of semantic wikis. Gil, Y.; Knight, A.; Zhang, K.; Zhang, L.; and Sethi, R. J. In Kim, J.; Nichols, J.; and Szekely, P. A., editor(s), 18th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI '13, Santa Monica, CA, USA, March 19-22, 2013, Companion Volume, pages 109–110, 2013. ACM
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Analyzing Eye-Voice Coordination in Rapid Automatized Naming. Bone, D.; Lee, C.; Ramanarayanan, V.; Narayanan, S. S.; Hoedemaker, R. S.; and Gordon, P. C. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, pages 2425-2429, Aug 2013.
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Analyzing the structure of parent-moderated narratives from children with ASD using an entity-based approach. Chaspari, T.; Mower Provost, E.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Aug 2013.
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Annotation And Classification Of Political Advertisements. Kim, S.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Aug 2013.
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Annotation and Processing of Continuous Emotional Attributes: Challenges and Opportunities. Metallinou, A.; and Narayanan, S. S. In 2nd International Workshop on Emotion Representation, Analysis and Synthesis in Continuous Time and Space (EmoSPACE 2013), Apr 2013.
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Apparatus and method for sharing a generic configuration across a group of network devices. Sankaran, G. C October~8 2013. US Patent 8,799,427
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Articulatory Synthesis of French Connected Speech from EMA Data. Toutios, A.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Aug 2013.
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Articulatory settings facilitate mechanically advantageous motor control of vocal tract articulators. Ramanarayanan, V.; Lammert, A.; Goldstein, L.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Aug 2013.
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Association of the FTO obesity risk variant rs8050136 with percentage of energy intake from fat in multiple racial/ethnic populations: the PAGE study. Park, S. L.; Cheng, I.; Pendergrass, S. A.; Kucharska-Newton, A. M.; Lim, U.; Ambite, J. L.; Caberto, C. P.; Monroe, K. R.; Schumacher, F.; Hindorff, L. A.; Oetjens, M. T.; Wilson, S.; Goodloe, R. J.; Love, S.; Henderson, B. E.; Kolonel, L. N.; Haiman, C. A.; Crawford, D. C.; North, K. E.; Heiss, G.; Ritchie, M. D.; Wilkens, L. R.; and Le Marchand, L. American journal of epidemiology, 178: 780–790. September 2013.
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Attention and Visibility in an Information Rich World. Hodas, N. O.; and Lerman, K. In Proceedings of the 2nd International ICME Workshop on Social Multimedia Research, 2013.
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Automatic Classification of Palatal and Pharyngeal Wall Shape Categories from Speech Acoustics and Inverted Articulatory Signals. Li, M.; Lammert, A.; Kim, J.; Ghosh, P. K.; and Narayanan, S. S. In ISCA Workshop on Speech Production in Automatic Speech Recognition (SPASR), Aug 2013.
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Automatic Speaker Age and Gender Recognition Using Acoustic and Prosodic Level Information Fusion. Li, M.; Han, K. J.; and Narayanan, S. S. Computer, Speech, and Language, 27(1): 151-167. Jan 2013.
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Balanced Task Clustering in Scientific Workflows. Chen, W.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Deelman, E.; and Sakellariou, R. In 9th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (eScience 2013), 2013. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF IIS-0905032 and NSF FutureGrid 0910812
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Behavioral Signal Processing: Deriving Human Behavioral Informatics from Speech and Language. Narayanan, S. S.; and Georgiou, P. Proceedings of IEEE, 101(5): 1203-1233. May 2013.
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Bringing Scientific Workflow to the Masses via Pegasus and HUBzero. McLennan, M.; Clark, S.; McKenna, F.; Deelman, E.; Rynge, M.; Vahi, K.; Kearney, D.; and Song, C. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Science Gateways, 2013. Funding Acknowledgements: NSF grants CBET-0941302, CMMI-0927178, OCI-1148515, and OCI-0943705
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Capturing Data Analysis Expertise with Visualization in Workflows. Kale, D.; Di, S.; Liu, Y.; and Gil, Y. In AAAI Fall Symposium on Discovery Informatics: AI Takes a Science-Centered View on Big Data, Arlington, Virginia, 2013.
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Characterizing and Profiling Scientific Workflows. Juve, G.; Chervenak, A.; Deelman, E.; Bharathi, S.; Mehta, G.; and Vahi, K. Future Generation Computer Systems, 29(3): 682-692. March 2013.
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Classifying Language-Related Developmental Disorders from Speech Cues: the Promise and the Potential Confounds. Bone, D.; Chaspari, T.; Audhkhasi, K.; Gibson, J.; Tsiartas, A.; Van Segbroeck, M.; Li, M.; Lee, S.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Aug 2013.
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Coarse graining can beat the rotating-wave approximation in quantum Markovian master equations. Majenz, C.; Albash, T.; Breuer, H.; and Lidar, D. A. Phys. Rev. A, 88: 012103. Jul 2013.
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Coevolutionary networks of reinforcement-learning agents. Kianercy, A.; and Galstyan, A. Physical Review E, 88(1): 012815. 2013.
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Common motifs in scientific workflows: An empirical analysis. Garijo, D.; Alper, P.; Belhajjame, K.; Corcho, O.; Gil, Y.; and Goble, C. Future Generation Computer Systems. 2013.
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Comparing FutureGrid, Amazon EC2, and Open Science Grid for Scientific Workflows. Juve, G.; Rynge, M.; Deelman, E.; Vöckler, J.; and Berriman, G. B. Computing in Science and Engineering, 15(4): 20-29. 2013. Funding: NSF OCI-0943725 and OCI-0910812, Amazon Web Services Educational Grant).
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Connecting the Smithsonian American Art Museum to the Linked Data Cloud. Szekely, P.; Knoblock, C. A.; Yang, F.; Zhu, X.; Fink, E.; Allen, R.; and Goodlander, G. In Proceedings of the 10th Extended Semantic Web Conference, Montpellier, May 2013. Awarded Best In-Use Paper at ESWC 2013
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Continuous strategy replicator dynamics for multi-agent q-learning. Galstyan, A. Autonomous agents and multi-agent systems, 26(1): 37–53. 2013.
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Coupled hidden markov models for user activity in social networks. Raghavan, V.; Ver Steeg, G.; Galstyan, A.; and Tartakovsky, A. G In 2013 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops (ICMEW), pages 1–6, 2013. IEEE
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DARPA phoenix payload orbital delivery system (PODs):"FedEx to GEO". Sullivan, B.; Barnhart, D.; Hill, L.; Oppenheimer, P.; Benedict, B. L; Van Ommering, G.; Chappell, L.; Ratti, J.; and Will, P. In AIAA SPACE 2013 conference and exposition, pages 5484, 2013.
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DRAGO: Detecting, Quantifying and Locating Hidden Routers in Traceroute IP Paths. Marchetta, P.; and Pescapé, A. In Proceedings of the 16thIEEE Global Internet Symposium, pages to appear, Turin, Italy, April 2013. IEEE
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DeepPurple: Lexical, String and Affective Feature Fusion for Sentence-Level Semantic Similarity Estimation. Malandrakis, N.; Elias, I.; Prokopi, V.; Potamianos, A.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Second Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM), Volume 1: Proceedings of the Main Conference and the Shared Task: Semantic Textual Similarity, pages 103-108, Jun 2013. Association for Computational Linguistics
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Demystifying information-theoretic clustering. Ver Steeg, G.; Galstyan, A.; Sha, F.; and DeDeo, S. In ICML, 2013.
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Detecting Third-party Addresses in Traceroute Traces with IP Timestamp Option. Marchetta, P.; de Donato, W.; and Pescapé, A. In Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Workshop, Hong Kong, China, March 2013. Springer
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Detecting common scientific workflow fragments using templates and execution provenance. Garijo, D.; Corcho, Ó.; and Gil, Y. In Benjamins, V. R.; d'Aquin , M.; and Gordon, A., editor(s), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Knowledge Capture, K-CAP 2013, Banff, Canada, June 23-26, 2013, pages 33–40, 2013. ACM
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Discovering Alignments in Ontologies of Linked Data. Parundekar, R.; Knoblock, C. A.; and Ambite, J. L. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2013.
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Distributional Semantic Models for Affective Text Analysis. Malandrakis, N.; Potamianos, A.; Elias, I.; and Narayanan, S. S. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 21(11): 2379-2392. Nov 2013.
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Don’t Trust Traceroute (Completely). Marchetta, P.; Persico, V.; Pescapé, A.; and Katz-Bassett, E. In Proceedings of the ACM CoNEXT Student Workshop, pages 5–8, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, December 2013. ACM
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Dublin Core to PROV Mapping. Garijo, D.; and Eckert, K. Technical Report W3C, April 2013.
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Empirical link between hypothesis diversity and fusion performance in an ensemble of automatic speech recognition systems. Audhkhasi, K.; Zavou, A.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Aug 2013.
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Enabling Effective Design of Multimodal Interfaces for Speech-to-Speech Translation System: An Empirical Study of Longitudinal User Behaviors over Time and User Strategies for Coping with Errors. Shin, J.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. Computer, Speech, and Language, 27(2): 554-571. Feb 2013.
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Energy-Constrained Provisioning for Scientific Workflow Ensembles. Pietri, I.; Malawski, M.; Juve, G.; Deelman, E.; Nabrzyski, J.; and Sakellariou, R. In IEEE International Conference on Cloud and Green Computing (CGC13), 2013.
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Enriching machine-mediated speech-to-speech translation using contextual information. Sridhar, V. K. R.; Bangalore, S.; and Narayanan, S. S. Computer, Speech, and Language, 27(2): 492-508. Feb 2013.
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Evaluating Anycast in the Domain Name System. Heidemann, J. Presentation at DNS-OARC Meeting, May 2013.
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Evaluating Anycast in the Domain Name System. Fan, X.; Heidemann, J.; and Govindan, R. In Proceedings of the IEEE Infocom, pages 1681–1689, Turin, Italy, April 2013. IEEE
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Evaluating I/O Aware Network Management for Scientific Workflows on Networked Clouds. Mandal, A.; Ruth, P.; Baldin, I.; Xin, Y.; Castillo, C.; Rynge, M.; and Deelman, E. In The 3rd International Workshop on Network-aware Data Management, in conjunction with SC13, 2013. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF CC-NIE ADAMANT project (NSF ACI 1245926), DoE DROPS project (ASCR DE-SC0005286), DoE SciDAC SUPER project (DE-FG02-11ER26050/DE-SC0006925), NSF SDCI Missing Link project (NSF ACI 1032573), and the NSF GENI project (GENI Project Office Award #1872)
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Evaluation of swallow function post tongue cancer treatment using real-time MRI: A pilot study. Zu, Y.; Narayanan, S. S.; Kim, Y.; Nayak, K. S.; Bronson-Lowe, C.; Villegas, B.; Ouyoung, M.; and Sinha, U. JAMA Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery, 139(12): 1312-1319. Dec 2013.
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Evidence for shared genetic loci between body mass index and menarche timing among 5,357 Hispanic/Latina women in the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology Study. Franceschini, L. F. A. C. C. A. C. K. A. U. P. A. T. M. A. J. L. A. A. E. D. A. J. D. A. M. G. A. N. P. A. E. R. A. L. H. A. M. D. A. R. K. A. S. C. A. G. H. A. U. L. A. C. H. A. L. L. M. A. K. E. N. A. N. In 63nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG), Boston, MA, 2013. Abstract + Poster
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Experimental signature of programmable quantum annealing. Boixo, S.; Albash, T.; Spedalieri, F. M; Chancellor, N.; and Lidar, D. A Nature communications, 4(1): 1–8. 2013.
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Explaining Away Stylistic Coordination . Gao, S.; Ver Steeg, G.; and Galstyan, A. In WIN Workshop, New York, 2013.
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Extended Abstract: Large-Scale Knowledge Graph Identification using PSL. Pujara, J.; Miao, H.; Getoor, L.; and Cohen, W. W. In AAAI Fall Symposium on Semantics for Big Data, 2013.
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Extended scaled neural predictor for improved branch prediction. Zhou, Z.; Kejriwal, M.; and Miikkulainen, R. In The 2013 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 2013, Dallas, TX, USA, August 4-9, 2013, pages 1–7, 2013. IEEE
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Faster 3D Vocal Tract Real-time MRI Using Constrained Reconstruction. Zhu, Y.; Toutios, A.; Narayanan, S. S.; and Nayak, K. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Aug 2013.
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First Principles Selection of Social Media Visualizations. Szekely, P. Technical Report INFERLINK CORP EL SEGUNDO CA, 2013.
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Flexible Dynamic Phantoms for Evaluating MRI Data Sampling and Reconstruction Methods. Zhu, Y.; Narayanan, S. S.; and Nayak, K. S. In Proc. ISMRM Workshop on Data Sampling and Image Reconstruction, Feb 2013.
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Fuzzy Logic Models for the Meaning of Emotion Words. Kazemzadeh, A.; Lee, S.; and Narayanan, S. S. IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 8(2): 34-49. May 2013.
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GPU Accelerated Iterative Physical Optics to Predict RF Propagation in Urban Environments. Tokgoz, C.; and Venugopalan, V. In IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium (APSURSI), pages 1878-1879, July 2013.
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Genetic variants associated with C-reactive protein in African Americans: a MetaboChip analysis in the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) study. Peters, J. M. K. A. C. L. C. A. A. R. A. C. L. A. A. C. M. B. A. J. H. A. A. L. A. A. Y. A. T. L. A. A. M. B. A. W. T. A. L. G. B. A. J. L. A. A. I. C. A. L. A. H. A. G. H. A. C. A. H. A. C. L. K. A. L. L. M. A. U. In 63nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG), Boston, MA, 2013. Abstract + Poster
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Genetic variants associated with fasting glucose and insulin concentrations in an ethnically diverse population: results from the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) study. Fesinmeyer, M.; Meigs, J.; North, K.; Schumacher, F.; Buzkova, P.; Franceschini, N.; Haessler, J.; Goodloe, R.; Spencer, K.; Voruganti, V.; Howard, B.; Jackson, R.; Kolonel, L.; Liu, S.; Manson, J.; Monroe, K.; Mukamal, K.; Dilks, H.; Pendergrass, S.; Nato, A.; Wan, P.; Wilkens, L.; Marchand, L.; Ambite, J. L.; Buyske, S.; Florez, J.; Crawford, D.; Hindorff, L.; Haiman, C.; Peters, U.; and Pankow, J. BMC Medical Genetics, 14(1): 98. 2013.
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Global Model for Failure Prediction for Rod Pump Artificial Lift Systems. Liu, Y.; Yao, K.; Raghavendra, C. S.; Wu, A.; Guo, D.; Zheng, J.; Olabinjo, L.; Balogun, O.; and Ershaghi, I. In SPE Western Regional Conference, 2013. Society of Petroleum Engineers
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Hardware acceleration of TEA and XTEA algorithms on FPGA, GPU and multi-core processors. Venugopalan, V.; and Shila, D. In Proceedings of the ACM/SIGDA International Symposium on Field Programmable Gate Arrays, of FPGA 13, pages 270-270, New York, NY, USA, February 2013. ACM
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Head motion synchrony and its correlation to affectivity in dyadic interactions. Xiao, B.; Georgiou, P.; Baucom, B.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), Jul 2013.
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Hidden Markov models for the activity profile of terrorist groups. Raghavan, V.; Galstyan, A.; and Tartakovsky, A. G The Annals of Applied Statistics,2402–2430. 2013.
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High Throughput Implementations of Cryptography Algorithms on GPU and FPGA. Venugopalan, V.; and Shila, D. In IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), pages 723-727, May 2013.
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High-quality bilingual subtitle document alignments with application to spontaneous speech translation. Tsiartas, A.; Ghosh, P. K.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. Computer, Speech, and Language, 27(2): 572-591. Feb 2013.
