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2019 (338)
A 20-Year Community Roadmap for Artificial Intelligence Research in the US. Gil, Y.; and Selman, B. CoRR, abs/1908.02624. 2019.
A 20-Year Community Roadmap for Artificial Intelligence Research in the US [link]Paper link bibtex 4 downloads
A Common Framework for Developing Table Understanding Models. Pujara, J.; Rajendran, A.; Ghasemi-Gol, M.; and Szekely, P. A In ISWC Satellites, pages 133–136, 2019.
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A Comparative Study of Stress and Anxiety Prediction in Ecological Settings Using a Smart-shirt and a Smart-bracelet. Tiwari, A.; Cassani, R.; Narayanan, S.; and Falk, T. In In proceedings of 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC19), Jul 2019.
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A Gentle Introduction to Graph Neural Network (Basics, DeepWalk, and GraphSage). Huang, K. Feb 2019.
A Gentle Introduction to Graph Neural Network (Basics, DeepWalk, and GraphSage) [link]Paper link bibtex
A Grounded Unsupervised Universal Part-of-Speech Tagger for Low-Resource Languages. Cardenas, R.; Lin, Y.; Ji, H.; and May, J. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers), pages 2428–2439, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 2019. Association for Computational Linguistics
A Grounded Unsupervised Universal Part-of-Speech Tagger for Low-Resource Languages [link]Paper link bibtex abstract 2 downloads
A High-Level User-Oriented Framework for Database Evolution. Schuler, R. E.; and Kessleman, C. In Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, of SSDBM '19, pages 157–168, New York, NY, USA, 2019. Association for Computing Machinery
doi link bibtex abstract
A Personal Visual Comfort Model: Predict Individuals Visual Comfort Using Occupant Eye Pupil Size and Machine Learning. Cen, L.; Choi, J.; Yao, X.; Gil, Y.; Narayanan, S.; and Pentz, M. In In proceedings of 10th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings (IAQVEC2019), Sep 2019.
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A Personal Visual Comfort Model: Predict an Individual' s Visual Comfort Using Occupant Eye Pupil Sizes and Machine Learning. Cen, L.; Choi, J.; Yao, X.; Gil, Y.; Narayanan, S.; and Pentz, M. In Tenth International Conference on Indoor Air Quality, Ventilation and Energy Conservation in Buildings, IOP Conference Series in Materials Science and Engineering (609)4, Bari, Italy, 2019.
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A Secure Gateway for Enabling ASIC Design Collaborations. Bogol, S.; Brenner, P.; Brinckman, A.; Deelman, E.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Gupta, S.; Nabrzyski, J.; Park, S.; Perez, D.; Rynge, M.; Taylor, I.; Vahi, K.; Werf, M. V.; Sarah, R.; and Wyngaard, S. In 11th International Workshop on Science Gateways (IWSG 2019), 2019. Funding Acknowledgments: DARPA HR0011-16-C-0043
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A Universal Parent Model for Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation Transfer. Gheini, M.; and May, J. CoRR, abs/1909.06516. 2019.
A Universal Parent Model for Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation Transfer [link]Paper link bibtex 2 downloads
A cooperative machine learning approach for pedestrian navigation in indoor IoT. Jalal Abadi, M.; Luceri, L.; Hassan, M.; Chou, C. T.; and Nicoli, M. Sensors, 19(21): 4609. 2019.
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A modular architecture for articulatory synthesis from gestural specification. Alexander, R.; Sorensen, T.; Toutios, A.; and Narayanan, S. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 146(6): 4458-4471. dec 2019.
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A phenome-wide association study (PheWAS) in the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) study reveals potential pleiotropy in African Americans. Pendergrass, S. A.; Buyske, S.; Jeff, J. M.; Frase, A.; Dudek, S.; Bradford, Y.; Ambite, J.; Avery, C. L.; Buzkova, P.; Deelman, E.; Fesinmeyer, M. D.; Haiman, C.; Heiss, G.; Hindorff, L. A.; Hsu, C.; Jackson, R. D.; Lin, Y.; Le Marchand, L.; Matise, T. C.; Monroe, K. R.; Moreland, L.; North, K. E.; Park, S. L.; Reiner, A.; Wallace, R.; Wilkens, L. R.; Kooperberg, C.; Ritchie, M. D.; and Crawford, D. C. PloS one, 14: e0226771. 2019.
A phenome-wide association study (PheWAS) in the Population Architecture using Genomics and Epidemiology (PAGE) study reveals potential pleiotropy in African Americans. [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract 5 downloads
A pipeline for large-scale simulation of population-based linkage. Sticca, E.; Belbin, G.; Soto, J.; Shemirani, R.; Nelson, D.; Gravel, S.; Ambite, J.; Wojcik, G.; Kenny, E.; and Gignoux, C. In Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Houston, TX, 2019. Abstract + Poster
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A system for the 2019 Sentiment, Emotion and Cognitive State Task of DARPAs LORELEI project. Martinez, V.; Ramakrishna, A.; Chiu, M.; Singla, K.; and Narayanan, S. In In proceedings of Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Affective Computing Intelligent Interaction, September 2019.
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A universal measure for network traceability. Lu, X.; Horn, A. L; Su, J.; and Jiang, J. Omega, 87: 191–204. 2019.
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AIRD: Adversarial Learning Framework for Image Repurposing Detection. Jaiswal, A.; Wu, Y.; AbdAlmageed, W.; Masi, I.; and Natarajan, P. In IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, CVPR 2019, Long Beach, CA, USA, June 16-20, 2019, pages 11330–11339, 2019. Computer Vision Foundation / IEEE
AIRD: Adversarial Learning Framework for Image Repurposing Detection [link]Paper doi link bibtex 2 downloads
Accurately Simulating Energy Consumption of I/O-intensive Scientific Workflows. Ferreira da Silva, R.; Orgerie, A.; Casanova, H.; Tanaka, R.; Deelman, E.; and Suter, F. In Computational Science – ICCS 2019, pages 138–152, 2019. Springer International Publishing Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 1642335, NSF 1664162, DOE DE-SC0012636
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. Toutios, A.; Byrd, D.; Goldstein, L.; and Narayanan, S. S. Advances in vocal tract imaging and analysis. Routledge London and New York, New York, NY, Apr 2019.
