ISI in the Media

ISI AI director: “How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Intelligible Failure”
Source: Issues in Science and TechnologyUSC Information Sciences Institute AI division director Adam Russell shares his thoughts on the importance of "intelligible failure" for enabling organizations to do incredible things.

New proteins, better batteries: Scientists are using AI to speed up discoveries
Source: NPRYolanda Gil was interviewed about AI’s potential to advance scientific research

USC selected by Department of Defense for Microelectronics Commons hub
Source: USC NewsThe university will lead one of eight regional innovation hubs funded by the CHIPS and Science Act. ISI's Steve Crago is the principal investigator for this project.

Could AI transform science itself?
Source: The EconomistYolanda Gil tells The Economist that cross-disciplinary research will become more common due to AI

What can Native American knowledge, and now AI, teach us about fire?
Source: USC NewsAs demand for prescribed fire increases across California, ISI expert explores traditional and modern methods for building wildfire resilience in a burning world.

What threat does AI pose to the future of humanity
Source: Al JazeeraWael Abd Almageed was interviewed about the dangers of AI including misinformation and hate speech.

World’s 1st ‘hacking sandbox’ satellite and more to ride on SpaceX’s next NASA cargo launch
Source: Space.comThe article mentions CLINGERS, the first experiment from USC, to go to the Space Station.

Rewriting the quantum-computer blueprint
Source: NatureItay Hen was quoted on the benefits of quantum computing

Cyber Crusaders
Source: LA Business JournalCliff Neuman was quoted on network security.

Companies are adopting AI, how it can echo biases and spread misinformation
Source: CBS RadioWael Abd Almageed was interviewed and discussed the danger of misinformation spread