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Histogram of Oriented Displacements (HOD): Describing Trajectories of Human Joints for Action Recognition. Gowayyed, M. A.; Torki, M.; Hussein, M. E.; and El-Saban, M. In Twenty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2013.
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Hosted Science: Managing Computational Workloads in the Cloud. Deelman, E.; Juve, G.; Malawski, M.; and Nabrzyski, J. Parallel Processing Letters, 23(2). June 2013. Funding: NSF OCI-0943725 and OCI-1148515
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Human Action Recognition Using a Temporal Hierarchy of Covariance Descriptors on 3D Joint Locations. Hussein, M. E.; Torki, M.; Gowayyed, M. A.; and El-Saban, M. In Twenty-Third International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2013.
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Identifying Transformative Scientific Research. Huang, Y.; Hsu, C.; and Lerman, K. In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 2013.
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Imbalance Optimization in Scientific Workflows. Chen, W.; Deelman, E.; and Sakellariou, R. In International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS 2013), 2013. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF IIS-0905032 and NSF FutureGrid 0910812
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Implementation of Kernels on the Maestro Processor. Suh, J.; Kang, D.; and Crago, S. P. In IEEE Aerospace Conference, pages 1-6, March 2013.
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Implementing high-performance, low-power FPGA-based optical flow accelerators in C. Monson, J.; Wirthlin, M.; and Hutchings, B. L In Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors (ASAP), 2013 IEEE 24th International Conference on, pages 363–369, 2013. IEEE
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Improving compute node performance using virtualization. Kocoloski, B.; and Lange, J. The International journal of high performance computing applications, 27(2): 124–135. 2013.
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In quest of benchmarking security risks to cyber-physical systems. Amin, S.; Schwartz, G. A; and Hussain, A. IEEE Network, 27(1): 19–24. 2013.
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Information Theoretic Acoustic Feature Selection for Acoustic-to-Articulatory Inversion. Ghosh, P. K.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, pages 3177-3181, Aug 2013.
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Information-Theoretic Measures of Influence Based on Content Dynamics. Ver Steeg, G.; and Galstyan, A. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM), 2013. ACM
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Intelligent Assistance to Disseminate Best Practices and Accelerate Discoveries in Cancer Omics. Gil, Y.; Mason, C. E.; Zheng, C.; and McWeeney, S. 2013. 2013 NCI EDRN Cancer Biomarkers Bioinformatics Workshop, Pasadena, CA
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Internet Visualization. Heidemann, J.; and Willinger, W. Computing, 96(1): 1–2. 2013. (Editorial discussing the First ACM Workshop on Internet Visualization)
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Introducing PRECIP: An API for Managing Repeatable Experiments in the Cloud. Azarnoosh, S.; Rynge, M.; Juve, G.; Nieć, E. D. M.; Malawski, M.; and Ferreira da Silva, R. In Workshop on Cloud Computing for Research Collaborations (CRC), 2013. Funding Acknowledgments: National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0910812 and AWS Educational Grant
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Investigation of gene-by-sex interactions for lipid traits in diverse populations from the population architecture using genomics and epidemiology study. Taylor, K.; Carty, C.; Dumitrescu, L.; Buzkova, P.; Cole, S.; Hindorff, L.; Schumacher, F.; Wilkens, L.; Shohet, R.; Quibrera, P; Johnson, K.; Henderson, B.; Haessler, J.; Franceschini, N.; Eaton, C.; Duggan, D.; Cochran, B.; Cheng, I.; Carlson, C.; Brown-Gentry, K.; Anderson, G.; Ambite, J. L.; Haiman, C.; Le Marchand, L.; Kooperberg, C.; Crawford, D.; Buyske, S.; North, K.; Fornage, M.; and for the PAGE Study BMC Genetics, 14(1): 33. 2013.
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Joint Judgments with a Budget: Strategies for Reducing the Cost of Inference. Pujara, J.; Miao, H.; and Getoor, L. In Workshop on Machine Learning with Test-Time Budgets, 2013. ICML
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Joint Training of Interpolated Exponential N-gram Models. Sethy, A.; Chen, S.; Arisoy, E.; Ramabhadran, B.; Audhkhasi, K.; Narayanan, S. S.; and Vozila, P. In Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding, pages 25-30, Dec 2013.
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Knowledge Graph Identification. Pujara, J.; Miao, H.; Getoor, L.; and Cohen, W. W. In International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), 2013. \textbfWinner of Best Student Paper award
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Knowledge capture in the wild: a perspective from semantic wiki communities. Gil, Y.; and Ratnakar, V. In Benjamins, V. R.; d'Aquin , M.; and Gordon, A., editor(s), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Knowledge Capture, K-CAP 2013, Banff, Canada, June 23-26, 2013, pages 49–56, 2013. ACM
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LA-LDA: A Limited Attention Model for Social Recommendation. Kang, J.; Lerman, K.; and Getoor, L. In International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling, and Prediction (SBP), 2013. (Terry Lyons Memorial Award for Best Student Paper)
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Large-Scale Knowledge Graph Identification using PSL. Pujara, J.; Miao, H.; Getoor, L.; and Cohen, W. W. In Workshop on Structured Learning, 2013. ICML
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Large-scale multimedia content analysis using scientific workflows. Sethi, R. J.; Gil, Y.; Jo, H.; and Philpot, A. In Jaimes, A.; Sebe, N.; Boujemaa, N.; Gatica-Perez, D.; Shamma, D. A.; Worring, M.; and Zimmermann, R., editor(s), ACM Multimedia Conference, MM '13, Barcelona, Spain, October 21-25, 2013, pages 813–822, 2013. ACM
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Limited Attention and Centrality in Social Networks. Lerman, K.; Jain, P.; Ghosh, R.; Kang, J.; and Kumaraguru, P. In Proceedings of International Conference on Social Intelligence and Technology (SOCIETY), 2013.
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Long-term Data Collection and Analysis of Outages at the Edge. Heidemann, J. Talk given at CAIDA Workshop on Active Internet Measurement Systems, February 2013.
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Managing Uncertainty in Developing Cognitive Electronic Warfare Strategies. M. Qian, A. W.; and M. French, P. M. Technical Report University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute, 2013.
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Mapping Semantic Workflows to Alternative Workflow Execution Engines. Gil, Y. In 2013 IEEE Seventh International Conference on Semantic Computing, Irvine, CA, USA, September 16-18, 2013, pages 377–382, 2013. IEEE Computer Society
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Method and system for network management using wire tapping. Sankaran, G. C.; and Venkat, B. January~8 2013. US Patent 8,352,590
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Model Evaluation Using the NASA Regional Climate Model Evaluation System (RCMES). Mattmann, C. A.; Waliser, D.; Kim, J.; Ramirez, P.; Goodale, C.; Hart, A. F.; Loikith, P.; Lee, H.; Joyce, M.; Boustani, M.; Khudikyan, S.; Whitehall, K.; Whittell, J.; Zimdars, P.; Crichton, D.; Gil, Y.; and Cinquini, L. 2013. IEEE Earthzine
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Modeling Therapist Empathy and Vocal Entrainment in Drug Addiction Counseling. Xiao, B.; Georgiou, P.; Imel, Z. E.; Atkins, D.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, pages 2861-2865, Aug 2013.
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Models of Translation Competitions. Hopkins, M.; and May, J. In Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), pages 1416–1424, Sofia, Bulgaria, August 2013. Association for Computational Linguistics
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Morphological Variation in the Adult Hard Palate and Posterior Pharyngeal Wall. Lammert, A.; Proctor, M. I.; and Narayanan, S. S. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 56(2): 521-530. Apr 2013.
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Multi-band long-term signal variability features for robust voice activity detection. Tsiartas, A.; Chaspari, T.; Katsamanis, A.; Ghosh, P. K.; Li, M.; Van Segbroeck, M.; Potamianos, A.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Aug 2013.
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Network Flows and the Link Prediction Problem. Narang, K.; Lerman, K.; and Kumaraguru, P. In Proceedings of KDD workshop on Social Network Analysis (SNA-KDD), 2013.
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Network Level Performance Evaluation of Complex Networks under Electronic Warfare Attack. M. French, M. Q.; and A. Wood, P. M. Technical Report University of Southern California, Information Sciences Institute, 2013.
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No evidence of interaction between known lipid-associated genetic variants and smoking in the multi-ethnic PAGE population. Dumitrescu, L.; Carty, C.; Franceschini, N.; Hindorff, L.; Cole, S.; BBuzkova, P.; Schumacher, F.; Eaton, C.; Goodloe, R.; Duggan, D.; Haessler, J.; Cochran, B.; Henderson, B.; Cheng, I.; Johnson, K.; Carlson, C.; Love, S.; Brown-Gentry, K.; Nato, A.; Quibrera, M.; Shohet, R.; Ambite, J. L.; Wilkens, L. R.; Marchand, L.; Haiman, C.; Buyske, S.; Kooperberg, C.; North, K.; Fornage, M.; and Crawford, D. Human Genetics, 132(12): 1427-1431. 2013.
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ONU buffer reduction for power efficiency in passive optical networks. Sankaran, G. C; and Sivalingam, K. M Optical Switching and Networking, 10(4): 416–429. 2013.
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On smoothing articulatory trajectories obtained from Gaussian Mixture Model based acoustic-to-articulatory inversion. Ghosh, P. K.; and Narayanan, S. S. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Express Letters, 134(2): EL258-EL264. Aug 2013.
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On specifying and sharing scientific workflow optimization results using research objects. Holl, S.; Garijo, D.; Belhajjame, K.; Zimmermann, O.; De Giovanni, R.; Obst, M.; and Goble, C. In Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science, pages 28–37, 2013. ACM
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On the nature of data-driven primitive representations of speech articulation. Ramanarayanan, V.; Van Segbroeck, M.; and Narayanan, S. S. In ISCA Workshop on Speech Production in Automatic Speech Recognition (SPASR), Aug 2013.
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On-line Genre Classification of TV Programs Using Audio Content. Kim, S.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pages 798-802, May 2013.
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On-the-fly Integration of Static and Dynamic Linked Data. Harth, A.; Knoblock, C. A; Stadtmüller, S.; Studer, R.; and Szekely, P. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data co-located with the 12th International Semantic Web Conference,1613–0073. 2013.
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On-the-fly Integration of Static and Dynamic Sources. Harth, A.; Knoblock, C.; Stadtm�ller, S.; Studer, R.; and Szekely, P. In Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Consuming Linked Data (COLD2013), 2013.
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Ontology-Aware Partitioning for Knowledge Graph Identification. Pujara, J.; Miao, H.; Getoor, L.; and Cohen, W. W. In Third Workshop on Automatic Knowledge Base Construction, 2013. CIKM
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PROV-DM: The PROV Data Model. Moreau, L.; Missier, P.; Belhajjame, K.; Far, R. B.; Cheney, J.; Coppens, S.; Cresswell, S.; Gil, Y.; Groth, P.; Klyne, G.; Lebo, T.; McCusker, J.; Miles, S.; Myers, J.; Sahoo, S.; and Tilmes, C. 2013. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
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PROV-O: The PROV ontology. Lebo, T.; Sahoo, S.; McGuinness, D.; Belhajjame, K.; Cheney, J.; Corsar, D.; Garijo, D.; Soiland-Reyes, S.; Zednik, S.; and Zhao, J. Technical Report 2013.
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Paralinguistic Mechanisms of Production in Human Beatboxing: a Real-time Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. Proctor, M. I.; Bresch, E.; Byrd, D.; Nayak, K. S.; and Narayanan, S. S. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 133(2): 1043-1054. Feb 2013.
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Paralinguistics in Speech and Language–State-of-the-Art and the Challenge. Schuller, B.; Steidl, S.; Batliner, A.; Burkhardt, F.; Devillers, L.; Muller, C.; and Narayanan, S. S. Computer, Speech, and Language, 27(1): 4-39. Jan 2013.
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Performance analysis of ONU-wavelength grouping schemes for efficient scheduling in long reach-PONs. Sivakumar, A.; Sankaran, G. C; and Sivalingam, K. M Optical Switching and Networking, 10(4): 465–474. 2013.
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PhenoExplorer: a tool to help researchers identify relevant studies and phenotypic variables in dbGaP. Ambite, J. L.; Lange, L.; Sharma, S.; Voinea, S.; Hsu, C.; and Arens, Y. In 63nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG), Boston, MA, 2013. Abstract + Poster
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Phenome-Wide Association Study (PheWAS) for Detection of Pleiotropy within the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) Network. Pendergrass, S. A. A. B.; Kristin AND Dudek, S. A. F.; Alex AND Torstenson, E. S. A. G.; Robert AND Ambite, J. L. A. A.; Christy L. AND Buyske, S. A. B.; Petra AND Deelman, E. A. F.; Megan D. AND Haiman, C. A. A. H.; Gerardo AND Hindorff, L. A. A. H.; Chu-Nan AND Jackson, R. D. A. K.; Charles AND Le Marchand, L. A. L.; Yi AND Matise, T. C. A. M.; Kristine R. AND Moreland, L. A. P.; Sungshim L. AND Reiner, A. A. W.; Robert AND Wilkens, L. R. A. C.; and Dana C. AND Ritchie, M. D. PLoS Genetics, 9(1): e1003087. 2013.
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Phoenix program status-2013. Barnhart, D.; Sullivan, B.; Hunter, R.; Bruhn, J.; Fowler, E.; Hoag, L. M; Chappie, S.; Henshaw, G.; Kelm, B. E; Kennedy, T.; and others In AIAA SPACE 2013 conference and exposition, pages 5341, September 2013.
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Pleiotropic effects of genetic risk variants for other cancers on colorectal cancer risk: PAGE, GECCO and CCFR consortia. Cheng, I.; Kocarnik, J. M; Dumitrescu, L.; Lindor, N. M; Chang-Claude, J.; Avery, C. L; Caberto, C. P; Love, S.; Slattery, M. L; Chan, A. T; Baron, J. A; Hindorff, L. A; Park, S. L.; Schumacher, F. R; Hoffmeister, M.; Kraft, P.; Butler, A. M; Duggan, D. J; Hou, L.; Carlson, C. S; Monroe, K. R; Lin, Y.; Carty, C. L; Mann, S.; Ma, J.; Giovannucci, E. L; Fuchs, C. S; Newcomb, P. A; Jenkins, M. A; Hopper, J. L; Haile, R. W; Conti, D. V; Campbell, P. T; Potter, J. D; Caan, B. J; Schoen, R. E; Hayes, R. B; Chanock, S. J; Berndt, S. I; Küry, S.; Bézieau, S.; Ambite, J. L.; Kumaraguruparan, G.; Richardson, D. M; Goodloe, R. J; Dilks, H. H; Baker, P.; Zanke, B. W; Lemire, M.; Gallinger, S.; Hsu, L.; Jiao, S.; Harrison, T. A; Seminara, D.; Haiman, C. A; Kooperberg, C.; Wilkens, L. R; Hutter, C. M; White, E.; Crawford, D. C; Heiss, G.; Hudson, T. J; Brenner, H.; Bush, W. S; Casey, G.; Le Marchand, L.; and Peters, U. Gut. 2013.
Pleiotropic effects of genetic risk variants for other cancers on colorectal cancer risk: PAGE, GECCO and CCFR consortia [link]Paper doi link bibtex
Post-Genome-Wide Association Study Challenges for Lipid Traits: Describing Age as a Modifier of Gene-Lipid Associations in the Population Architecture Using Genomics and Epidemiology PAGE Study. Dumitrescu, L.; Carty, C. L.; Franceschini, N.; Hindorff, L. A.; Cole, S. A.; Bůžková, P.; Schumacher, F. R.; Eaton, C. B.; Goodloe, R. J.; Duggan, D. J.; Haessler, J.; Cochran, B.; Henderson, B. E.; Cheng, I.; Johnson, K. C.; Carlson, C. S.; Love, S.; Brown-Gentry, K.; Nato, A. Q.; Quibrera, M.; Anderson, G.; Shohet, R. V.; Ambite, J. L.; Wilkens, L. R.; Marchand, L. L.; Haiman, C. A.; Buyske, S.; Kooperberg, C.; North, K. E.; Fornage, M.; and Crawford, D. C. Annals of Human Genetics, 77(5): 416–425. 2013.