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Advancing the international data science workforce through shared training and education. Horn, J. D. V.; Abe, S.; Ambite, J. L.; Attwood, T. K.; Beard, N.; Bellis, L.; Bhattrai, A.; Bui, A. A. T.; Burns, G.; Fierro, L.; Gordon, J.; Grethe, J. S.; Kamdar, J.; Lei, X.; Lerman, K.; McGrath, A.; Mulder, N. J.; O'Driscoll, C.; Stewart, C.; and Tyagi, S. F1000Research, 8: 251. 2019.
Advancing the international data science workforce through shared training and education [link]Paper doi link bibtex 2 downloads
Age-invariant face recognition using gender specific 3D aging modeling. Riaz, S.; Ali, Z.; Park, U.; Choi, J.; Masi, I.; and Natarajan, P. Multim. Tools Appl., 78(17): 25163–25183. 2019.
Age-invariant face recognition using gender specific 3D aging modeling [link]Paper doi link bibtex 2 downloads
An Empirical Study of Speech Processing in the Brain by Analyzing the Temporal Syllable Structure in Speech-input Induced EEG. Sharon, R.; Narayanan, S.; Sur, M.; and Murthy, H. In Proceedings of ICASSP, May 2019.
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An Intelligent Interface for Integrating Climate, Hydrology, Agriculture, and Socioeconomic Models. Garijo, D.; Khider, D.; Ratnakar, V.; Gil, Y.; Deelman, E.; da Silva, R. F.; Knoblock, C.; Chiang, Y.; Pham, M.; Pujara, J.; Vu, B.; Feldman, D.; Mayani, R.; Cobourn, K.; Duffy, C.; Kemanian, A.; Shu, L.; Kumar, V.; Khandelwal, A.; Tayal, K.; Peckham, S.; Stoica, M.; Dabrowski, A.; Hardesty-Lewis, D.; and Pierce, S. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces: Companion, of IUI '19, pages 111–112, New York, NY, USA, 2019. ACM event-place: Marina del Ray, California
An Intelligent Interface for Integrating Climate, Hydrology, Agriculture, and Socioeconomic Models [pdf]Paper doi link bibtex 4 downloads
An Intelligent Interface for Integrating Climate, Hydrology, Agriculture, and Socioeconomic Models. Garijo, D.; Khider, D.; Ratnakar, V.; Gil, Y.; Deelman, E.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Knoblock, C.; Chiang, Y.; Pham, M.; Pujara, J.; Vu, B.; Feldman, D.; Mayani, R.; Cobourn, K.; Duffy, C.; Kemanian, A.; Shu, L.; Kumar, V.; Khandelwal, A.; Tayal, K.; Peckham, S.; Stoica, M.; Dabrowski, A.; Hardesty-Lewis, D.; and Pierce, S. In ACM 24th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI'19), pages 111–112, 2019. Funding Acknowledgments: DARPA W911NF-18-1-0027
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Analog errors in Ising machines. Albash, T.; Martin-Mayor, V.; and Hen, I. Quantum Science and Technology, 4(2): 02LT03. apr 2019.
Analog errors in Ising machines [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract
Analog errors in quantum annealing: doom and hope. Pearson, A.; Mishra, A.; Hen, I.; and Lidar, D. A. npj Quantum Information, 5(1): 107. 2019.
Analog errors in quantum annealing: doom and hope [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract
Analog nature of quantum adiabatic unstructured search. Slutskii, M.; Albash, T.; Barash, L.; and Hen, I. New Journal of Physics, 21(11): 113025. nov 2019.
Analog nature of quantum adiabatic unstructured search [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract
Analyzing Tumor Gene Expression Factors with the CorExplorer Web Portal. Pepke, S.; Nelson, W. M; and Ver Steeg, G. JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments), (152): e60431. 2019.
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Analyzing and inferring human real-life behavior through online social networks with social influence deep learning. Luceri, L.; Braun, T.; and Giordano, S. Applied network science, 4(1): 1–25. 2019.
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Applicability Study of the PRIMAD Model to LIGO Gravitational Wave Search Workflows. Chapp, D.; Rorabaugh, D.; Brown, D. A.; Deelman, E.; Vahi, K.; Welch, V.; and Taufer, M. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Practical Reproducible Evaluation of Computer Systems (P-RECS'19), pages 1–6, 2019.
doi link bibtex 4 downloads
Applying Multivariate Segmentation Methods to Human Activity Recognition From Wearable Sensors' Data. Li, K.; Habre, R.; Deng, H.; Urman, R.; Morrison, J.; Gilliland, F. D; Ambite, J. L.; Stripelis, D.; Chiang, Y.; Lin, Y.; Bui, A. A.; King, C.; Hosseini, A.; Van Vliet, E.; Sarrafzadeh, M.; and Eckel, S. P JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 7(2): e11201. February 2019.
Applying Multivariate Segmentation Methods to Human Activity Recognition From Wearable Sensors' Data [link]Paper Applying Multivariate Segmentation Methods to Human Activity Recognition From Wearable Sensors' Data [pdf]-file doi link bibtex 2 downloads
Articulatory Characterization of English Liquid-Final Rimes. Proctor, M.; Walker, R.; Smith, C.; Szalay, T.; Goldstein, L.; and Narayanan, S. J. Phonetics, 77: 100921. Aug 2019.
Articulatory Characterization of English Liquid-Final Rimes [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract
Auto-Tuning Spectral Clustering for Speaker Diarization Using Normalized Maximum Eigengap. Park, T. J.; Han, K.; Kumar, M.; and Narayanan, S. IEEE Signal Processing Letters. Mar 2019.
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Auto-encoding Correlation Explanation. Gao, S.; Brekelmans, R.; Ver Steeg, G.; and Galstyan, A. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on AI and Statistics (AISTATS), 2019.
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Auto-encoding total correlation explanation. Gao, S.; Brekelmans, R.; Ver Steeg, G.; and Galstyan, A. In The 22nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, pages 1157–1166, 2019. PMLR
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Automated extraction of human settlement patterns from historical topographic map series using weakly supervised convolutional neural networks. Uhl, J. H; Leyk, S.; Chiang, Y.; Duan, W.; and Knoblock, C. A IEEE Access. 2019.
Automated extraction of human settlement patterns from historical topographic map series using weakly supervised convolutional neural networks [link]Link Automated extraction of human settlement patterns from historical topographic map series using weakly supervised convolutional neural networks [pdf]Paper link bibtex 4 downloads
Automated processing of phenotypic data submissions. Mayani, R.; Vahi, K.; Ambite, J.; Sharma, S.; Azaro, M.; Wilson, S.; Ruocco, B.; Davis, G.; Romanella, M.; Brzustowicz, L.; Deelman, E.; and Arens, Y. In Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, Houston, TX, 2019. Abstract + Poster
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Automatic Adaptation to Sensor Replacements. Shi, Y.; Kumar, T. S.; and Knoblock, C. A In The Thirty-Second International Flairs Conference, 2019.
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Automatic alignment of contemporary vector data and georeferenced historical maps using reinforcement learning. Duan, W.; Chiang, Y.; Leyk, S.; Uhl, J. H; and Knoblock, C. A International Journal of Geographical Information Science,1–26. 2019.
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Automating ontology engineering support activities with OnToology. Alobaid, A.; Garijo, D.; Poveda-Villalón, M.; Santana-Perez, I.; Fernández-Izquierdo, A.; and Corcho, O. Journal of Web Semantics, 57: 100472. 2019.
Automating ontology engineering support activities with OnToology [pdf]Paper doi link bibtex abstract 4 downloads
BD2K Training Coordinating Center's ERuDIte: the Educational Resource Discovery Index for Data Science. Ambite, J. L.; Fierro, L.; Gordon, J.; Burns, G.; Geigl, F.; Lerman, K.; and Van Horn, J. D IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing. 2019.
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BD2K Training Coordinating Center’s ERuDIte: the Educational Resource Discovery Index for Data Science. Ambite, J. L.; Fierro, L.; Gordon, J.; Burns, G. A.; Geigl, F.; Lerman, K.; and Horn, J. D. V. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing. Jan 2019. 10.1109/TETC.2019.2903466
doi link bibtex
III.3: Evidence and Artificial Intelligence. Dane, J. A.; and May, J. of Mythodologies. Begging The Question: Critical Reasoning in Chaucer Studies, Book History, and Humanistic Inquiry, pages 295–208. Marymount Institute Press, 2019.
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Better automatic evaluation of open-domain dialogue systems with contextualized embeddings. Ghazarian, S.; Wei, J. T.; Galstyan, A.; and Peng, N. arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.10635. 2019.
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Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) Training Coordinating Center (TCC) Educational Resource Discovery Index (ERuDIte) as Linked Data. BD2K-TCC, 2019. [Online; accessed 16-August-2021]
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Biomedical Named Entity Recognition via Reference-Set Augmented Bootstrapping. Mathew, J.; Fakhraei, S.; and Ambite, J. ArXiv, abs/1906.00282. 2019.
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Biorelex 1.0: Biological relation extraction benchmark. Khachatrian, H.; Nersisyan, L.; Hambardzumyan, K.; Galstyan, T.; Hakobyan, A.; Arakelyan, A.; Rzhetsky, A.; and Galstyan, A. In Proceedings of the 18th BioNLP Workshop and Shared Task, pages 176–190, 2019.
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Bluetooth based Indoor Localization using Triplet Embeddings. Mundnich, K.; Girault, B.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of ICASSP, May 2019.
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BootKeeper: Validating Software Integrity Properties on Boot Firmware Images. Chevalier, R.; Cristalli, S.; Hauser, C.; Shoshitaishvili, Y.; Wang, R.; Kruegel, C.; Vigna, G.; Bruschi, D.; and Lanzi, A. In Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on Data and Application Security and Privacy, pages 315–325, 2019.
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Breathing Rate Complexity Features for “In-the-Wild” Stress and Anxiety Measurement. Tiwari, A.; Narayanan, S.; and Falk, T. H. In 2019 27th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), pages 1-5, Sep. 2019.
doi link bibtex abstract
Bridging Concepts and Practice in eScience via Simulation-driven Engineering. Ferreira da Silva, R.; Casanova, H.; Tanaka, R.; and Suter, F. In Workshop on Bridging from Concepts to Data and Computation for eScience (BC2DC'19), 15th International Conference on eScience (eScience), pages 609–614, 2019. Funding Acknowledgements: NSF 1642335, NSF 1923539
doi link bibtex
Building Explainable Predictive Analytics for Location-Dependent Time-Series Data. Chiang, Y Y; Lin, Y; Franklin, M; Eckel, S P; Ambite, J L; and Ku, W In Proceedings of the 2019 IEEE First International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence (CogMI), pages 202–209, December 2019.
Building Explainable Predictive Analytics for Location-Dependent Time-Series Data [link]Paper Building Explainable Predictive Analytics for Location-Dependent Time-Series Data [pdf]-file doi link bibtex 5 downloads
Building deep learning models for evidence classification from the open access biomedical literature. Burns, G. A; Li, X.; and Peng, N. Database, 2019. 2019.
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Cache Me If You Can: Effects of DNS Time-to-Live. Moura, G. C. M.; Heidemann, J.; de O. Schmidt, R.; and Hardaker, W. In Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference, pages to appear, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, October 2019. ACM
Cache Me If You Can: Effects of DNS Time-to-Live [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract
Cache Me If You Can: Effects of DNS Time-to-Live. Moura, G. C. M.; Heidemann, J.; Schmidt, R. d. O.; and Hardaker, W. In Proceedings of the Internet Measurement Conference, of IMC '19, pages 101–115, New York, NY, USA, 2019. ACM
Cache Me If You Can: Effects of DNS Time-to-Live [link]Paper doi link bibtex
Cache Me If You Can: Effects of DNS Time-to-Live (extended). Moura, G. C. M.; Heidemann, J.; de O. Schmidt, R.; and Hardaker, W. Technical Report ISI-TR-734b, USC/Information Sciences Institute, July 2019. Released May 2018, updated Sept. 2019
Cache Me If You Can: Effects of DNS Time-to-Live (extended) [link]Paper link bibtex abstract
Cascading failures in scale-free interdependent networks. Turalska, M.; Burghardt, K.; Rohden, M.; Swami, A.; and D'Souza, R. M. Phys. Rev. E, 99: 032308. Mar 2019.
Cascading failures in scale-free interdependent networks [link]Paper doi link bibtex
Characterization of In Situ and In Transit Analytics of Molecular Dynamics Simulations for Next-generation Supercomputers. Thomas, S.; Wyatt, M.; Do, T. M. A.; Pottier, L.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Weinstein, H.; Cuendet, M. A.; Estrada, T.; Deelman, E.; and Taufer, M. In 15th International Conference on eScience (eScience), pages 188–198, 2019. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 1741040
doi link bibtex
Characterizing Activity on the Deep and DarkWeb. Tavabi, N.; Bartley, N.; Abeliuk, A.; Soni, S.; Ferrara, E.; and Lerman, K. In Proceedings of the Companion to The Web Conference: CyberSafety Workshop, 2019.