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Poster Abstract: Towards Active Measurements of Edge Network Outages. Quan, L.; Heidemann, J.; and Pradkin, Y. In Proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Workshop, pages 276–279, Hong Kong, China, March 2013. Springer
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Proceedings of the first workshop on services and applications over linked APIs and data. Verborgh, R.; Maleshkova, M.; Stadtmüller, S.; Steiner, T.; and Szekely, P. . 2013.
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Producing an Infrared Multiwavelength Galactic Plane Atlas using Montage, Pegasus and Amazon Web Services. Rynge, M.; Juve, G.; Kinney, J.; Good, J.; Berriman, G. B.; Merrihew, A.; and Deelman, E. In 23rd Annual Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems (ADASS) Conference, 2013. Funding Acknowledgments: OCI SI2-SSI program grant #1148515
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Publishing Data from the Smithsonian American Art Museum as Linked Open Data . Knoblock, C. A.; Szekely, P.; Gupta, S.; Manglik, A.; Verborgh, R.; Yang, F.; and de Walle, R. V. In Proceedings of the ISWC 2013 Posters & Demonstrations Track, pages 129-132, 2013.
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Publishing Data from the Smithsonian American Art Museum as Linked Open Data. Knoblock, C. A; Szekely, P. A; Gupta, S.; Manglik, A.; Verborgh, R.; Yang, F.; and Van de Walle, R. In International Semantic Web Conference (Posters & Demos), pages 129–132, 2013.
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Quantifying Atypicality In Affective Facial Expressions Of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders. Metallinou, A.; Grossman, R.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Expo (ICME), Jul 2013.
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Quantifying reproducibility in computational biology: the case of the tuberculosis drugome. Garijo, D.; Kinnings, S.; Xie, L.; Xie, L.; Zhang, Y.; Bourne, P. E; and Gil, Y. PloS one, 8(11): e80278. 2013.
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Scalable Mining of Social Data using Stochastic Gradient Fisher Scoring. Kang, J.; and Lerman, K. In Proc. CIKM workshop on Data-driven User Behavioral Modelling and Mining from Social Media (DUBMOD), 2013.
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Spatial and Temporal Alignment of Multimodal Human Speech Production Data: Realtime Imaging, Flesh Point Tracking and Audio. Kim, J.; Lammert, A.; Ghosh, P. K.; and Narayanan, S. S. In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pages 3637-3641, May 2013.
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Spatio-temporal articulatory movement primitives during speech production – extraction, interpretation and validation. Ramanarayanan, V.; Goldstein, L.; and Narayanan, S. S. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 134(2): 1378-1394. Aug 2013.
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Speaker verification based on fusion of acoustic and articulatory Information. Li, M.; Kim, J.; Ghosh, P. K.; Ramanarayanan, V.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Aug 2013.
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Speaker verification using simplified and supervised i-vector modeling. Li, M.; Tsiartas, A.; Van Segbroeck, M.; and Narayanan, S. S. In International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2013.
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Spectral Clustering with Epidemic Diffusion. Smith, L. M.; Lerman, K.; Garcia-Cardona, C.; Percus, A. G.; and Ghosh, R. Physical Review E, 88(4): 042813. 2013.
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Speech paralinguistic event detection using probabilistic time-series smoothing and masking. Gupta, R.; Audhkhasi, K.; Lee, S.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Aug 2013.
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Stable articulatory tasks and their variable formation: Tamil retroflex consonants. Smith, C.; Proctor, M. I.; Iskarous, K.; Goldstein, L.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Aug 2013.
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Statistical Methods for Estimation of Direct and Differential Kinematics of the Vocal Tract. Lammert, A.; Goldstein, L.; Narayanan, S. S.; and Iskarous, K. Speech Communication, 55(1): 147-161. 2013.
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Toward Fine-Grained Online Task Characteristics Estimation in Scientific Workflows. Ferreira da Silva, R.; Juve, G.; Deelman, E.; Glatard, T.; Desprez, F.; Thain, D.; Tovar, B.; and Livny, M. In 8th Workshop On Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS), 2013. Funding Acknowledgments: DOE contract for dv/dt ER26110, EC FP7 Program under grant agreement 312579 ER-flow
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Toward automating a human behavioral coding system for married couples interactions using speech acoustic features. Black, M. P.; Katsamanis, A.; Baucom, B.; Lee, C.; Lammert, A.; Christensen, A.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. Speech Communication, 55(1): 1-21. Jan 2013.
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Towards task-centered network models through semantic workflows. Gil, Y. In Glass, K.; Colbaugh, R.; Sanfilippo, A.; Kao, A.; Gabbay, M.; Corley, C. D.; Li, J.; Khan, L.; Wynne, A.; Coote, L.; Mao, W.; Zeng, D.; and Yaghoobi, A., editor(s), 2013 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics, Seattle, WA, USA, June 4-7, 2013, pages 91–93, 2013. IEEE
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Tracking continuous emotional trends of participants during affective dyadic interactions using body language and speech information. Metallinou, A.; Katsamanis, A.; and Narayanan, S. S. Image and Vision Computing, 31(2): 137-152. Feb 2013.
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Transforming meteorological data into linked data. Atemezing, G.; Corcho, O.; Garijo, D.; Mora, J.; Poveda-Villalón, M.; Rozas, P.; Vila-Suero, D.; and Villazón-Terrazas, B. Semantic Web, 4(3): 285–290. 2013.
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Using Semantic Workflows to Disseminate Best Practices and Accelerate Discoveries in Multi-Omic Data Analysis. Gil, Y.; McWeeney, S.; and Mason, C. E. In AAAI Workshop on Expanding the Boundaries of Health Informatics using AI (HIAI), held in conjunction with the Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Bellevue, WA, 2013.
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Velic Coordination in French Nasals: a Realtime Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. Proctor, M. I.; Goldstein, L.; Lammert, A.; Byrd, D.; Toutios, A.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Aug 2013.
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A Case Study: Detecting Counselor Reflections in Psychotherapy for Addictions using Linguistic Features. Can, D.; Georgiou, P.; Atkins, D.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, pages 2254-2257, Sep 2012.
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A Flexible, Open, Decentralized System for Digital Pathology Networks. Schuler, R.; Smith, D. E; Kumaraguruparan, G.; Chervenak, A.; Lewis, A. D; Hyde, D. M; and Kesselman, C. Studies in health technology and informatics, 175: 29–38. 2012.
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A General Approach to Real-time Workflow Monitoring. Vahi, K.; Harvey, I.; Samak, T.; Gunter, D.; Evans, K.; Rogers, D.; Taylor, I.; Goode, M.; Silva, F.; Al-Shakarchi, E.; andrew Jones, G. M.; and Deelman, E. In The 7th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS12), 2012. Funding Acknowledgement: NSF OCI-0943705)
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A Preliminary Analysis of Network Outages During Hurricane Sandy. Heidemann, J.; Quan, L.; and Pradkin, Y. Technical Report ISI-TR-2008-685b, USC/Information Sciences Institute, November 2012. (correction Feb. 2013)
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A Robust Unsupervised Arousal Rating Framework using Prosody with Cross-Corpora Evaluation. Bone, D.; Lee, C.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, pages 1175-1178, Sep 2012.
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A Sequential Bayesian Dialog Agent for Computational Ethnography. Kazemzadeh, A.; Gibson, J.; Li, J.; Lee, S.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, pages 238-241, Sep 2012.
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A System for Real-Time Twitter Sentiment Analysis of 2012 U.S. Presidential Election Cycle. Wang, H.; Can, D.; Kazemzadeh, A.; Bar, F.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of ACL, Jul 2012.
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A Tale Of 160 Scientists, Three Applications, A Workshop and A Cloud. Berriman, G. B.; Brinkworth, C.; Gelino, D.; Wittman, D. K.; Deelman, E.; Juve, G.; Rynge, M.; and Kinney, J. In Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XXII, 2012.
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A case for dual stack virtualization: consolidating HPC and commodity applications in the cloud. Kocoloski, B.; Ouyang, J.; and Lange, J. In Proceedings of the Third ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, pages 1–7, 2012.
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A comparative study of dynamic bandwidth allocation algorithms for long reach passive optical networks. Sivakumar, A.; Sankaran, G. C.; and Sivalingam, K. M IETE Technical Review, 29(5): 405–413. 2012.
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A cost-based mechanism for evaluating the effectiveness of moving target defenses. Collins, M P. In Decision and Game Theory for Security: Third International Conference, GameSec 2012, Budapest, Hungary, November 5-6, 2012. Proceedings 3, pages 221–233, 2012. Springer Berlin Heidelberg
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A fault injection analysis of Linux operating on an FPGA-embedded platform. Monson, J. S; Wirthlin, M.; and Hutchings, B. International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing, 2012: 7. January 2012.
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A framework to access handwritten information within large digitized paper collections. Diesendruck, L.; Marini, L.; Kooper, R.; Kejriwal, M.; and McHenry, K. In 8th IEEE International Conference on E-Science, e-Science 2012, Chicago, IL, USA, October 8-12, 2012, pages 1–10, 2012. IEEE Computer Society
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A reranking Approach for recognition and classification speech input in conversational dialog systems. Morbini, F.; Audhkhasi, K.; Artstein, R.; Van Segbroeck, M.; Sagae, K.; Georgiou, P.; Traum, D.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology, Dec 2012.
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A resiliency-aware scheduling approach for FPGA configuration: Preliminary results. Abramson, J.; and Diniz, P. C. August 2012.
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A study of emotional information present in articulatory movements estimated using acoustic-to-articulatory inversion. Kim, J.; Ghosh, P. K.; Lee, S.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, Dec 2012.
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ANALYZING THE MEMORY OF BLSTM NEURAL NETWORKS FOR ENHANCED EMOTION CLASSIFICATION IN DYADIC SPOKEN INTERACTIONS. Wollmer, M.; Metallinou, A.; Katsamanis, A.; Schuller, B.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Mar 2012.
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Abstract: Digitization and Search: A Non-Traditional Use of HPC. Diesendruck, L.; Marini, L.; Kooper, R.; Kejriwal, M.; and McHenry, K. In 2012 SC Companion: High Performance Computing, Networking Storage and Analysis, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, November 10-16, 2012, pages 1460–1461, 2012. IEEE Computer Society
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Accelerating Real-Time Processing of the ATST Adaptive Optics System. Venugopalan, V. March 2012.
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Active Learning for Phenotype Mapping. Hsu, C.; Ambite, J. L.; Arens, Y.; Lange, L.; Sharma, S.; and Voinea, S. In 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG), San Francisco, CA, 2012. Abstract + Poster
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Adaptive agents on evolving networks. Kianercy, A.; Galstyan, A.; and Allahverdyan, A. E In AAMAS, pages 1391–1392, 2012.
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An Acoustic Analysis of Shared Enjoyment in ECA Interactions of Children with Autism. Chaspari, T.; Mower Provost, E.; Katsamanis, A.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pages 4485-4488, Mar 2012.
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An Analysis (and an Annotated Corpus) of User Responses to Machine Translation Output. Pighin, D.; Màrquez, L.; and May, J. In Chair), N. C. (.; Choukri, K.; Declerck, T.; Doğan, M. U.; Maegaard, B.; Mariani, J.; Odijk, J.; and Piperidis, S., editor(s), Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), Istanbul, Turkey, may 2012. European Language Resources Association (ELRA)
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An Evaluation of an Integrated On-Chip/Off-Chip Network for High Performance Reconfigurable Computing. Schmidt, A. G.; Kritikos, W. V.; Gao, S.; and Sass, R. International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing. 2012.
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An Evaluation of the Cost and Performance of Scientific Workflows on Amazon EC2. Juve, G.; Deelman, E.; Berriman, G. B.; Berman, B. P.; and Maechling, P. J. Journal of Grid Computing, 10(1): 5-21. 2012. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF CCF-0725332, NSF OCI-0722019, and NASA NCC5-626
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Analyzing Quality of Crowd-Sourced Speech Transcriptions of Noisy Audio for Acoustic Model Adaptation. Audhkhasi, K.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Mar 2012.
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Analyzing the Language of Therapist Empathy in Motivational Interview based Psychotherapy. Xiao, B.; Can, D.; Georgiou, P.; Atkins, D.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, Dec 2012.
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Applying radiation hardening by software to fast lossless compression prediction on FPGAs. Schmidt, A. G.; Walters, J. P.; Zick, K. M.; French, M.; Keymeulen, D.; Aranki, N.; Klimesh, M.; and Kiely, A. In Aerospace Conference, 2012 IEEE, 2012. IEEE
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Articulation of Mandarin Sibilants: A Multi-plane Realtime MRI Study. Proctor, M. I.; Lu, L. H.; Zhu, Y.; Goldstein, L.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of the 14th Australasian International Conference on Speech Science and Technology, Dec 2012.
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Augmenting PROV with Plans in P-PLAN: Scientific Processes as Linked Data. Garijo, D.; and Gil, Y. In Kauppinen, T.; Pouchard, L. C.; and Keßler, C., editor(s), Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Linked Science 2012 - Tackling Big Data, Boston, MA, USA, November 12, 2012, volume 951, of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2012.
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Automatic Metadata Annotation through Reconstructing Provenance. Groth, P.; Gil, Y.; and Magliacane, S. In Belhajjame, K.; Gómez-Pérez, J. M.; Missier, P.; Sahoo, S. S.; and Zhao, J., editor(s), Proceedings of the Workshop on Semantic Web for Provenance Management, SWPM@ESWC 2012, Heraklion, Greece, May 28, 2012, volume 856, of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2012.
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Automatic Recognition of Emotion Evoked by General Sound Events. Schuller, B.; Hantke, S.; Weninger, F.; Han, W.; Zhang, Z.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Mar 2012.
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Based on Isolated Saliency or Causal Integration? Toward a Better Understanding of Human Annotation Process using Multiple Instance Learning and Sequential Probability Ratio Test. Lee, C.; Katsamanis, A.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Sep 2012.
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Better than native: Using virtualization to improve compute node performance. Kocoloski, B.; and Lange, J. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for Supercomputers, pages 1–8, 2012.
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Beyond Disk Imaging for Preserving User State in Network Testbeds. Mirkovic, J.; Alwabel, A.; and Faber, T. In Proceedings of the 5th USENIX conference on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test, pages 2–2, 2012. USENIX Association
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Broadening DNS Research: beyond just DNS anonymization (work in progress). Heidemann, J. Talk at ISC/CAIDA Data Collaboration Workshop, October 2012.
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Capturing Common Knowledge about Tasks: Intelligent Assistance for To-Do Lists. Gil, Y.; Ratnakar, V.; Chklovski, T.; Groth, P.; and Vrandecic, D. ACM Trans. Interact. Intell. Syst., 2(3): 15:1–15:35. 2012.
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Classification of emotional content of sighs in dyadic human interactions. Gupta, R.; Lee, C.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Mar 2012.
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Curating genomic epidemiology data in The PAGE Study. Kumaraguruparan, G.; Mehta, G.; Nato, A.; Ambite, J. L.; Buyske, S.; Mayani, R.; Cai, C.; Vöckler, J.; Deelman, E.; and Matise, T. In 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG), San Francisco, CA, 2012. Abstract + Poster
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Designing a Roadmap for Workflow Cyberinfrastructure in the Geosciences: From Big Data to the Long Tail. Gil, Y.; Deelman, E.; Demir, I.; Duffy, C.; Pierce, M.; Marru, S.; and Wiener, G. 2012. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA
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Designing a road map for geoscience workflows. Duffy, C.; Gil, Y.; Deelman, E.; Marru, S.; Pierce, M.; Demir, I.; and Wiener, G. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 93(24): 225-226. 2012.