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Characterizing the 2016 Russian IRA influence campaign. Badawy, A.; Addawood, A.; Lerman, K.; and Ferrara, E. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 9(1): 31. 2019.
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Climate models can correctly simulate the continuum of global-average temperature variability. Zhu, F.; Emile-Geay, J.; McKay, N. P.; Hakim, G. J.; Khider, D.; Ault, T. R.; Steig, E. J.; Dee, S.; and Kirchner, J. W. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(18): 8728–8733. 2019.
Climate models can correctly simulate the continuum of global-average temperature variability [pdf]Paper doi link bibtex abstract 2 downloads
Co-LOD: Continuous Space Linked Open Data. Kejriwal, M.; and Szekely, P. A In ISWC Satellites, pages 333–337, 2019.
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CoPPer: Soft Real-Time Application Performance Using Hardware Power Capping. Imes, C.; Zhang, H.; Zhao, K.; and Hoffmann, H. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC), pages 31-41, June 2019.
doi link bibtex abstract 1 download
Collaborating to leverage R&E network infrastructures between Africa, Brazil, and the U.S. Morgan, H.; Ibarra, J.; Bezerra, J.; Lopez, L. F.; Chergarova, V.; Cox, D. A.; Stanton, M.; Hazin, A.; Lotz, L.; and Mammen, S. 2019 2019.
Collaborating to leverage R&E network infrastructures between Africa, Brazil, and the U.S. [link]Paper link bibtex 1 download
Collaboration Drives Individual Productivity. Murić, G.; Abeliuk, A.; Lerman, K.; and Ferrara, E. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 3(CSCW): 1–24. 2019.
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Collaboration Drives Individual Productivity. Muric, G.; Abeliuk, A.; Lerman, K.; and Ferrara, E. CoRR, abs/1911.11787. 2019.
Collaboration Drives Individual Productivity [link]Paper link bibtex
Collaborative Circuit Designs using the CRAFT Repository. Brinckman, A.; Deelman, E.; Gupta, S.; Nabrzyski, J.; Park, S.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Taylor, I. J.; and Vahi, K. Future Generation Computer Systems, 94: 841–853. 2019. Funding Acknowledgments: DARPA HR0011-16-C-0043
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Collective Alignment of Large-scale Ontologies. Embar, V.; Pujara, J.; and Getoor, L. In AKBC Workshop on Federated KBs and the Open Knowledge Network, 2019.
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Comprehensible Context-driven Text Game Playing. Yin, X.; and May, J. August 2019.
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Computational requirements for real-time ptychographic image reconstruction. Datta, K.; Rittenbach, A.; Kang, D.; Walters, J. P.; Crago, S. P; and Damoulakis, J. Applied Optics, 58(7): B19–B27. 2019.
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Concept drift in bias and sensationalism detection: an experimental study. Zhang, S.; and Kejriwal, M. In Spezzano, F.; Chen, W.; and Xiao, X., editor(s), ASONAM '19: International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 27-30 August, 2019, pages 601–604, 2019. ACM
Concept drift in bias and sensationalism detection: an experimental study [link]Paper doi link bibtex 1 download
Considerations for Globigerinoides ruber (White and Pink) Paleoceanography: Comprehensive Insights From a Long-Running Sediment Trap. Richey, J. N.; Thirumalai, K.; Khider, D.; Reynolds, C. E.; Partin, J. W.; and Quinn, T. M. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 34(3): 353–373. 2019.
Considerations for Globigerinoides ruber (White and Pink) Paleoceanography: Comprehensive Insights From a Long-Running Sediment Trap [pdf]Paper doi link bibtex abstract
Constellations in the Cloud: Virtualizing Remote Sensing Systems. A. G. Schmidt, V. V.; and French, M. 2019.
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Constellations in the cloud: Virtualizing remote sensing systems. Schmidt, A. G.; Venugopalan, V.; Paolieri, M.; and French, M. In IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), 2019.
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Contextualized Cross-Lingual Event Trigger Extraction with Minimal Resources. M'hamdi, M.; Freedman, M.; and May, J. In Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL), pages 656–665, Hong Kong, China, November 2019. Association for Computational Linguistics
Contextualized Cross-Lingual Event Trigger Extraction with Minimal Resources [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract
Contextualized Word Embeddings Enhanced Event Temporal Relation Extraction for Story Understanding. Han, R.; Liang, M.; Alhafni, B.; and Peng, N. In 2019 Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL-HLT 2019), Workshop on Narrative Understanding, 2019.
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Coregulation of therapist and client emotion during psychotherapy. Soma, C. S.; Baucom, B. R. W.; Xiao, B.; Butner, J. E.; Hilpert, P.; Narayanan, S.; Atkins, D. C.; and Imel, Z. E. Psychotherapy Research. Nov 2019.
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Coupled clustering of time-series and networks. Liu, Y.; Zhu, L.; Szekely, P.; Galstyan, A.; and Koutra, D. In Proceedings of the 2019 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, pages 531–539, 2019. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
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Creating a FAIR Data Catalog to Support Scientific Modeling. Shbita, B.; Vu, B.; Feldman, D.; Pham, M.; Rajendran, A.; Knoblock, C. A; Pujara, J.; and Chiang, Y. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Advanced Knowledge Technologies for Science in a FAIR World, 2019.
Creating a FAIR Data Catalog to Support Scientific Modeling [pdf]Paper Creating a FAIR Data Catalog to Support Scientific Modeling [pdf]Slides link bibtex 5 downloads
Cross-Modal Coordination of Face-Directed Gaze and Emotional Speech Production in School-Aged Children and Adolescents with ASD. Sorensen, T.; Zane, E.; Feng, T.; Narayanan, S.; and Grossman, R. Scientific Reports, 9(18301). Dec 2019.
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Cross-lingual Dependency Parsing with Unlabeled Auxiliary Languages. Uddin Ahmad, W.; Zhang, Z.; Ma, X.; Chang, K.; and Peng, N. arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.09265. 2019.
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Cross-lingual Dependency Parsing with Unlabeled Auxiliary Languages. Ahmad, W. U.; Zhang, Z.; Ma, X.; Chang, K.; and Peng, N. In The 2019 SIGNLL Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL), 2019.
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Cross-lingual Joint Entity and Word Embedding to Improve Entity Linking and Parallel Sentence Mining. Pan, X.; Gowda, T.; Ji, H.; May, J.; and Miller, S. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Deep Learning Approaches for Low-Resource NLP (DeepLo 2019), pages 56–66, Hong Kong, China, November 2019. Association for Computational Linguistics
Cross-lingual Joint Entity and Word Embedding to Improve Entity Linking and Parallel Sentence Mining [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract
Cross-lingual Joint Entity and Word Embedding to Improve Entity Linking and Parallel Sentence Mining. Pan, X.; \textbfGowda, Thamme; Ji, H.; May, J.; and Miller, S. In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Deep Learning Approaches for Low-Resource NLP (DeepLo 2019), pages 56–66, Hong Kong, China, November 2019. Association for Computational Linguistics
Cross-lingual Joint Entity and Word Embedding to Improve Entity Linking and Parallel Sentence Mining [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract
Cross-lingual Multi-Level Adversarial Transfer to Enhance Low-Resource Name Tagging. Huang, L.; Ji, H.; and May, J. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers), pages 3823–3833, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 2019. Association for Computational Linguistics
Cross-lingual Multi-Level Adversarial Transfer to Enhance Low-Resource Name Tagging [link]Paper link bibtex abstract
Cross-lingual Structure Transfer for Relation and Event Extraction. Subburathinam, A.; Lu, D.; Ji, H.; May, J.; Chang, S.; Sil, A.; and Voss, C. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP), pages 313–325, Hong Kong, China, November 2019. Association for Computational Linguistics
Cross-lingual Structure Transfer for Relation and Event Extraction [link]Paper doi link bibtex abstract
Custom Execution Environments with Containers in Pegasus-enabled Scientific Workflows. Vahi, K.; Rynge, M.; Papadimitriou, G.; Brown, D.; Mayani, R.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Deelman, E.; Mandal, A.; Lyons, E.; and Zink, M. In 15th International Conference on eScience (eScience), pages 281–290, 2019. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 1664162, NSF 1826997, NSF 1443047
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Cyberinfrastructure Center of Excellence Pilot: Connecting Large Facilities Cyberinfrastructure. Deelman, E.; Mandal, A.; Pascucci, V.; Sons, S.; Wyngaard, J.; Vardeman II, C. F; Petruzza, S.; Baldin, I.; Christopherson, L.; Mitchell, R.; Pottier, L.; Rynge, M.; Scott, E.; Vahi, K.; Kogank, M.; Mann, J. A; Gulbransen, T.; Allen, D.; Barlow, D.; Bonarrigo, S.; Clark, C.; Goldman, L.; Goulden, T.; Harvey, P.; Hulsander, D.; Jacob, S.; Laney, C.; Lobo-Padilla, I.; Sampson, J.; Staarmann, J.; and Stone, S. In 15th International Conference on eScience (eScience), 2019. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF 1842042
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Massive Multi-Agent Data-Driven Simulationsof the GitHub Ecosystem. Blythe, J.; Ferrara, E.; Huang, D.; Lerman, K.; Muric, G.; Sapienza, A.; Tregubov, A.; Pacheco, D.; Bollenbacher, J.; Flammini, A.; Hui, P.; and Menczer, F. In International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems PAAMS, 2019.
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Massive Multi-agent Data-Driven Simulations of the GitHub Ecosystem. Blythe, J.; Bollenbacher, J.; Huang, D.; Hui, P.; Krohn, R.; Pacheco, D.; Muric, G.; Sapienza, A.; Tregubov, A.; Ahn, Y.; Flammini, A.; Lerman, K.; Menczer, F.; Weninger, T.; and Ferrara, E. In Demazeau, Y; Matson, E; Corchado, J; and De la Prieta, F, editor(s), Advances in Practical Applications of Survivable Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: The PAAMS Collection, volume 11523, of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 3–15, 2019. Springer
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Multimodal Human and Environmental Sensing for Longitudinal Behavioral Studies in Naturalistic Settings: Framework for Sensor Selection, Deployment, and Management. Booth, B. M; Mundnich, K.; Feng, T.; Nadarajan, A.; Falk, T. H; Villatte, J. L; Ferrara, E.; and Narayanan, S. J Med Internet Res (JMIR), 21(8): e12832. 2019.
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SAGE: a hybrid geopolitical event forecasting system. Morstatter, F.; Galstyan, A.; Satyukov, G.; Benjamin, D.; Abeliuk, A.; Mirtaheri, M.; Hossain, K.; Szekely, P.; Ferrara, E.; Matsui, A.; and others In Proceedings of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 6557–6559, 2019. AAAI Press
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SARAL: A Low-Resource Cross-Lingual Domain-Focused Information Retrieval System for Effective Rapid Document Triage. Boschee, E.; Barry, J.; Billa, J.; Freedman, M.; Gowda, T.; Lignos, C.; Palen-Michel, C.; Pust, M.; Khonglah, B. K.; Madikeri, S.; May, J.; and Miller, S. In Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations, pages 19–24, Florence, Italy, July 2019. Association for Computational Linguistics
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Semantic Workflows and Machine Learning for the Assessment of Carbon Storage by Urban Trees. Carrillo Garcia, J. M.; Garijo, D.; Crowley, M.; Carrillo, R.; Gil, Y.; and Borda, K. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Capturing Scientific Knowledge (SciKnow), held in conjunction with the 2019 ACM International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP'19), Los Angeles, CA, 2019.
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Semantic Workflows for Benchmark Challenges: Enhancing Comparability, Reusability and Reproducibility. Srivastava, A.; Adusumilli, R.; Boyce, H.; Garijo, D.; Ratnakar, V.; Ratnakar, R.; Yu, T.; Machiraju, R.; Gil, Y.; and Mallick, P. In Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB), 2019.
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Semantic workflows for benchmark challenges: Enhancing comparability, reusability and reproducibility. Srivastava, A.; Adusumilli, R.; Boyce, H.; Garijo, D.; Ratnakar, V.; Mayani, R.; Yu, T.; Machiraju, R.; Gil, Y.; and Mallick, P. In Altman, R. B.; Dunker, A. K.; Hunter, L.; Ritchie, M. D.; and Klein, T. E., editor(s), Biocomputing 2019: Proceedings of the Pacific Symposium, The Big Island of Hawaii, Hawaii, USA, January 3-7, 2019, pages 208–219, 2019.