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Efficient and Robust Graphics Recognition from Historical Maps. Chiang, Y.; Leyk, S.; and Knoblock, C. A. In Graphics Recognition: Achievements, Challenges, and Evolution, Selected Papers of the 8th International Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC), Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2012.
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Exploiting Structure within Data for Accurate Labeling Using Conditional Random Fields. Goel, A.; Knoblock, C. A.; and Lerman, K. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI), 2012.
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Exploring Label Dependency in Active Learning for Phenotype Mapping. Sharma, S.; Lange, L.; Ambite, J. L.; Arens, Y.; and Hsu, C. In Proceedings of the 2012 Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing, pages 146–154, Montréal, Canada, June 2012. Association for Computational Linguistics
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Fault Tolerant Clustering in Scientific Workflows. Chen, W.; and Deelman, E. In IEEE 6th International Workshop on Scientific Workflows (SWF 2012) in conjunction with IEEE 8th World Congress on Services (SERVICES 2012), 2012. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF IIS-0905032
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Integrating Policy with Scientific Workflow Management for Data-Intensive Applications. Chervenak, A. L.; Smith, D. E.; Chen, W.; and Deelman, E. In The 7th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS12), 2012. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF IIS-0905032 and FutureGrid 0910812
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Integration of Workflow Partitioning and Resource Provisioning. Chen, W.; and Deelman, E. In The 12th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster, Cloud and Grid Computing (CCGrid 2012), Doctoral Symposium, 2012. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF IIS-0905032)
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KNOWME: An Energy-Efficient Multimodal Body Area Network for Physical Activity Monitoring. Thatte, G.; Li, M.; Lee, S.; Emken, B. A.; Narayanan, S. S.; Mitra, U.; Spruijt-Metz, D.; and Annavaram, M. ACM Trans. Embedded Comput. Syst., 11(S2): 48:1–48:24. 2012.
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Karma: A system for mapping structured sources into the Semantic Web. Gupta, S.; Szekely, P.; Knoblock, C. A; Goel, A.; Taheriyan, M.; and Muslea, M. In Extended Semantic Web Conference, pages 430–434, 2012. Springer
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Poster: Digitization and Search: A Non-Traditional Use of HPC. Diesendruck, L.; Marini, L.; Kooper, R.; Kejriwal, M.; and McHenry, K. In 2012 SC Companion: High Performance Computing, Networking Storage and Analysis, Salt Lake City, UT, USA, November 10-16, 2012, pages 1462, 2012. IEEE Computer Society
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Reporting in ONUs with reduced buffers. Sankaran, G. C; and Sivalingam, K. M In 2012 16th International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modelling (ONDM), pages 1–6, 2012. IEEE
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Resiliency-aware scheduling: Resource allocation for hardened computation on configurable devices. Abramson, J.; and Diniz, P. C. December 2012.
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Root-Word Analysis of Turkish Emotional Language. Cakmak, O.; Kazemzadeh, A.; Can, D.; Yildirim, S.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Corpora for Research on EMOTION SENTIMENT SOCIAL SIGNALS (LREC), May 2012.
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Scientific Workflows: The Key to Convergence?. McCann, M. P.; Hofmann, A. F.; Harmon, T. C.; and Gil, Y. 2012. Ocean Sciences Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah
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Semi-Automatically Mapping Structured Sources into the Semantic Web. Knoblock, C. A.; Szekely, P.; Ambite, J. L.; Goel, A.; Gupta, S.; Lerman, K.; Mallick, P.; Muslea, M.; and Taheriyan, M. In Proceedings of Extended Semantic Web Conference, 2012.
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Semi-Automatically Mapping Structured Sources into the Semantic Web. Knoblock, C. A.; Szekely, P.; Ambite, J. L.; ; Goel, A.; Gupta, S.; Lerman, K.; Muslea, M.; Taheriyan, M.; and Mallick, P. In Semantic Web: Research and Applications, pages 375-390, 2012. Springer
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Semi-Automatically Modeling Web APIs to Create Linked APIs. Taheriyan, M.; Knoblock, C. A.; Szekely, P.; and Ambite, J. L. In Proceedings of the ESWC 2012 Workshop on Linked APIs, 2012.
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Simplifying Emotion Classification Through Emotion Distillation. Mower Provost, E.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, Dec 2012.
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Social Contagion: An Empirical Study of Information Spread on Digg and Twitter Follower Graphs. Lerman, K.; Ghosh, R.; and Surachawala, T. . 2012.
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Social Dynamics of Digg. Hogg, T.; and Lerman, K. EPJ Data Science, 1(5). June 2012.
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Speaker Personality Classification Using Systems Based on Acoustic-Lexical Cues and an Optimal Tree-Structured Bayesian Network. Audhkhasi, K.; Metallinou, A.; Li, M.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Sep 2012.
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Speaker Verification using Lasso based Sparse Total Variability Supervector with PLDA modeling. Li, M.; Lu, C.; Wang, A.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, Dec 2012.
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Speaker states recognition using latent factor analysis based Eigenchannel factor vector modeling. Li, M.; Metallinou, A.; Bone, D.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Mar 2012.
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Spontaneous-Speech Acoustic-Prosodic Features of Children with Autism and the Interacting Psychologist. Bone, D.; Black, M. P.; Lee, C.; Williams, M. E.; Levitt, P.; Lee, S.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, pages 1043-1046, Sep 2012.
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Statistical tests for contagion in observational social network studies. Ver Steeg, G.; and Galstyan, A. arXiv preprint arXiv:1211.4889. 2012.
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Supervised Acoustic Topic Model With a Consequent Classifier for Unstructured Audio Classification. Kim, S.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI 2012), pages 1-6, Jun 2012.
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Teaching cybersecurity with DeterLab. Mirkovic, J.; and Benzel, T. IEEE Security & Privacy, 10(1): 73–76. 2012.
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The DETER Project: Towards structural advances in experimental cybersecurity research and evaluation. Benzel, T.; and Wroclawski, J. T. Information and Media Technologies, 7(4): 1615–1625. 2012.
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The Design of a Community Science Cloud: The Open Science Data Cloud Perspective. Grossman, R. L.; Greenway, M.; Heath, A. P.; Powell, R.; Suarez, R. D.; Wells, W.; White, K. P.; Atkinson, M. P.; Klampanos, I. A.; Alvarez, H. L.; Harvey, C.; and Mambretti, J. Salt Lake City, Utah, 11/2012 2012.
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Towards Dynamic 3D MRI of Speech. Zhu, Y.; Kim, Y.; Proctor, M. I.; Narayanan, S. S.; and Nayak, K. S. In Proc. ISMRM 20th Scientific Sessions, pages 294 [ISMRM Merit Awards: Magna Cum Laude], May 2012.
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Using Lists to Measure Homophily on Twitter. Kang, J.; and Lerman, K. In AAAI workshop on Intelligent Techniques for Web Personalization and Recommendation, July 2012.
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Using Measures of Vocal Entrainment to Inform Outcome-Related Behaviors in Marital Conflicts. Lee, C.; Katsamanis, A.; Baucom, B.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference, Dec 2012.
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Using Proximity to Predict Activity in Social Networks. Lerman, K.; Intagorn, S.; Kang, J.; and Ghosh, R. In Proceedings of 21st International World Wide Web Conference (poster), 2012.
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Using Semantic Workflows for Genome-Scale Analysis. Gil, Y.; Ratnakar, V.; Deelman, E.; and Mason, C. 2012. International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB), Long Beach, CA
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Using Stochastic Models to Describe and Predict Social Dynamics of Web Users. Lerman, K.; and Hogg, T. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 3(4). September 2012.
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Workflow-Centric Research Objects: First Class Citizens in Scholarly Discourse. Belhajjame, K.; Corcho, O.; Garijo, D.; Zhao, J.; Missier, P.; Newman, D.; Palma, R.; Bechhofer, S.; García, Esteban; Cuesta, J. M. G.; and others . 2012.
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A Cloud‐based Dynamic Workflow for Mass Spectrometry Data Analysis. Nagavaram, A.; Agrawal, G.; Freitas, M.; Mehta, G.; Mayani, R.; and Deelman, E. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (e-Science 2011), 2011.
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A Framework for Automatic Human Emotion Classification Using Emotional Profiles. Mower, E.; Mataric, M. J.; and Narayanan, S. S. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 19(5): 1057-1070. Sep 2011.
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A Framework for Efficient Text Analytics through Automatic Configuration and Customization of Scientific Workflows. Hauder, M.; Gil, Y.; and Liu, Y. In Proceedings of the Seventh IEEE International Conference on e-Science, Stockholm, Sweden, 2011.
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A Multimodal Real-Time MRI Articulatory Corpus for Speech Research. Narayanan, S. S.; Bresch, E.; Ghosh, P. K.; Goldstein, L.; Katsamanis, A.; Kim, Y.; Lammert, A.; Proctor, M. I.; Ramanarayanan, V.; and Zhu, Y. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Florence, Italy, Aug 2011.
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A Novel 16-Channel Receive Coil Array for Accelerated Upper Airway MRI at 3 Tesla. Kim, Y.; Hayes, C.; Narayanan, S. S.; and Nayak, K. S. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 65(6): 1711-1717. Jun 2011.
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A Parameterized Centrality Metric for Network Analysis. Ghosh, R.; and Lerman, K. Physical Review, E 83(6): 066118 . 2011.
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A Probabilistic Approach for Learning Folksonomies from Structured Data. Plangprasopchok, A.; Lerman, K.; and Getoor, L. In Proceedings of the 4th ACM Web Search and Data Mining Conference (WSDM), February 2011.
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A Provenance-aware Linked Data Application for Trip Management and Organization. Garijo, D.; Villazón-Terrazas, B.; and Corcho, O. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Semantic Systems, of I-Semantics '11, pages 224–226, New York, NY, USA, 2011. ACM
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A Scientific Workflow Used as a Computational Tool to Assess the Response of the Californian San Joaquin River to Flow Restoration Efforts. Villamizar, S.; Gil, Y; Szekely, P; Ratnakar, V; Gupta, S; Muslea, M; Silva, F; and Harmon, T AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1: 0540. 2011.
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A Semantic Framework for Automatic Generation of Computational Workflows Using Distributed Data and Component Catalogs. Gil, Y.; Gonzalez-Calero, P. A.; Kim, J.; Moody, J.; and Ratnakar, V. Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence, 23(4). 2011.
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A Sequence of Relaxations Constraining Hidden Variable Models. Ver Steeg, G.; and Galstyan, A. . 2011.
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A Social Collaboration Argumentation System for Generating Multi-Faceted Answers in Question and Answer Communities. Sethi, R. J.; and Gil, Y. In Computational Models of Natural Argument, Papers from the 2011 AAAI Workshop, San Francisco, California, USA, August 7, 2011, volume WS-11-10, of AAAI Technical Report, 2011. AAAI
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A formal framework for combining natural instruction and demonstration for end-user programming. Fritz, C.; and Gil, Y. In Pu, P.; Pazzani, M. J.; André, E.; and Riecken, D., editor(s), Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, IUI 2011, Palo Alto, CA, USA, February 13-16, 2011, pages 237–246, 2011. ACM
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A generative student model for scoring word reading skills. Tepperman, J.; Lee, S.; Narayanan, S. S.; and Alwan, A. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 19(2): 348 - 360. Feb 2011.
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A new approach for publishing workflows: abstractions, standards, and linked data. Garijo, D.; and Gil, Y. In Taylor, I. J.; and Montagnat, J., editor(s), WORKS'11, Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science, co-located with , SC11, Seattle, WA, USA, November 14, 2011, pages 47–56, 2011. ACM
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A perplexity based Cover song Matching System for short length queries. Unal, E.; Chew, E.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR), Oct 2011.
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A phenomics-based strategy identifies loci on APOC1, BRAP, and PLCG1 associated with metabolic syndrome phenotype domains. Avery, C. L.; He, Q.; North, K. E.; Ambite, J. L.; Boerwinkle, E.; Fornage, M.; Hindorff, L. A.; Kooperberg, C.; Meigs, J. B.; Pankow, J. S.; Pendergrass, S. A.; Psaty, B. M.; Ritchie, M. D.; Rotter, J. I.; Taylor, K. D.; Wilkens, L. R.; Heiss, G.; and Lin, D. Y. PLoS genetics, 7: e1002322. October 2011.
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A study of the effectiveness of articulatory strokes for phonemic recognition. Molina, C.; Lee, S.; Narayanan, S. S.; and Yoma, N. B. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Florence, Italy, Aug 2011.
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A subject-independent acoustic-to-articulatory inversion. Ghosh, P. K.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2011.
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Accelerating Real-Time Processing of the ATST Adaptive Optics System Using Coarse-Grained Parallel Hardware Architectures. Venugopalan, V.; Richards, K.; Barden, S.; Rimmele, T.; Gregory, S.; and Johnson, L. In International Conference on Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (ERSA), pages 296-301, July 2011.
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Accurate Transcription Of Broadcast News Speech Using Multiple Noisy Transcribers And Unsupervised Reliability Metrics. Audhkhasi, K.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2011.
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Acoustic and Visual Cues of Turn-Taking Dynamics in Dyadic Interactions. Xiao, B.; Rozgi, V.; Katsamanis, A.; Baucom, B.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Aug 2011.
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Affective State Recognition in Married Couples Interactions Using PCA-based Vocal Entrainment Measures with Multiple Instance Learning. Lee, C.; Katsamanis, A.; Black, M. P.; Baucom, B.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Oct 2011.
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Aligning Unions of Concepts in Ontologies of Geospatial Linked Data. Parundekar, R.; Ambite, J. L.; and Knoblock, C. A. In Proceedings of the Terra Cognita 2011 Workshop in Conjunction with the 10th International Semantic Web Conference, Bonn, Germany, 2011.
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An Analysis of PCA-based Vocal Entrainment Measures in Married Couples Affective Spoken Interactions. Lee, C.; Katsamanis, A.; Black, M. P.; Baucom, B.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Florence, Italy, Aug 2011.
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An Evaluation of Alternative Approaches for Identifying, Coding, and Forecasting Events Data. Boschee, E.; Natarajan, P.; and Weischedel, R. In 52nd Annual Convention of the International Studies Association, 2011.
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An Exploratory Study of the Relations between Perceived Emotion Strength and Articulatory Kinematics. Kim, J.; Lee, S.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Florence, Italy, Aug 2011.
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An MRI study of articulatory settings of L1 and L2 speakers of American English. Ramanarayanan, V.; Byrd, D.; Goldstein, L.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proc. International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP11), Jun 2011.
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Analysis of inter-articulator correlation in acoustic-to-articulatory inversion using generalized smoothness criterion. Ghosh, P. K.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Florence, Italy, Aug 2011.
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Analyzing the Nature of ECA Interactions in Children with Autism. Mower, E.; Lee, C.; Gibson, J.; Chaspari, T.; Williams, M.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Florence, Italy, Aug 2011.
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Approaching Helstrom limits to optical pulse-position demodulation using single photon detection and optical feedback. Guha, S.; Habif, J. L; and Takeoka, M Journal of Modern Optics, 58(3-4): 257–265. 2011.
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Assessing El Niño Southern Oscillation variability during the past millennium. Khider, D.; Stott, L.; Emile-Geay, J.; Thunell, R.; and Hammond, D. Paleoceanography, 26(3). 2011.
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Auditory-like filterbank: An optimal speech processor for efficient human speech communication. Ghosh, P. K.; Goldstein, L.; and Narayanan, S. S. Springer Proceedings of Indian Academy of Sciences (Sadhana), 36(5): 699-712. Oct 2011.
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Automated adaptation of strategic guidance in multiagent coordination. Maheswaran, R. T; Szekely, P.; and Sanchez, R. In Agents in Principle, Agents in Practice, pages 247–262. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011.
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Automatic Analysis of Geminate Consonant Articulation using Real-time Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Hagedorn, C.; Proctor, M. I.; Goldstein, L.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proc. 9th Intl. Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP11), Montreal, Canada, Jun 2011.
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Automatic Analysis of Singleton and Geminate Consonant Articulation using Real-time Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Hagedorn, C.; Proctor, M. I.; and Goldstein, L. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Florence, Italy, 2011, Aug 2011.
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Automatic Data-Driven Learning of Articulatory Primitives from Real-time MRI Data using Convolutive NMF with Sparseness Constraints. Ramanarayanan, V.; Katsamanis, A.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Florence, Italy, Aug 2011.
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Automatic Early Failure Detection for Rod Pump Systems. Liu, S.; Raghavendra, C. S.; Liu, Y.; Yao, K.; Lenz, T. L.; Olabinjo, L.; Balogun, O.; Babu, C. G. D.; and Ershaghi, I. In Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition (ATCE 2011), 2011. Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
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Automatic Identification of Salient Acoustic Instances in Couples Behavioral Interactions using Diverse Density Support Vector Machines. Gibson, J.; Katsamanis, A.; Black, M. P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Florence, Italy, Aug 2011.
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Automatic Identification of Stable Modes and Fluctuations in a Repetitive Task Using Real?time MRI. Lammert, A.; Proctor, M. I.; Goldstein, L.; Pouplier, M.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proc. International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP11), June 2011.
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Automatic Prediction of Childrens Reading Ability for High-level Literacy Assessment. Black, M. P.; Tepperman, J.; and Narayanan, S. S. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 19(4): 1015 - 1028. 2011.
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Automatic Speech recognition using articulatory features from subject-independent acoustic-to-articulatory inversion. Ghosh, P. K.; and Narayanan, S. S. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Express Letters, 130(4): EL251-El257. Sep 2011.
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Automatically Assessing the ABCs: Verification of Childrens Spoken Letter-names and Letter-sounds. Black, M. P.; Kazemzadeh, A.; Tepperman, J.; and Narayanan, S. S. ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing, 7(4): 15:1 - 15:17. Aug 2011.
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Automating Application Deployment in Infrastructure Clouds. Juve, G.; and Deelman, E. In 3rd IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2011), 2011. Funding Acknowlegements: DOE, NSF OCI-0943725, and NSF OCI-091812
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Autonomous On-board Processing for Sensor Systems: Initial Fault Tolerance and Autonomy Results. French, M.; Walters, J. P.; and Bucceiro, M. In NASA Earth Science Technology Forum, Pasadena, CA, June 2011.
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BTS: Resource Capacity Estimate for Time-targeted Science Workflows. Byun, E.; Kee, Y.; Kim, J.; Deelman, E.; and Maeng, S. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing: Special Issue on Cloud Computing, 71(6): 848-862. June 2011.
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Behavioral Signal Processing for Understanding (Distressed) Dyadic Interactions: Some Recent Developments. Georgiou, P.; Black, M. P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Third International Workshop on Social Signal Processing (SSPW11), ACM Multimedia 11, pages 7-12, Dec 2011.
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Bell Inequalities to Rule Out Homophily in Social Networks. Ver Steeg, G.; and Galstyan, A. In Workshop on Information in Networks(WIN), 2011.
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Bilingual Audio-Subtitle Extraction Using Automatic Segmentation Of Movie Audio. Tsiartas, A.; Ghosh, P. K.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pages 5624-5627, May 2011.
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Building Mashups by Demonstration. Tuchinda, R.; Knoblock, C. A.; and Szekely, P. ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB), 5(3). July 2011.
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Co-evolution of selection and influence in social networks. Cho, Y.; Ver Steeg, G.; and Galstyan, A. arXiv preprint arXiv:1106.2788. 2011.
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Collaborative DoS Defenses. Mirkovic, J. In Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security, pages 217–220. Springer US, 2011.
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Comparative Analysis of Viterbi Training and Maximum Likelihood Estimation for HMMs. Allahverdyan, A.; and Galstyan, A. In Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS)., 2011.
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Comparative evaluation of spoofing defenses. Mirkovic, J.; and Kissel, E. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 8(2): 218–232. 2011.
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CrossTrack: Robust 3D Tracking from Two Cross-Sectional Views. Hussein, M.; Porikli, F.; Li, R.; and Arslan, S. In IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Colorado Springs, CO, June 2011.
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Darkspace construction and maintenance. Janes, J; and Collins, M Proceedings of FloCon. 2011.
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Data Muling with Mobile Phones for Sensornets. Park, U.; and Heidemann, J. Technical Report ISI-TR-2011-673b, USC/Information Sciences Institute, July 2011. This report was released in July and updated in August with minor editorial changes.
Data Muling with Mobile Phones for Sensornets [link]Paper link bibtex abstract
Design of an Emotionally Targeted Interactive Agent for Children with Autism. Mower, E.; Black, M. P.; Flores, E.; Williams, M.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Expo (ICME), pages 1-6, Jul 2011.
doi link bibtex
Designing human benchmark experiments for testing software agents. Grant, R.; DeAngelis, D.; Luu, D.; Perry, D.; and Ryall, K. In 15th Annual Conference on Evaluation & Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2011), pages 124–128, 2011. IET
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Detailed Study of Articulatory Kinematics of Critical Articulators and Non?critical Articulators of Emotional Speech. Kim, J.; Lee, S.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of the Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America, Nov 2011.
doi link bibtex
Detecting Internet Outages with Active Probing (extended). Quan, L.; and Heidemann, J. Technical Report ISI-TR-2011-672, USC/Information Sciences Institute, May 2011.
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Detecting emotional state of a child in a conversational computer game. Yildirim, S.; Narayanan, S. S.; and Potamianos, A. Computer Speech and Language, 25(1): 29-44. Jan 2011.
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Determining What Questions To Ask, with the Help of Spectral Graph Theory. Kazemzadeh, A.; Lee, S.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Florence, Italy, Aug 2011.
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Direct Estimation of Articulatory Kinematics from Real-time Magnetic Resonance Image Sequences. Proctor, M. I.; Lammert, A.; Katsamanis, A.; Goldstein, L.; Hagedorn, C.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Florence, Italy, Aug 2011.
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Directional descriptors using zernike moment phases for object orientation estimation in underwater sonar images. Kumar, N.; Lammert, A. C.; Englot, B. J.; Hover, F. S.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2011, May 22-27, 2011, Prague Congress Center, Prague, Czech Republic, pages 1025–1028, 2011.
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Distillation at BBN – The AGILE System. Boschee, E.; Freedman, M.; Bock, R.; Graettinger, J.; and Weischedel, R. Handbook of Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation: DARPA Global Autonomous Language Exploitation,626–631. 2011.
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Dynamic 3D visualization of vocal tract shaping during speech. Zhu, Y.; Kim, Y.; Proctor, M. I.; Narayanan, S. S.; and Nayak, K. S. In Proc. ISMRM 19th Scientific Sessions, pages 4355, May 2011.
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EMO20Q Questioner Agent. Kazemzadeh, A.; Gibson, J.; Georgiou, P.; Lee, S.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 313-314, Oct 2011. Springer
doi link bibtex abstract
EmotiWord: Affective Lexicon Creation with Application to Interaction and Multimedia Data. Malandrakis, N.; Potamianos, A.; Elias, I.; and Narayanan, S. S. In MUSCLE International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding, Dec 2011.
doi link bibtex
Emotion Classification From Speech Using Evaluator Reliability-Weighted Combination Of Ranked Lists. Audhkhasi, K.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pages 4956-4959, May 2011.
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Emotion Twenty Questions: Toward a Crowd-Sourced Theory of Emotions. Kazemzadeh, A.; Lee, S.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Oct 2011.
doi link bibtex abstract
Emotion recognition using a hierarchical binary decision tree approach. Lee, C.; Mower, E.; Busso, C.; Lee, S.; and Narayanan, S. S. Speech Communication, 53(9-10): 1162-1171. Nov 2011. Special issue: Sensing Emotion and Affect - Facing Realism in Speech Processing
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Employing Pixel Density to Detect a Spam Image. Wei, K.; Zheng, H.; and Pujara, J. 2011.
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Enabling Data and Compute Intensive Workflows in Bioinformatics. Mehta, G.; Deelman, E.; Knowles, J. A; Chen, T.; Wang, Y.; Vöckler, J.; Buyske, S.; and Matise, T. In 2nd International Workshop onHigh Performance Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (HiBB 2011) in conjunction with Euro-Par Conference 2011, 2011.
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Enabling collaborative research using the Biomedical Informatics Research Network (BIRN). Helmer, K.; Ambite, J.; Ames, J; Ananthakrishnan, R; Burns, G; Chervenak, A.; Foster, I; Liming, L; Keator, D; F Macciardi; R Madduri; JP Navarro; S Potkin; B Rosen; S Ruffins; R Schuler; JA Turner; A Toga; C Williams; and C Kesselman J Am Med Inform Assoc., 18(4): 416. 2011.
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Encouraging expert participation in online communities. DeAngelis, D. Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, 2011.
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Enhanced Sparse Imputation Techniques for a Robust Speech Recognition Front-End. Tan, Q. F.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, 19(8): 2418 - 2429. Nov 2011.
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Enhancements to the Training Process of Classifier-based Speech Translator via Topic Modeling. Ettelaie, E.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Florence, Italy, Aug 2011.
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Entropy-based Classification of Retweeting Activity on Twitter. Ghosh, R.; Surachawala, T.; and Lerman, K. In Proceedings of KDD workshop on Social Network Analysis (SNA-KDD), August 2011.
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Error Analysis and Future Directions for Distillation. Boschee, E.; Freedman, M.; Bock, R.; Graettinger, J.; and Weischedel, R. Handbook of Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation: DARPA Global Autonomous Language Exploitation,727–734. 2011.
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Estimation of ordinal approach-avoidance labels in dyadic interactions: ordinal logistic regression approach. Rozgic, V.; Xiao, B.; Katsamanis, A.; Baucom, B.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2011.
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Evaluating Signature Matching in a Multi-Sensor Vehicle Classification System (extended) . Zhang, C.; and Heidemann, J. Technical Report ISI-TR-2011-675, USC/Information Sciences Institute, November 2011.
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Evolution of holographic entanglement entropy after thermal and electromagnetic quenches. Albash, T.; and Johnson, C. V New Journal of Physics, 13(4): 045017. 2011.
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Experiences Using Cloud Computing for A Scientific Workflow Application. Vöckler, J.; Juve, G.; Deelman, E.; Rynge, M.; and Berriman, G. B. In Proceedings of 2nd Workshop on Scientific Cloud Computing (ScienceCloud 2011), 2011. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF OCI-0910812
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Experiences Using GlideinWMS and the Corral Frontend Across Cyberinfrastructures. Rynge, M.; Juve, G.; Mehta, G.; Deelman, E.; Larson, K.; Holzman, B.; Sfiligoi, I.; Würthwein, F.; Berriman, G. B.; and Callaghan, S. In Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (e-Science 2011), 2011. Funding Acknowledgments: Open Science Grid, NSF OCI-0943725, and TeraGrid TG-CCR1000018)
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Exploiting Semantics of Web Services for Geospatial Data Fusion. Szekely, P.; Knoblock, C. A.; Gupta, S.; Taheriyan, M.; and Wu, B. In Proceedings of the SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Spatial Semantics and Ontologies (SSO 2011), Chicago, IL, 2011.
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Extending DCAM for metadata provenance. Eckert, K.; Garijo, D.; and Panzer, M. In International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, pages 12–25, 2011.
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Extreme Extraction – Machine Reading in a Week. Freedman, M.; Ramshaw, L.; Boschee, E.; Gabbard, R.; Kratkiewicz, G.; Ward, N.; and Weischedel, R. In Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pages 1437–1446, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK., July 2011. Association for Computational Linguistics
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FFTW and Complex Ambiguity Function Performance on the Maestro Processor. Singh, K.; Walters, J. P.; Hestness, J.; Suh, J.; Rogers, C. M.; and Crago, S. P. In IEEE Aerospace Conference, March 2011.
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Facilitating Medication Reconciliation with Animation and Spatial Layout. Claudino, L.; Khamis, S.; Liu, R.; London, B.; Pujara, J.; Plaisant, C.; and Shneiderman, B. In Workshop on Interactive Healthcare Systems, 2011.
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Failure Prediction and Localization in Large Scientific Workflows. Samak, T.; Gunter, D.; Goode, M.; Deelman, E.; Mehta, G.; Silva, F.; and Vahi, K. In 6th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science (WORKS 11), 2011.
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Final Report of the 2011 Workshop on Aquatic Ecosystem Sustainability (WAES). Gil, Y.; and Harmon, T. 2011. Technical Report ISI-TR-674, Information Sciences Institute, Marina del Rey, CA.
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Fine-mapping of Type 2 Diabetes Risk Loci in African Americans Using the Metabochip: The PAGE Study. Schumacher, F. R.; North, K. E.; Haessler, J.; Spencer, K. L.; Franceschini, N.; Monroe, K. R.; Howard, B. V.; Jackson, R. D.; Kao, W. H. L.; Kolonel, L. N.; Liu, S.; Aroda, V.; Kuller, L. H.; Wilkens, L. R.; Hindorff, L. A.; Ambite, J. L.; Marchand, L. L.; Crawford, D. C.; Buyske, S.; Pankow, J. S.; Peters, U.; Haiman, C. A.; using Genomics, P. A.; and Epidemiology In 12th International Congress of Human Genetics, Montreal, Quebec, October 2011. Abstract + Poster
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Flexible retrospective selection of temporal resolution in real-time speech MRI using a golden-ratio spiral view order. Kim, Y.; Narayanan, S. S.; and Nayak, K. S. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 65(5): 1365-1371. May 2011.
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Genetic Determinants of Lipid Traits in Diverse Populations from the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) Study. Dumitrescu, L. A. C.; Cara L. AND Taylor, K. A. S.; Fredrick R. AND Hindorff, L. A. A. A.; José L. AND Anderson, G. A. B.; Lyle G. AND Brown-Gentry, K. A. B.; Petra AND Carlson, C. S. A. C.; Barbara AND Cole, S. A. A. D.; Richard B. AND Duggan, D. A. E.; Charles B. AND Fornage, M. A. F.; Nora AND Haessler, J. A. H.; Barbara V. AND Johnson, K. C. A. L.; Sandra AND Kolonel, L. N. A. L.; Elisa T. AND MacCluer, J. W. A. M.; Teri A. AND Pendergrass, S. A. A. Q.; Miguel AND Shohet, R. V. A. W.; Lynne R. AND Haiman, C. A. A. L. M.; Loïc AND Buyske, S. A. K.; and Charles AND North, K. E. A. C. PLoS Genet, 7(6): e1002138. 06 2011.
Genetic Determinants of Lipid Traits in Diverse Populations from the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) Study [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract
Goal-Directed Metacontrol for Integrated Procedure Learning. Kim, J.; Myers, K. L.; Gervasio, M. T.; and Gil, Y. In Cox, M. T.; and Raja, A., editor(s), Metareasoning - Thinking about Thinking, pages 77–100. MIT Press, 2011.
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Graph-based analysis in network security. Collins, M P. In 2011-MILCOM 2011 Military Communications Conference, pages 1333–1337, 2011. IEEE
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Harvesting Cartographic Information from Historical Maps: Efficient User Intervention Strategy for Robust Graphics Recognition. Chiang, Y.; Leyk, S.; and Knoblock, C. A. In In Proceedings of the Ninth IAPR International Workshop on Graphics RECognition (GREC'11), 2011.
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Harvesting maps on the web. Goel, A.; Michelson, M.; and Knoblock, C. A. International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition, 14: 349-372. 2011.
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Heterogeneous Cloud Computing. Crago, S.; Dunn, K.; Eads, P.; Hochstein, L.; Kang, D.; Kang, M.; Modium, D.; Singh, K.; Suh, J.; and Walters, J. P. In Workshop on Parallel Programming on Accelerator Clusters (PPAC2011), September 2011.