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The role of machine learning in scientific workflows. Deelman, E.; Mandal, A.; Jiang, M.; and Sakellariou, R. The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications. 2019. Funding Acknowledgments: LLNL-ABS-755833 DE-AC52-07NA27344, DOE DESC0012636, NSF 1839900, LLNL-JRNL-765200
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Using Oliver API for emotion-aware movie content characterization. Giannakopoulos, T.; Dimopoulos, S.; Pantazopoulos, G.; Chatziagapi, A.; Sgouropoulos, D.; Katsamanis, A.; Potamianos, A.; and Narayanan, S. In Proceedings 2019 International Conference on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI), Se 2019.
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Using Simple PID-inspired Controllers for Online Resilient Resource Management of Distributed Scientific Workflows. Ferreira da Silva, R.; Filgueira, R.; Deelman, E.; Pairo-Castineira, E.; Overton, I. M.; and Atkinson, M. Future Generation Computer Systems, 95: 615-628. 2019. Funding Acknowledgments: DOE DE-SC0012636
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A Computational Model of Commonsense Moral Decision Making. Kim, R.; Kleiman-Weiner, M.; Abeliuk, A.; Awad, E.; Dsouza, S.; Tenenbaum, J.; and Rahwan, I. arXiv:1801.04346 [cs]. January 2018. arXiv: 1801.04346
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A Forest Mixture Bound for Block-Free Parallel Inference. Lawton, N.; Ver Steeg, G.; and Galstyan, A. In Proc. of the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 2018.
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A Job Sizing Strategy for High-Throughput Scientific Workflows. Tovar, B.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Juve, G.; Deelman, E.; Allcock, W.; Thain, D.; and Livny, M. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 29(2): 240–253. 2018. Funding Acknowledgments: DOE ER26110
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A Knowledge Driven Structural Segmentation Approach for Play-Talk Classification during Autism Assessment. Kumar, M.; Chebolu, P.; Kim, S. H.; Martinez, K.; Lord, C.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of InterSpeech, Hyderabad, India, Sep 2018.
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A Multi-task Approach to Learning Multilingual Representations. Singla, K.; Can, D.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers), pages 214-220, Melbourne, Australia, Jul 2018. Association for Computational Linguistics
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A Novel Method for Human Bias Correction of Continuous- Time Annotations. Booth, B.; Mundnich, K.; and Narayanan, S. In In proceedings of ICASSP, Apr 2018.
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A Pipeline for Post-Crisis Twitter Data Acquisition. Kejriwal, M.; and Gu, Y. CoRR, abs/1801.05881. 2018.
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A Semantic Model Catalog to Support Comparison and Reuse. Garijo, D.; Khider, D.; Gil, Y.; Carvalho, L.; Essawy, B.; Pierce, S.; Hardesty, D. L.; Ratnakar, V.; Peckham, S.; Duffy, C.; and Goodal, J. In Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, 2018.
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A Semantic Model Catalog to Support Comparison and Reuse. Garijo, D.; Khider, D.; Gil, Y.; Carvalho, L.; Essawy, B.; Pierce, S.; Lewis, D. H.; Ratnakar, V.; Peckham, S.; Duffy, C.; and Goodal, J. In Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, 2018.
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A Semantic Model Registry to Support Comparison and Reuse. Garijo, D.; Khider, D.; Gil, Y.; Carvalho, L.; Essawy, B.; Pierce, S.; Lewis, D. H.; Ratnakar, V.; Peckham, S. D.; Duffy, C.; and Goodall, J. In Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress on Environmental Modeling and Software, Ft Collins, CO, 2018.
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A Study of Complex Deep Learning Networks on High-Performance, Neuromorphic, and Quantum Computers. Potok, T. E.; Schuman, C. D.; Young, S. R.; Patton, R. M.; Spedalieri, F. M.; Liu, J.; Yao, K.; Rose, G. S.; and Chakma, G. JETC, 14(2): 19:1–19:21. 2018.
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A hyaluronic acid binding peptide-polymer system for treating osteoarthritis. Faust, H. J; Sommerfeld, S. D; Rathod, S.; Rittenbach, A.; Banerjee, S. R.; Tsui, B. M.; Pomper, M.; Amzel, M. L; Singh, A.; and Elisseeff, J. H Biomaterials, 183: 93–101. 2018.
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AARCLight–New opportunities for South Atlantic R&E Network collaboration between Africa, Brazil, and the US. Morgan, H.; Ibarra, J.; Bezerra, J.; Lopez, L. F.; Chergarova, V.; Cox III, D. A; Alvarez, G. E; Stanton, M.; Hazin, A.; Lotz, L.; and Mammen, S. Zanzibar, Tanzania, 11/2018 2018.
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Adiabatic Quantum Computation Applied to Deep Learning Networks. Liu, J.; Spedalieri, F. M.; Yao, K.; Potok, T. E.; Schuman, C. D.; Young, S. R.; Patton, R. M.; Rose, G. S.; and Chakma, G. Entropy, 20(5): 380. 2018.
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Exploring Sparse Representation Measures of Physiological Synchrony for Romantic Couples. Chaspari, T.; C. Timmons, A.; R. Baucom, B.; Perrone, L.; Tsiartas, A.; J.W. Baucom, K.; Georgiou, P.; Margolin, G.; and S. Narayanan, S. In Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, October 2017.
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Feasibility of Spiral Through-Time GRAPPA for low latency accelerated Real-time MRI of speech. Lingala, S. G; Zhu, Y.; Lim, Y.; Toutios, A.; Ji, Y.; Lo, W.; Seiberlich, N.; Narayanan, S. S.; and Nayak, K. S. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Feb 2017.
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An Image Dataset of Text Patches in Everyday Scenes. Ibrahim, A.; Abbott, A. L.; and Hussein, M. E. In Bebis, G.; Boyle, R.; Parvin, B.; Koracin, D.; Porikli, F.; Skaff, S.; Entezari, A.; Min, J.; Iwai, D.; Sadagic, A.; Scheidegger, C.; and Isenberg, T., editor(s), Advances in Visual Computing, of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 291–300, 2016. Springer International Publishing
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Asymptotic Optimality of Myopic Optimization in Trial-Offer Markets with Social Influence. Abeliuk, A.; Berbeglia, G.; Maldonado, F.; and Hentenryck, P. V. In Kambhampati, S., editor(s), IJCAI, pages 2458-2464, January 2016. IJCAI/AAAI Press
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Automated Demand-Based Vertical Elasticity for Heterogeneous Real-Time Workloads. Tran, G. P.; Chen, Y.; Kang, D.; Walters, J.; and Crago, S. P. 2016.