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ISI Technical Report Number ISI-TR-674 October, 2011. Harmon, S. G.; Guo, Q.; Hanson, P.; Hofmann, A.; Jones, B.; Knoblock, C.; McCann, M.; Stough, T.; Szekely, P.; Utz, R.; and others Information Sciences. 2011.
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Identifying and Characterizing Anycast in the Domain Name System. Fan, X.; Heidemann, J.; and Govindan, R. Technical Report ISI-TR-2011-671, USC/Information Sciences Institute, June 2011.
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Improving Answer Identification by Merging Distiller Responses. Ma, J.; Boschee, E.; and Freedman, M. Handbook of Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation: DARPA Global Autonomous Language Exploitation,673–683. 2011.
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Improving Design Productivity with a Hardware Performance Monitoring Infrastructure. Schmidt, A. G.; and Sass, R. In Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig\textquoteright11), 2011. IEEE Computer Society
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Information Transfer in Social Media. Ver Steeg, G.; and Galstyan, A. . 2011.
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Information theoretic analysis of direct and estimated articulatory features for phonetic discrimination. Ghosh, P. K.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proc. International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP11), Jun 2011.
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Interactive Knowledge Capture in the New Millenium: How the Semantic Web Changed Everything. Gil, Y. Knowledge Engineering Review, 26(1). 2011.
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Interactively Mapping Data Sources into the Semantic Web. Craig A. Knoblock, P. S.; Ambite, J. L.; Gupta, S.; Goel, A.; Muslea, M.; Lerman, K.; and Mallick, P. In First International Workshop on Linked Science at the International Semantic Web Conference, 2011.
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Interactively Mapping Data Sources into the Semantic Web. Knoblock, C. A.; Szekely, P.; Ambite, J. L.; Gupta, S.; Goel, A.; Muslea, M.; Lerman, K.; and Mallick, P. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Linked Science 2011 in Conjunction with the 10th International Semantic Web Conference, Bonn, Germany, 2011.
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Intoxicated Speech Detection by Fusion of Speaker Normalized Hierarchical Features and GMM Supervectors. Bone, D.; Black, M. P.; Li, M.; Metallinou, A.; Lee, S.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Florence, Italy, pages 3217-3220, Aug 2011.
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Introduction to the Special Issue on Using Provenance in the Semantic Web. Gil, Y.; and Groth, P. Journal of Web Semantics, 9(2). 2011.
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Investigation into Scaling I/O Bound Streaming Applications Productively with an all-FPGA Cluster. Schmidt, A. G.; Datta, S.; Mendon, A. A.; and Sass, R. Parallel Computing. 2011.
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Iterative Feature Normalization for Emotional Speech Detection. Busso, C.; Metallinou, A.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2011.
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Joint source-filter optimization for robust glottal source estimation in the presence of shimmer and jitter. Ghosh, P. K.; and Narayanan, S. S. Speech Communication, 53(1): 98-109. Jan 2011.
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Kernel models for affective lexicon creation. Malandrakis, N.; Potamianos, A.; Elias, I.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Florence, Italy, Aug 2011.
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Le Chatelier's principle in replicator dynamics. Allahverdyan, A. E; and Galstyan, A. Physical Review E, 84(4): 041117. 2011.
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Learning Boundaries of Vague Places from Noisy Annotations. Intagorn, S.; and Lerman, K. In Proceedings of 19th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems , 2011.
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Learning phenotype mapping for integrating large genetic data. Hsu, C.; Kuo, C.; Cai, C.; Pendergrass, S. A.; Ritchie, M. D.; and Ambite, J. L. In Proceedings of BioNLP 2011 Workshop, of BioNLP '11, pages 19–27, Stroudsburg, PA, USA, 2011. Association for Computational Linguistics
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Leveraging User Diversity to Harvest Knowledge on the Social Web. Kang, J.; and Lerman, K. In Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Conference on Social Computing, 2011.
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Linked Data for Network Science. Groth, P.; and Gil, Y. In Kauppinen, T.; Pouchard, L. C.; and Keßler, C., editor(s), Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Linked Science 2011, Bonn, Germany, October 24, 2011, volume 783, of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2011.
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LinkedDataLens: Linked Data as a Network of Networks. Groth, P.; and Gil, Y. In Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP), Banff, Alberta, Canada, 2011.
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Low-Rate, Flow-Level Periodicity Detection. Bartlett, G.; Heidemann, J.; and Papadopoulos, C. In Proceedings of the 14thIEEE Global Internet Symposium, pages 804–809, Shanghai, China, April 2011. IEEE
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Lowering the Barriers to Integrative Aquatic Ecosystem Science: Semantic Provenance, Open Linked Data, and Workflows. Harmon, T; Hofmann, A.; Utz, R; Deelman, E; Hanson, P.; Szekely, P; Villamizar, S.; Knoblock, C; Guo, Q; Crichton, D.; and others AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 1: 1605. 2011.
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Making data analysis expertise broadly accessible through workflows. Hauder, M.; Gil, Y.; Sethi, R. J.; Liu, Y.; and Jo, H. In Taylor, I. J.; and Montagnat, J., editor(s), WORKS'11, Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Workflows in Support of Large-Scale Science, co-located with , SC11, Seattle, WA, USA, November 14, 2011, pages 77–86, 2011. ACM
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Mapping Phenotype Variables to Support Cross-study Data Integration Among Genomic Studies. Hsu, C.; Kuo, C.; Cai, C.; Pendergrass, S. A.; Matise, T. C.; Ritchie, M. D.; and Ambite, J. L. In 12th International Congress of Human Genetics, Montreal, Quebec, October 2011. Abstract + Poster
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Metadata provenance: dublin core on the next level. In Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, pages 192–193, 2011.
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Method and system for detecting changes in a network using simple network management protocol polling. Sankaran, G. C. August~2 2011. US Patent 7,991,865
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Method and system for tracking a user in a network. Sankaran, G. C.; Swaminathan, V.; Simaria, N.; and Veerapandian, K. August~23 2011. US Patent 8,006,282
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Metrics for Heterogeneous Scientific Workflows: A Case Study of an Earthquake Science Application. Callaghan, S.; Maechling, P.; Small, P.; Milner, K.; Juve, G.; Jordan, T. H.; Deelman, E.; Mehta, G.; Vahi, K.; Gunter, D.; and Beattie, K. International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications, 25(3): 274-285. August 2011. Funding Acknowledgements: TeraGrid TG-MCA03S012, NSF OCI-0722019, NSF OCI-0749313, NSF EAR-0106924 and USGS 02HQAG0008)
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Mind Your Metadata: Exploiting Semantics for Configuration, Adaptation, and Provenance in Scientific Workflows. Gil, Y.; Szekely, P.; Villamizar, S.; Harmon, T. C.; Ratnakar, V.; Gupta, S.; Muslea, M.; Silva, F.; and Knoblock, C. A. In Proceedings of the 10th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2011), 2011.
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Mining Geospatial Knowledge on the Social Web. Intagorn, S.; and Lerman, K. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 3(2): 33–47. 2011.
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Modeling Virtual Footprints. Kadaba, R.; Budalakoti, S.; DeAngelis, D.; and Barber, K. S. International Journal of Agent Technologies and Systems, 3(2): 1–17. apr 2011.
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Modeling high-level descriptions of real-life physical activities using latent topic modeling of multimodal sensor signals. Kim, S.; Li, M.; Lee, S.; Mitra, U.; Emken, B. A.; Spruijt-Metz, D.; Annavaram, M.; and Narayanan, S. S. In 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, EMBC 2011, Boston, MA, USA, August 30 - Sept. 3, 2011, pages 6033–6036, 2011. IEEE
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Monitoring Entities in an Uncertain World: Entity Resolution and Referential Integrity. Minton, S. N.; Macskassy, S. A.; LaMonica, P.; KaneSee; Knoblock, C. A.; Barish, G.; Michelson, M.; and Liuzzi, R. In Proceedings of the 25th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-11), San Francisco, CA, 2011.
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Morphological Variation in the Adult Vocal Tract: A Modeling Study of its Potential Acoustic Impact. Lammert, A.; Proctor, M. I.; Katsamanis, A.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Aug 2011.
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Morphological Variation in the Adult Vocal Tract: A Study Using rtMRI. Lammert, A.; Proctor, M. I.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proc. 9th Intl. Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP11), June 2011. 2011 InterSpeech Speaker State Challenge Award Winner
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Multi-Core Fault Tolerance for Space. Crago, S. P.; Walters, J. P.; Kost, R.; Singh, K.; and Suh, J. In GOMACTech, March 2011.
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Multi-objective performance evaluation using fuzzy criteria: Increasing sensitivity prediction for outcome of septic shock patients. Horn, A. L; Cismondi, F.; Fialho, A. S; Vieira, S. M; Sousa, J. M.; Reti, S.; Howell, M.; and Finkelstein, S. IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 44(1): 14042–14047. 2011.
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Multiple Instance Learning for Classification of Human Behavior Observations. Katsamanis, A.; Gibson, J.; Black, M. P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Oct 2011.
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Multiresolution semantic visualization of network traffic. Hussain, A.; and Viswanathan, A. In 2011 IEEE Fifth International Conference on Semantic Computing, pages 364–367, 2011. IEEE
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New Test of Local Lorentz Invariance Using a Ne 21- Rb- K Comagnetometer. Smiciklas, M; Brown, J.; Cheuk, L.; Smullin, S.; and Romalis, M. V Physical review letters, 107(17): 171604. 2011.
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Non-Conservative Diffusion and its Application to Social Network Analysis. Ghosh, R.; Lerman, K.; Surachawala, T.; Voevodski, K.; and Teng, S. Technical Report University of Southern California, Feb 2011.
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ONU buffer elimination for power savings in passive optical networks. Sankaran, G. C; and Sivalingam, K. M In 2011 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), pages 1–5, 2011. IEEE
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ONU-wavelength grouping scheme for efficient scheduling in Long Reach-PONs. Sivakumar, A.; Sankaran, G. C; and Sivalingam, K. M In 2011 Fifth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Telecommunication Systems and Networks (ANTS), pages 1–3, 2011. IEEE
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Online Fault and Anomaly Detection for Large-Scale Scientific Workflows. Samak, T.; Gunter, D.; Deelman, E.; Juve, G.; Mehta, G.; Silva, F.; and Vahi, K. In 13th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC-2011), 2011. Funding Acknowledgements: DOE DE-AC02-05CH11231, and NSF OCI-0943705
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Online Workflow Management and Performance Analysis with Stampede. Gunter, D.; Deelman, E.; Samak, T.; Brooks, C.; Goode, M.; Juve, G.; Mehta, G.; Moraes, P.; Silva, F.; Swany, M.; and Vahi, K. In 7th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM-2011), 2011.
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Optimal Time-Resource Allocation for Energy-Efficient Physical Activity Detection. Thatte, G.; Li, M.; Lee, S.; Emken, B. A.; Annavaram, M.; Narayanan, S. S.; Spruijt-Metz, D.; and Mitra, U. IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 59(4): 1843–1857. 2011.
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Overlapped speech detection using long-term spectro-temporal similarity in stereo recording. Xiao, B.; Ghosh, P. K.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), May 2011.
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Partitioning and Scheduling Workflows across Multiple Sites with Storage Constraints. Chen, W.; and Deelman, E. In 9th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathmatics, 2011. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF IIS-0905032
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Phenome-Wide Association Study (PheWAS) for Exploration of Novel Genotype-Phenotype Associations and Pleiotropy using MetaboChip in the PAGE Network. Pendergrass, S.; Torstenson, E. S.; Ambite, J. L.; Avery, C. L.; Cai, C.; Fesinmeyer, M. D.; Haiman, C.; Heiss, G.; Hindorff, L. A.; Hsu, C.; Kooperberg, C.; Marchand, L. L.; Lin, Y.; Matise, T. C.; Monroe, K.; North, K. E.; Wilkens, L. R.; Buyske, S.; Crawford, D. C.; and Ritchie, M. D. In 12th International Congress of Human Genetics, Montreal, Quebec, October 2011. Abstract + Poster
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You made me do it: Classification of Blame in Married Couples Interaction by Fusing Automatically Derived Speech and Language Information. Black, M. P.; Georgiou, P.; Katsamanis, A.; Baucom, B.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Florence, Italy, Aug 2011.
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A General Approach to Discovering, Registering, and Extracting Features from Raster Maps. Knoblock, C. A.; Chen, C.; Chiang, Y.; Goel, A.; Michelson, M.; and Shahabi, C. In Proceedings of the Conference on Document Recognition and Retrieval XVII of SPIE-IS&T Electronic Imaging, volume 7534, 2010.
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A Study of Interplay between Articulatory Movement and Prosodic Characteristics in Emotional Speech Production. Kim, J.; Lee, S.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Makuhari, Japan, Sep 2010.
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A Study of Intra-Speaker and Inter-Speaker Affective Variability using Electroglottograph and Inverse Filtered Glottal Waveforms. Bone, D.; Kim, S.; Lee, S.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Makuhari, Japan, Sep 2010.
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A joint acoustic-articulatory study of nasal spectral reduction in read versus spontaneous speaking styles. Ramanarayanan, V.; Byrd, D.; Goldstein, L.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of the Speech Prosody Conference, Chicago, Illinois, May 2010.
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A new multichannel multimodal dyadic interaction database. Rozgic, V.; Xiao, B.; Katsamanis, A.; Baucom, B.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Makuhari, Japan, Sep 2010.
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Acoustic Feature Analysis in Speech Emotion Primitives Estimation. Wu, D.; Parsons, T.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Makuhari, Japan, Sep 2010.
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Acoustic Stopwords for unstructured audio information retrieval. Kim, S.; Sundaram, S.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Aug 2010.
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Ada and Grace: Toward Realistic and Engaging Virtual Museum Guides. Swartout, W.; Traum, D.; Artstein, R.; Noren, D.; Debevec, P.; Bronnenkant, K.; Williams, J.; Leuski, A.; Narayanan, S. S.; Piepol, D.; Lane, C.; Morie, J.; Aggarwal, P.; Liewer, M.; Chiang, J.; Gerten, J.; Chu, S.; and White, K. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA), Philadelphia, PA, Sep 2010.
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An Underwater Communication and Sensing Testbed in Marina del Rey (Poster Abstract). Goodney, A.; Cho, Y.; Heidemann, J.; and Wroclawski, J. In Proceedings of the FifthACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks (WUWNet) , pages to appear, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA, September 2010. ACM
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An exploratory study of manifolds of emotional speech. Kim, J.; Lee, S.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Dallas, TX, Mar 2010.
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Assisting Scientists with Complex Data Analysis Tasks through Semantic Workflows. Gil, Y.; Ratnakar, V.; and Fritz, C. In Proactive Assistant Agents, Papers from the 2010 AAAI Fall Symposium, Arlington, Virginia, USA, November 11-13, 2010, volume FS-10-07, of AAAI Technical Report, 2010. AAAI
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Automatic Classification of Married Couples Behavior using Audio Features. Black, M. P.; Katsamanis, A.; Lee, C.; Lammert, A.; Baucom, B.; Christensen, A.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, pages 2030-2033, Sep 2010.
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Automatic Speech Recognition System Channel Modeling. Tan, Q. F.; Audhkhasi, K.; Georgiou, P.; Ettelaie, E.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Makuhari, Japan, Sep 2010.
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Autonomous On-board Processing for Sensor Systems: High Performance Fault Tolerance Techniques. French, M.; Walters, J. P.; and Bucceiro, M. In NASA Earth Science Technology Forum, Arlington, VA, June 2010.
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BPEL4Pegasus: Combining Business and Scientific Workflows. Sonntag, M.; Karastoyanova, D.; and Deelman, E. In International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC), 2010.