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Automating Environmental Computing Applications with Scientific Workflows. Ferreira da Silva, R.; Deelman, E.; Filgueira, R.; Vahi, K.; Rynge, M.; Mayani, R.; and Mayer, B. In Environmental Computing Workshop (ECW'16), IEEE 12th International Conference on e-Science, pages 400–406, 2016. Funding Acknowledgments: DOE DESC0012636, NSF ACI SI2-SSI 1148515
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Behavioral Coding of Therapist Language in Addiction Counseling Using Recurrent Neural Networks. Xiao, B.; Gibson, J.; Can, D.; Imel, Z. E.; Atkins, D. C.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Sep 2016.
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Clustering Web Pages Based on Structure and Style Similarity (Application Paper). \textbfGowda, Thamme; and Mattmann, C. A. In 2016 IEEE 17th International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration (IRI), pages 175-180, 2016.
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Computational Analysis and Simulation of Empathic Behaviors. A Survey of Empathy Modeling with Behavioral Signal Processing Framework. Xiao, B.; Imel, Z. E.; Georgiou, P.; Atkins, D. C.; and Narayanan, S. Current Psychiatry Reports, 18(5): 49. May 2016.
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Consecutive Job Submission Behavior at Mira Supercomputer. Schlagkamp, S.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Allcock, W.; Deelman, E.; and Schwiegelshohn, U. In 25th ACM International Symposium on High-Performance Parallel and Distributed Computing (HPDC), 2016. Funding Acknowledgments: DOE ER26110, DOE DE-SC0012636
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Convex Hull Convolutive Non-Negative Matrix Factorization for Uncovering Temporal Patterns in Multivariate Time-Series Data. Vaz, C.; Toutios, A.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Sep 2016.
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DETERLab and the DETER Project. Wroclawski, J.; Benzel, T.; Blythe, J.; Faber, T.; Hussain, A.; Mirkovic, J.; and Schwab, S. In The GENI Book. 2016.
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Detecting and Thwarting Hardware Trojan Attacks in Cyber-Physical Systems. Venugopalan, V.; Patterson, C.; and Shila, D. In 2016 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS): International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Systems Security (CPS-Sec), pages 421-425, October 2016.
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Developing an Automated Report Card for Addiction Counseling: The Counselor Observer Ratings Expert for MI (CORE-MI). Gibson, J.; Gray, G.; Hirsch, T.; Imel, Z. E.; Narayanan, S. S.; and Atkins, D. C. In Proceedings of CHI 2016 Computing and Mental Health Workshop, May 2016.
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Enhancing Reproducibility for Computational Methods. Stodden, V.; McNutt, M.; Bailey, D. H.; Deelman, E.; Gil, Y.; Hanson, B.; Heroux, M. A.; Ioannidis, J. P.; and Taufer, M. Science, 354. 2016.
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Hobbes: A Multi-Stack Approach for Application Composition and Performance Isolation. Pedretti, K.; Brightwell, R. B; Mukherjee, S.; Evans, N.; Kocoloski, B.; Ouyang, J.; Peter, D.; Hale, K.; Bridges, P.; Mondragon, O.; and others Technical Report Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM), Albuquerque, NM (United States); Sandia~…, 2016.
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How Business Clusters and Destination Choice are Connected: A Model Based on Social Media Data. Huang, A.; Gallegos, L.; and Lerman, K. In Proceedings of the 6th TRB Innovations in Travel Modeling Conference, 2016. Transportation Research Board
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Illustrating the Production of the International Phonetic Alphabet Sounds Using Fast Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Toutios, A.; Lingala, S. G; Vaz, C.; Kim, J.; Esling, J.; Keating, P.; Gordon, M.; Byrd, D.; Goldstein, L.; Nayak, K. S.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, pages 2428-2432, Sep 2016.
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Imaging, biodistribution, and dosimetry of radionuclide-labeled PD-L1 antibody in an immunocompetent mouse model of breast cancer. Josefsson, A.; Nedrow, J. R; Park, S.; Banerjee, S. R.; Rittenbach, A.; Jammes, F.; Tsui, B.; and Sgouros, G. Cancer research, 76(2): 472–479. 2016.
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Improved Depiction of Tissue Boundaries in Vocal Tract Real-Time MRI Using Automatic Off-Resonance Correction. Lim, Y.; Lingala, S. G; Toutios, A.; Narayanan, S. S.; and Nayak, K. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Sep 2016.
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Toward an End-to-end Framework for Modeling, Monitoring, and Anomaly Detection for Scientific Workflows. Mandal, A.; Ruth, P.; Baldin, I.; Krol, D.; Juve, G.; Mayani, R.; Ferreira da Silva, R.; Deelman, E.; Meredith, J.; Vetter, J.; Lynch, V.; Mayer, B.; Wynne III, J.; Blanco, M.; Carothers, C.; LaPre, J.; and Tierney, B. In Workshop on Large-Scale Parallel Processing (LSPP 2016), pages 1370–1379, 2016. Funding Acknowledgments: DOE DE-SC0012636
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A Bargaining Mechanism for One-Way Games. Abeliuk, A.; Berbeglia, G.; and Hentenryck, P. V. In Yang, Q.; and Wooldridge, M. J., editor(s), IJCAI, pages 440-446, 2015. AAAI Press
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A Corpus of Rich Metaphor Annotation. Gordon, J.; Hobbs, J.; May, J.; Mohler, M.; Morbini, F.; Rink, B.; Tomlinson, M.; and Wertheim, S. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Metaphor in NLP, pages 56–66, Denver, Colorado, June 2015. Association for Computational Linguistics
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A Dialog Act Tagging Approach to Behavioral Coding: A Case Study of Addiction Counseling Conversations. Can, D.; Atkins, D.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, pages 339-343, Sep 2015.