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Bark Frequency Transform Using an Arbitrary Order Allpass Filter. Ghosh, P. K.; and Narayanan, S. S. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 17(6): 543-546. Jun 2010.
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Bridging The Gap Between Business And Scientific Workflows. Sonntag, M.; Karastoyanova, D.; and Deelman, E. In e-Science 2010, 2010.
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Building Geospatial Mashups to Visualize Information for Crisis Management. Gupta, S.; and Knoblock, C. A. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 2010.
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Centrality Metric for Dynamic Network Analysis. Lerman, K.; Ghosh, R.; and Kang, J. In Proceedings of KDD workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs (MLG), July 2010.
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Co-Evolving Mixed Membership BlockModels. Cho, Y. S.; Ver Steeg, G.; and Galstyan, A. In NIPS workshopon Networks Across Disciplines, 2010.
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Coarse-to-Fine, Cost-Sensitive Classification of E-Mail. Pujara, J.; and Getoor, L. In Workshop on Coarse-to-Fine Processing, 2010. NIPS
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Combining Five Acoustic Level methods for Automatic Speaker Age and Gender Recognition. Li, M.; Jung, C.; and Han, K. J. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Sep 2010.
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Community detection with and without prior information. Allahverdyan, A. E; Ver Steeg, G.; and Galstyan, A. EPL (Europhysics Letters), 90(1): 18002. 2010.
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Constructing Reference Sets from Unstructured, Ungrammatical Text. Michelson, M.; and Knoblock, C. A. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 38: 189–221. 2010.
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Contention Analysis of MAC Protocols that Count. Syed, A. A.; and Heidemann, J. In Proceedings of the FifthACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks (WUWNet) , pages 2:1–2:8, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA, September 2010. ACM
Contention Analysis of MAC Protocols that Count [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract
Context-Sensitive Multimodal Emotion Recognition from Speech and Facial Expression Using Bidirectional LSTM Modeling. Wollmer, M.; Metallinou, A.; Eyben, F.; Schuller, B.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, pages 2362-2365, Makuhari, Japan, Sep 2010.
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Correlating Spam Activity with IP Address Characteristics. Wilcox, C.; Papadopoulos, C.; and Heidemann, J. In Proceedings of the IEEE Global Internet Symposium, pages 1–6, San Diego, California, USA, March 2010. IEEE
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CyberShake: A Physics-Based Seismic Hazard Model for Southern California. Graves, R.; Jordan, T.; Callaghan, S.; Deelman, E.; Field, E.; Juve, G.; Kesselman, C.; Maechling, P.; Mehta, G.; Milner, K.; Okaya, D.; Small, P.; and Vahi, K. Pure and Applied Geophysics. May 2010. Funding Acknowledgements: NSF OCI-0438712, NSF CCF-0725332
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DADL: Distributed Application Description Language. Mirkovic, J.; Faber, T.; Hsieh, P.; Malaiyandisamy, G.; and Malaviya, R. USC/ISI Technical Report# ISI-TR-664. 2010.
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Data Sharing Options for Scientific Workflows on Amazon EC2. Juve, G.; Deelman, E.; Vahi, K.; Mehta, G.; Berriman, B.; Berman, B. P.; and Maechling, P. J. In 22nd IEEE/ACM Conference on Supercomputing (SC10), 2010. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF CCF-0725332, NSF OCI-0722019, and NASA NCC5-626
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Data-Driven Analysis of Realtime Vocal Tract MRI using Correlated Image Regions. Lammert, A.; Proctor, M. I.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Makuhari, Japan, Sep 2010.
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Data-dependent evaluator modeling and its application to emotional valence classification from speech. Audhkhasi, K.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Makuhari, Japan, Sep 2010.
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Decision level combination of multiple modalities for recognition and analysis of emotional expression. Metallinou, A.; Lee, S.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Dallas, Texas, Mar 2010.
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Decision-support for real-time multi-agent coordination. Maheswaran, R. T; Rogers, C. M; Sanchez, R.; and Szekely, P. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems: volume 1-Volume 1, pages 1771–1772, 2010. International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
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Demo Abstract: Energy Transference for Sensornets. Syed, A. A.; Cho, Y.; and Heidemann, J. In Proceedings of the 8thACM SenSys Conference , pages 397–398, Zurich, Switzerland, November 2010. ACM (Also released as ISI-TR-2010-669 with poster content)
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Design and Analysis of a Propagation Delay Tolerant ALOHA Protocol for Underwater Networks. Ahn, J.; Syed, A.; Krishnamachari, B.; and Heidemann, J. Ad Hoc Networks Journal, 9(5): 752–766. July 2010. (Published on-line September, 2010, in print July 2011.)
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Distributed and Interactive Simulations Operating at Large Scale for Transcontinental Experimentation. Gottschalk, T. D.; Yao, K.; Wagenbreth, G.; Lucas, R. F.; and Davis, D. M. In Distributed Simulation and Real Time Applications (DS-RT), 2010 IEEE/ACM 14th International Symposium on, pages 199–202, October 2010.
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Dynamic structure Learning of Factor Graphs and Parameter Estimation of a Constrained Nonlinear Predictive Model for Oilfield Optimization. Lee, H.; Yao, K.; and Nakano, A. In Proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 2010.
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Earth System Grid Center for Enabling Technologies: Building a Global Infrastructure for Climate Change Research. Williams, D. N.; Ahrens, J.; Ananthakrishnan, R.; Bell, G.; Bharathi, S.; Brown, D.; Chen, M.; Chervenak, A. L.; Cinquini, L.; Drach, R.; Foster, I. T.; Fox, P.; Hankin, S.; Harper, D.; Hook, N.; Jones, P.; Middleton, D. E.; Miller, R.; Nienhouse, E.; Schweitzer, R.; Schuler, R.; Shipman, G.; Shoshani, A.; Siebenlist, F.; Sim, A.; Strand, W. G.; Wang, F.; Wilcox, H.; and Wilhelmi, N. In SciDAC Conference, Chattanooga, TN, United States, July 2010.
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Efficient Inference through Cascades of Weighted Tree Transducers. May, J.; Knight, K.; and Vogler, H. In Proceedings of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 1058–1066, Uppsala, Sweden, July 2010. Association for Computational Linguistics
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Embedded Systems Design with Platform FPGAs: Principles & Practices. Sass, R.; and Schmidt, A. G. Morgan-Kaufmann, an imprint of Elsevier, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2010.
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Empirical Studies in Learning to Read. Freedman, M.; Loper, E.; Boschee, E.; and Weischedel, R. In Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 First International Workshop on Formalisms and Methodology for Learning by Reading, of FAM-LbR '10, pages 61–69, USA, 2010. Association for Computational Linguistics
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Enabling Flexible Human Strategic Guidance for Multi-Agent Planning and Scheduling in Dynamic Uncertain Domains. Maheswaran, R. T; Rogers, C. M; Sanchez, R.; and Szekely, P. . 2010.
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Experiences with Resource Provisioning for Scientific Workflows Using Corral. Juve, G.; Deelman, E.; Vahi, K.; and Mehta, G. Scientific Programming, 18(2): 77-92. April 2010. Funding Acknowledgements: NSF OCI-0943725 and NSF OCI-0749313
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Failure Prediction for Artificial Lift Systems. Liu, Y.; Yao, K.; Liu, S.; Raghavendra, C. S.; Lenz, T. L.; Olabinjo, L.; Seren, B.; Seddighrad, S.; and Babu, C. G. D. In SPE Western Regional Meeting, May 2010. SPE 133545.
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Fault injection results of linux operating on an fpga embedded platform. Monson, J. S; Wirthlin, M.; and Hutchings, B. In Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), 2010 International Conference on, pages 37–42, December 2010. IEEE
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Final Report of the W3C Provenance Incubator Group. Gil, Y.; Cheney, J.; Groth, P.; Hartig, O.; Miles, S.; Moreau, L.; and daSilva , P. P. 2010. World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)
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From Saplings to A Tree: Integrating Structured Metadata via Relational Affinity Propagation. Plangprasopchok, A.; Lerman, K.; and Getoor, L. In Proceedings of the AAAI workshop on Statistical Relational AI, July 2010.
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Gestural control in the English past-tense suffix: an articulatory study using real time MRI. Lammert, A.; Bresch, E.; Goldstein, L.; and Narayanan, S. S. In LabPhon, 2010.
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Growing a Tree in the Forest: Constructing Folksonomies by Integrating Structured Metadata. Plangprasopchok, A.; Lerman, K.; and Getoor, L. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD), July 2010.
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Harvesting Geospatial Knowledge from Social Metadata. Intagorn, S.; Plangprasopchok, A.; and Lerman, K. In Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), May 2010.
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Hierarchical Classification for Speech-to-Speech Translation. Ettelaie, E.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Makuhari, Japan, Sep 2010.
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Holographic aspects of Fermi liquids in a background magnetic field. Albash, T.; and Johnson, C. V Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 43(34): 345405. 2010.
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Human-agent collaborative optimization of real-time distributed dynamic multi-agent coordination. Maheswaran, R. T; Rogers, C. M; Sanchez, R.; and Szekely, P. Proceedings of AAMAS workshop on optimization in multiagent systems,49–56. 2010.
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Hybrid Constrained Nonlinear Optimization to Injector-Producer Relationships in Oil Fields. Lee, H.; Yao, K.; Okpani, O. O.; Nakano, A.; and Ershaghi, I. International Journal of Computer Science. 2010.
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Identifying IP Addresses for Spammers. Choi, J.; Pujara, J.; Ramarao, V.; and Wei, K. 2010.
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Identifying Injector-Producer Relationship in Waterflood Using Hybrid Constrained Nonlinear Optimization. Lee, H.; Yao, K.; Okpani, O. O.; Nakano, A.; and Ershaghi, I. In SPE Western Regional Meeting, May 2010. SPE 132359.
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Impact of Reconfigurable Hardware on Accelerating MPI_Reduce. Gao, S.; Schmidt, A. G.; and Sass, R. In Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference on Field Programmable Technology (FPT\textquoteright10), 2010. IEEE Computer Society
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Improved Real-time MRI of Oral-Velar Coordination Using a Golden-ratio Spiral View Order. Kim, Y.; Narayanan, S. S.; and Nayak, K. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Sep 2010.
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Improving Access to Clinical and Genetic Data on Mental Disorders (abstract). Ambite, J. L.; Sharma, S.; Hsu, C.; and Arens, Y. In 60th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG), Washington, DC, 2010. Abstract + Poster
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Information Contagion: an Empirical Study of Spread of News on Digg and Twitter Social Networks. Lerman, K.; and Ghosh, R. In Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM), May 2010.
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Information Divergence Estimation based on Data-Dependent Partitions. Silva, J.; and Narayanan, S. S. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 140(11): 3180-3198. Apr 2010.
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Integrating Specialist and Folk Knowledge with Affinity Propagation. Kang, J. H.; and Lerman, K. In In Proceedings of NIPS workshop on Machine Learning for Social Computing, December 2010.
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Interactive querying of temporal data using a comic strip metaphor. Jin, J.; and Szekely, P. In Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 2010 IEEE Symposium on, pages 163–170, 2010. IEEE
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Investigating Articulatory Setting Pauses, Ready Position, and Rest Using Real-Time MRI. Ramanarayanan, V.; Byrd, D.; Goldstein, L.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Makuhari, Japan, Sep 2010.
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Investigating Resilient High Performance Reconfigurable Computing with Minimally-Invasive System Monitoring. Huang, B.; Schmidt, A. G.; Mendon, A. A.; and Sass, R. In International Workshop on High-Performance Reconfigurable Computing Technology and Applications (HPRCTA\textquoteright10), 2010. IEEE Computer Society
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KNOWME: An Energy-Efficient, Multimodal Body Area Network for Physical Activity Monitoring. Thatte, G.; Li, M.; Lee, S.; Emken, A.; Narayanan, S. S.; Mitra, U.; Spruijt-Metz, D.; and Annavaram, M. ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems. Aug 2010.
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Landau levels, magnetic fields and holographic Fermi liquids. Albash, T.; and Johnson, C. V Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 43(34): 345404. 2010.
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Language model adaptation using WWW documents obtained by utterance-based queries. Tsiartas, A.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Dallas, TX, Mar 2010.
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Linking and Building Ontologies of Linked Data. Parundekar, R.; Knoblock, C. A.; and Ambite, J. L. In Proceedings of the 9th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2010), 2010.
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Linking the Deep Web to the Linked Data Web. Parundekar, R.; Knoblock, C. A.; and Ambite, J. L. In Proceedings of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Linked Data Meets Artificial Intelligence, Stanford, CA, 2010.
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Locally-Weighted Regression for Estimating the Forward Kinematics of a Geometric Vocal Tract Model. Lammert, A.; Goldstein, L.; and Iskarous, K. In Interspeech, Sep 2010.
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Mapping the Internet to Assist Cyber-Defense. Heidemann, J. Invited talk at Spring Electronic Crimes Task Force Meeting, May 2010.
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Merging Programming Models and On-Chip Networks to Meet the Programmable and Performance Needs of Multi-Core Systems on a Programmable Chip. Schmidt, A. G.; Kritikos, W. V.; Sass, R.; Anderson, E. K.; and French, M. In Proceedings of the 5th Annual International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig\textquoteright10), 2010. IEEE Computer Society
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Modeling Social Annotation: a Bayesian Approach. Plangprasopchok, A.; and Lerman, K. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 5(1): 4. 2010.
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Modeling Virtual Footprints. Kadaba, R.; Budalakoti, S.; DeAngelis, D.; and Barber, K S. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Trust in Agent Societies at the International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS 2010), volume 15, pages 95–108, Toronto, dec 2010.
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Multimodal physical activity recognition by fusing temporal and cepstral information. Li, M.; Rozgic, V.; Thatte, G.; Lee, S.; Emken, A.; Annavaram, M.; Mitra, U.; Spruijt-Metz, D.; and Narayanan, S. S. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 18(4): 369-380. Aug 2010.
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Multimodal speaker segmentation and identification in presence of overlapped speech segments. Rozgic, V.; Han, K. J.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. Journal of Multimedia, Special Issue on Data Semantics and Multimedia Information Management, 5(4): 322-331. Mar 2010.
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Network reconnaissance using blind techniques. Bartlett, G. E. University of Southern California, 2010.
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Neuroscience Data Integration through Mediation: An (F)BIRN Case Study. Ashish, N.; Ambite, J. L.; Muslea, M.; and Turner, J. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics, 4(118). 2010.
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New limit on lorentz-and C P T-violating neutron spin interactions. Brown, J.; Smullin, S.; Kornack, T.; and Romalis, M. Physical review letters, 105(15): 151604. 2010.
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Non-Product Data-Dependent Partitions for Mutual Information Estimation: Strong Consistency and Applications. Silva, J.; and Narayanan, S. S. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 58(7): 3497-3511. Jul 2010.
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Obtaining information on forwarding decisions for a packet flow. Sankaran, G. C. October~19 2010. US Patent 7,817,636
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On Data-Driven Histogram-Based Estimation for Mutual Information. Silva, J.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of The IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), Jun 2010.
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On the Characteristics and Reasons of Long-lived Internet Flows. Quan, L.; and Heidemann, J. In Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference, pages 444–450, Melbourne, Australia, November 2010. ACM
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On the Characteristics and Reasons of Long-lived Internet Flows (extended). Quan, L.; and Heidemann, J. Technical Report ISI-TR-2010-667, USC/Information Sciences Institute, May 2010.
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Opportunities for concurrent dynamics analysis with explicit inter-core communication. Ha, J.; and Crago, S. P. In ACM SIGPLAN-SIGSOFT Workshop on Program Analysis for Software Tools and Engineering (PASTE), June 2010.
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Optimal Arousal Identification and Classification for Affective Computing Using Physiological Signals: Virtual Reality Stroop Task. Wu, D.; Courtney, C.; Lance, B.; Narayanan, S. S.; Dawson, M.; Oie, K.; and Parsons, T. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing, 1(2): 109-118. Dec 2010.