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A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Computing N-gram Posteriors from Lattices. Can, D.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), pages 2388-2397, Sep 2015. Association for Computational Linguistics
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A Game Theoretic Framework for Modeling Adversarial Cyber Security Game Among Attackers, Defenders, and Users. Ryutov, T.; Orosz, M.; Blythe, J.; and von Winterfeldt, D. In Foresti, S., editor(s), Security and Trust Management, pages 274–282, 2015. Springer International Publishing
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A LANGUAGE-BASED GENERATIVE MODEL FRAMEWORK FOR BEHAVIORAL ANALYSIS OF COUPLES THERAPY. Chakravarthula, S. N.; Gupta, R.; Baucom, B.; and Georgiou, P. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Apr 2015.
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A Mixture of Experts Approach Towards Intelligibility Classification of Pathological Speech. Gupta, R.; Audhkhasi, K.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Audio, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pages 1986-1990, Apr 2015.
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A Scalable Architecture for Extracting, Aligning, Linking, and Visualizing Multi-Int Data. Knoblock, C. A.; and Szekely, P. In SPIE Sensing Technology+ Applications, 2015. International Society for Optics and Photonics, SPIE, 9499
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A Semantic, Task-Centered Collaborative Framework for Science. Gil, Y.; Michel, F.; Ratnakar, V.; and Hauder, M. In Gandon, F.; Guéret, C.; Villata, S.; Breslin, J. G.; Faron-Zucker, C.; and Zimmermann, A., editor(s), The Semantic Web: ESWC 2015 Satellite Events - ESWC 2015 Satellite Events Portorož, Slovenia, May 31 - June 4, 2015, Revised Selected Papers, volume 9341, of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 58–61, 2015. Springer
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A Task-Centered Framework for Computationally-Grounded Science Collaborations. Gil, Y.; Michel, F.; Ratnakar, V.; Hauder, M.; Duffy, C. J.; Dugan, H.; and Hanson, P. C. In 11th IEEE International Conference on e-Science, e-Science 2015, Munich, Germany, August 31 - September 4, 2015, pages 352–361, 2015. IEEE Computer Society
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A Virtual Crowdsourcing Community for Open Collaboration in Science Processes. Michel, F.; Gil, Y.; Ratnakar, V.; and Hauder, M. In Proceedings of the Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Puerto Rico, 2015.
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A concrete chinese NLP pipeline. Peng, N.; Ferraro, F.; Yu, M.; Andrews, N.; DeYoung, J.; Thomas, M.; Gormley, M. R; Wolfe, T.; Harman, C.; Van Durme, B.; and others In Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Demonstrations, pages 86-90, 2015.
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A discriminative reliability-aware classification model with applications to intelligibility classification in pathological speech. Kumar, N.; and Narayanan, S. S. In 16th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, INTERSPEECH 2015, Dresden, Germany, September 6-10, 2015, pages 90–94, 2015.
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Acoustic-Prosodic Correlates of Awkward Prosody in Story Retellings from Adolescents with Autism. Bone, D.; Black, M. P.; Ramakrishna, A.; Grossman, R.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Sep 2015.
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Active inference for binary symmetric hidden Markov models. Allahverdyan, A. E; and Galstyan, A. Journal of Statistical Physics, 161(2): 452–466. 2015.
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Adapting Scientific Workflows on Networked Clouds Using Proactive Introspection. Mandal, A.; Ruth, P.; Baldin, I.; Xin, Y.; Castillo, C.; Juve, G.; Rynge, M.; Deelman, E.; and Chase, J. In IEEE/ACM Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), 2015. Funding Acknowledgments: NSF CC-NIE ADAMANT project (NSF ACI 1245926), DoE DROPS project (ASCR DE-SC0005286), DoE SciDAC SUPER project (DE-FG02-11ER26050/DE-SC0006925), NSF SDCI Missing Link project (NSF ACI 1032573), and the NSF GENI project (GENI Project Office Award #1872)
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Advancing methods for reliably assessing motivational interviewing fidelity using the Motivational Interviewing Skills Code. Lord, S. P.; Can, D.; Yi, M.; Marin, R.; Dunn, C.; Imel, Z. E.; Georgiou, P.; Narayanan, S. S.; Steyvers, M.; and Atkins, D. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 49: 50-57. Feb 2015.
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An Analysis of the Relationship between Signal-derived Vocal Arousal Score and Human Emotion Production and Perception. Lee, C.; Bone, D.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Sep 2015.
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An Empirical Study of Chinese Name Matching and Applications. Peng, N.; Yu, M.; and Dredze, M. In Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2015.
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An Iterative Approach to Synthesize Data Transformation Programs. Wu, B.; and Knoblock, C. A. In Proceedings of the 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 2015.
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Analyzing Speech Rate Entrainment and Its Relation to Therapist Empathy in Drug Addiction Counseling. Xiao, B.; Imel, Z. E.; Atkins, D.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Sep 2015.
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Applying Machine Learning to Facilitate Autism Diagnostics: Pitfalls and promises. Bone, D.; Goodwin, M.; Black, M. P.; Lee, C.; Audhkhasi, K.; and Narayanan, S. S. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45(5): 1121-1136. 2015.
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Assessing Empathy using Static and Dynamic Behavior Models based on Therapists Language in Addiction Counseling. Chakravarthula, S. N.; Xiao, B.; Imel, Z. E.; Atkins, D. C.; and Georgiou, P. In Proceedings of Interspeech, pages 668-672, Sep 2015.
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Automated Evaluation of Non-Native English Pronunciation Quality: Combining Knowledge- and Data-Driven Features. Black, M. P.; Bone, D.; Skordilis, Z.; Gupta, R.; Xia, W.; Papadopoulos, P.; Chakravarthula, S. N.; Xiao, B.; Van Segbroeck, M.; Kim, J.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Sep 2015.
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Automatic estimation of Parkinsons disease severity from diverse speech tasks. Kim, J.; Nasir, M.; Gupta, R.; Van Segbroeck, M.; Bone, D.; Black, M. P.; Skordilis, Z.; Yang, Z.; Georgiou, P.; and Narayanan, S. S. In Proceedings of Interspeech, Sep 2015.
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Building and Using a Knowledge Graph to Combat Human Trafficking. Szekely, P.; Knoblock, C. A.; Slepicka, J.; Philpot, A.; Singh, A.; Yin, C.; Kapoor, D.; Natarajan, P.; Marcu, D.; Knight, K.; Stallard, D.; Karunamoorthy, S. S.; Bojanapalli, R.; Minton, S.; Amanatullah, B.; Hughes, T.; Tamayo, M.; Flynt, D.; Artiss, R.; Chang, S.; Chen, T.; Hiebel, G.; and Ferreira, L. In Proceedings of the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2015), 2015.
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