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Para-Linguistic Mechanisms of Production in Human Beatboxing: a Real-time MRI Study. Proctor, M. I.; Nayak, K. S.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSinging 2010, Oct 2010.
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Parameterized Specification, Configuration and Execution of Data-intensive Scientific Workflows. Kumar, V. S.; Kurc, T.; Ratnakar, V.; Kim, J.; Mehta, G.; Vahi, K.; Nelson, Y. L.; Sadayappan, P.; Deelman, E.; Gil, Y.; Hall, M.; and Saltz, J. Cluster Computing Journal, 13(3): 315-333. 2010.
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Parametric Methods for Anomaly Detection in Aggregate Traffic. Thatte, G.; Mitra, U.; and Heidemann, J. ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking, 19(2): 512–525. August 2010. (Appeared in print April 2011)
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Phenotype-Wide Association Study (PheWAS) for Detection of Pleiotropy within the Multi-Ethnic Studies of the Population Architecture Using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) Network. Pendergrass, S.; Brown-Gentry, K.; Dudek, S.; Ambite, J. L.; Avery, C. L.; Buyske, S.; Cai, C.; Heiss, G.; Hindorff, L.; Kooperberg, C.; Lin, Y.; Manolio, T. A.; Matise, T.; Wilkens, L.; Fesinmeyer, M. D.; Hsu, C.; Crawford, D. C.; and Ritchie, M. D. In 60th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics (ASHG), Washington, DC, 2010. Abstract + Oral Presentation
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Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) – from SNPs to GWAS and Beyond. Crawford, D. C.; Heiss, G.; Kooperberg, C.; Marchand, L. L.; Matise, T. C.; Ambite, J. L.; Buyske, S.; Cole, S. A.; Haiman, C. A.; Manolio, T. A.; North, K. E.; Peters, U.; Ritchie, M. D.; Hindorff, L. A.; and Haines, J. L. In 138th American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November 2010. Abstract + Oral Presentation
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Predicting Influential Users in Online Social Networks. Ghosh, R.; and Lerman, K. In Proceedings of KDD workshop on Social Network Analysis (SNA-KDD), July 2010.
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Predicting interruptions in dyadic spoken interactions. Lee, C.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Dallas, TX, Mar 2010.
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Principles for interactive acquisition and validation of workflows. Kim, J.; Gil, Y.; and Spraragen, M. J. Exp. Theor. Artif. Intell., 22(2): 103–134. 2010.
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Productively Scaling I/O Bound Streaming Applications with a Cluster of FPGAs. Schmidt, A. G.; Datta, S.; Mendon, A. A.; and Sass, R. In Symposium on Application Accelerators in High-Performance Computing (SAAHPC\textquoteright10), 2010.
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Provenance Requirements for the Next Version of RDF. Zhao, J.; Bizer, C.; Gil, Y.; Missier, P.; and Sahoo, S. 2010. W3C Workshop on RDF Next Steps
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Provenance xg final report. Gil, Y.; Cheney, J.; Groth, P.; Hartig, O.; Miles, S.; Moreau, L.; and Pinheiro da Silva, P Technical Report 2010.
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Quantification of Prosodic Entrainment in Affective Spontaneous Spoken Interactions of Married Couples. Lee, C.; Black, M. P.; Katsamanis, A.; Lammert, A.; Baucom, B.; Christensen, A.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, pages 793-796, Sep 2010.
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Radiation Hardening by Software for the Embedded PowerPC, Preliminary Findings. Walters, J. P.; Bucciero, M.; and French, M. In ReSpace / MAPLD Conference, Alberquerque, NM, November 2010.
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Rapid Semi-automatic Segmentation of Real-time Magnetic Resonance Images for Parametric Vocal Tract Analysis. Proctor, M. I.; Bone, D.; Katsamanis, A.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, pages 1576-1579, Makuhari, Japan, Sep 2010.
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Re-structuring, Re-labeling, and Re-aligning for Syntax-Based Machine Translation . Wang, W.; May, J.; Knight, K.; and Marcu, D. Computational Linguistics, 36(2): 247–277. June 2010.
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Real-time MRI investigation of resonance tuning in soprano singing. Bresch, E.; and Narayanan, S. S. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. Express Letters, 128(5): EL335-EL341. Nov 2010.
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Real-time multi-agent planning and scheduling in dynamic uncertain domains. Maheswaran, R. T; Rogers, C. M; Sanchez, R.; and Szekely, P. ICAPS 2010,16. 2010.
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Reasoning about the Appropriate Use of Private Data through Computational Workflows. Gil, Y.; and Fritz, C. In Intelligent Information Privacy Management, Papers from the 2010 AAAI Spring Symposium, Technical Report SS-10-05, Stanford, California, USA, March 22-24, 2010, 2010. AAAI
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Redsharc: An Abstract Stream Programming Model for FPGAs. Kritikos, W. V.; Schmidt, A. G.; Sass, R.; Anderson, E. K.; Sika, M.; and French, M. In Proceedings of the 18th Annual IEEE Symposium on Field-Programmable Custom Computing Machines (FCCM\textquoteright10), 2010. IEEE Computer Society
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Replicator Dynamics of Coevolving Networks. Galstyan, A.; Kianercy, A.; and Allahverdyan, A. In 2010 AAAI Fall Symposium Series, 2010.
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Robust ECG Biometrics by Fusing Temporal and Cepstral Information. Li, M.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Aug 2010.
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Robust Multimodal Person Recognition Using Low-Complexity Audio-Visual Feature Fusion Approaches. Shah, D.; Han, K. J.; and Narayanan, S. S. International Journal of Semantic Computing, 4(2): 155-179. 2010.
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Robust Representations for Out-of-Domain Emotions Using Emotion Profiles. Mower, E.; Mataric, M. J.; and Narayanan, S. S. In IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (SLT), Dec 2010.
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Robust voice activity detection in stereo recording with crosstalk. Ghosh, P. K.; Tsiartas, A.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Makuhari, Japan, Sep 2010.
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Ruling out latent homophily in social networks. Ver Steeg, G.; and Galstyan, A. NIPSWorkshop on Social Computing. 2010.
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Scaling up Workflow-based Applications. Callaghan, S.; Deelman, E.; Gunter, D.; Juve, G.; Maechling, P.; Brooks, C.; Vahi, K.; Milner, K.; Graves, R.; Field, E.; Okaya, D.; and Jordan, T. Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 76(6): 428-446. September 2010. Funding Acknowledgements: TeraGrid TG-MCA03S012, NSF OCI-0722019, and NSF OCI-0749313
Scaling up Workflow-based Applications [pdf]Paper link bibtex
SciDAC's Earth System Grid Center for Enabling Technologies Semi-Annual Progress Report for the Period October 1, 2009 through March 31, 2010. Williams, D. N.; Foster, I. T.; Middleton, D. E.; Ananthakrishnan, R.; Siebenlist, F.; Shoshani, A.; Sim, A.; Bell, G.; Drach, R.; Ahrens, J.; Jones, P.; Brown, D.; Chastang, J.; Cinquini, L.; Fox, P.; Harper, D.; Hook, N.; Nienhouse, E.; Strand, G.; West, P.; Wilcox, H.; Wilhelmi, N.; Zednik, S.; Hankin, S.; Schweitzer, R.; Bernholdt, D.; Chen, M.; Miller, R.; Shipman, G.; Wang, F.; Bharathi, S.; Chervenak, A.; Schuler, R.; and Su, M. Technical Report Lawrence Livermore National Lab. (LLNL), United States, April 2010.
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Scientific Workflows and Clouds. Juve, G.; and Deelman, E. ACM Crossroads, 16(3): 14-18. 2010.
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. Juve, G.; and Deelman, E. Scientific Workflows in the Cloud, pages 71–91. Cafaro, M.; and Aloisio, G., editor(s). Springer, 2010.
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Selecting Representative IP Addresses for Internet Topology Studies. Fan, X.; and Heidemann, J. Technical Report ISI-TR-2010-666, USC/Information Sciences Institute, June 2010. This technical report is a pre-print of a paper that appears at ACM IMC 2010
Selecting Representative IP Addresses for Internet Topology Studies [link]Paper link bibtex abstract
Shortipedia: Aggregating and Curating Semantic Web Data. Vrandecic, D.; Ratnakar, V.; Kroetzsch, M.; and Gil, Y. In Semantic Web Challenge at the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC), Shanghai, China, 2010.
Shortipedia: Aggregating and Curating Semantic Web Data [pdf]Paper link bibtex
Social Task Networks: Personal and Collaborative Task Formulation and Management in Social Networking Sites. Gil, Y.; Groth, P.; and Ratnakar, V. In Proactive Assistant Agents, Papers from the 2010 AAAI Fall Symposium, Arlington, Virginia, USA, November 11-13, 2010, volume FS-10-07, of AAAI Technical Report, 2010. AAAI
Social Task Networks: Personal and Collaborative Task Formulation and Management in Social Networking Sites [link]Paper link bibtex 1 download
Speech Emotion Estimation in 3D Space. Wu, D.; Parsons, T.; Mower, E.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Expo (ICME 2010), pages 737-742, Jul 2010.
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Statistical multi-stream modeling of real-time MRI articulatoryspeech data. Bresch, E.; Katsamanis, A.; Goldstein, L.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Makuhari, Japan, Sep 2010.
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Supervised acoustic topic model for unstructured audio information retrieval. Kim, S.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA) Annual Summit and Conference, Dec 2010.
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System and method for determining the mergeability of spanning tree instances. Sankaran, G. C. April~20 2010. US Patent 7,701,881
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Temporal analysis of articulatory speech errors using direct image analysis of real time magnetic resonance imaging. Proctor, M. I.; Lammert, A.; Goldstein, L.; and Narayanan, S. S. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 128(4): 2289-2289. 2010.
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Testing metrics for password creation policies by attacking large sets of revealed passwords. Weir, M.; Aggarwal, S.; Collins, M.; and Stern, H. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM conference on Computer and communications security, pages 162–175, 2010.
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The Application of Cloud Computing to Astronomy: A Study of Cost and Performance. Berriman, G. B.; Juve, G.; Deelman, E.; Regelson, M.; and Plavchan, P. In In Workshop on e-Science challenges in Astronomy and Astrophysics in conjunction with the 6th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (e-Science 2010), 2010. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF OCI-0438712, and NSF CCF-0725332
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The Application of Cloud Computing to the Creation of Image Mosaics and Management of Their Provenance. Berriman, G. B.; Deelman, E.; Groth, P.; and Juve, G. In SPIE Conference 7740: Software and Cyberinfrastructure for Astronomy, 2010.
The Application of Cloud Computing to the Creation of Image Mosaics and Management of Their Provenance [pdf]Paper link bibtex
The DETER project: Advancing the science of cyber security experimentation and test. Mirkovic, J.; Benzel, T. V; Faber, T.; Braden, R.; Wroclawski, J. T; and Schwab, S. In Technologies for Homeland Security (HST), 2010 IEEE International Conference on, pages 1–7, 2010. IEEE
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The Generalization of GWAS Based Genetic Effects for Lipid Traits in African Americans: The PAGE Study. North, K. E; Buyske, S.; Boerwinkle, E.; Ballantyne, C.; Rodriguez, C. J; Schumacher, F.; ; Cheng, I.; Matise, T. C.; Dumitrescu, L.; Franceschini, N.; Kooperberg, C.; Peters, U.; Duggan, D.; Haiman, C.; Assimes, T. L.; Eaton, C. B.; Robinson, J. G.; Marchand, L. L.; Ambite, J. L; Hindorff, L.; Cochran, B.; Carty, C.; Hutchinson, F.; Manolio, T. A.; Heiss, G.; and Crawford, D. C. In American Heart Association Joint Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, March 2010. Abstract + Poster
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The INTERSPEECH 2010 Paralinguistic Challenge. Schuller, B.; Steidl, S.; Batliner, A.; Burkhardt, F.; Devillers, L.; Muller, C.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Makuhari, Japan, Sep 2010.
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The USC CreativeIT Database: A Multimodal Database of Theatrical Improvisation. Metallinou, A.; Lee, C.; Busso, C.; Carnicke, S.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Multimodal Corpora: Advances in Capturing, Coding and Analyzing Multimodality (MMC), Valletta, Malta, May 2010.
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Tools for worm experimentation on the DETER testbed. Wei, S.; Hussain, A.; Mirkovic, J.; and Ko, C. International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems, 5(1-2): 151–171. 2010.
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Towards an AS-to-Organization Map. Cai, X.; Heidemann, J.; Krishnamurthy, B.; and Willinger, W. In Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference, pages 199–205, Melbourne, Australia, November 2010. ACM
Towards an AS-to-Organization Map [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract
Towards modeling social and content dynamics in discussion forums. Kim, J.; and Galstyan, A. In Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Computational Linguistics in a World of Social Media, pages 13–14, 2010.
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Towards modeling user behavior in interactions mediated through an automated bidirectional speech translation system. Shin, J.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. Computer Speech and Language, 24(2): 232-256. Apr 2010.
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Towards the Integration of Programming by Demonstration and Programming by Instruction using Golog. Fritz, C.; and Gil, Y. In Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition, Papers from the 2010 AAAI Workshop, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, July 12, 2010, volume WS-10-05, of AAAI Technical Report, 2010. AAAI
Towards the Integration of Programming by Demonstration and Programming by Instruction using Golog [link]Paper link bibtex 2 downloads
Transactional memory, linking theory and practice. Ravi, S.; Gramoli, V.; and Luchangco, V. SIGACT News, 41(4): 109-115. 2010.
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Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport Model for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). Hardaker, W. RFC 5953 (Proposed Standard), 08 2010. Obsoleted by RFC 6353
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Understanding Block-level Address Usage in the Visible Internet. Cai, X.; and Heidemann, J. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM Conference , pages 99–110, New Delhi, India, August 2010. ACM
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Understanding Block-level Address Usage in the Visible Internet (extended). Cai, X.; and Heidemann, J. Technical Report ISI-TR-2009-665, USC/Information Sciences Institute, June 2010. This technical report extends the SIGCOMM 2010 paper with three appendices with supporting details.
Understanding Block-level Address Usage in the Visible Internet (extended) [link]Paper link bibtex abstract
1. Chu, S.; Narayanan, S. S.; and Kuo, C. J. of Machine Audition: Principles, Algorithms and Systems. Unstructured Environmental Audio: Representation, Classification and Modeling, pages 1-21. Wang, W., editor(s). Information Science Reference (IGI Global), Hershey, PA, 2010.
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Using Naive Text Queries for Robust Audio Information Retrieval. Kim, S.; Georgiou, P.; Narayanan, S. S.; and Sundaram, S. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Mar 2010.
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Using a Model of Social Dynamics to Predict Popularity of News. Lerman, K.; and Hogg, T. In Proceedings of 19th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW), 2010.
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Virtual Museum Guides. Swartout, W.; Traum, D.; Artstein, R.; Noren, D.; Debevec, P.; Bronnenkant, K.; Williams, J.; Leuski, A.; Narayanan, S. S.; Piepol, D.; Lane, C.; Morie, J.; Aggarwal, P.; Liewer, M.; Chiang, J.; Gerten, J.; Chu, S.; and White, K. In IEEE Workshop on Spoken Language Technology (SLT), Dec 2010.
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Visual emotion recognition using compact facial representations and viseme information. Metallinou, A.; Busso, C.; Lee, S.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Dallas, Texas, Mar 2010.
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Vocal tract contour analysis of emotional speech by the functional data curve representation. Lee, S.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Makuhari, Japan, Sep 2010.
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Wings: Intelligent Workflow-Based Design of Computational Experiments. Gil, Y.; Ratnakar, V.; and et al , E. D. IEEE Intelligent Systems. January 2010.
Wings: Intelligent Workflow-Based Design of Computational Experiments [link]Paper link bibtex