ISI in the Media

Twitter ditches free access to data
Source: ARSTechnicaKristina Lerman was interviewed about the effects of Twitter API change on scientific research

ChatGPT is great – you’re just using it wrong
Source: The ConversationJonathan May contributed a piece on possible uses of ChatGPT

AI Bill of Rights
Source: Dot.LAKristina Lerman and Fred Morstatter comment on the impact of future AI policies

AI tools can create new images, but who is the real artist
Source: Philadelphia InquirerWael Abd-Almageed commenting on A.I. generated art and other content.

CI Compass links atmospheric and ecological science communities
Source: CI-CompassCI Compass began creating just such a link in 2019. The work has resulted in the NCAR-NEON-Community Collaborations where those efforts now link atmospheric and ecological science communities to begin seeking meaningful data together.

These AI images look just like me
Source: Toronto StarWael Abd Almageed was quoted about the future of deepfakes

Does Your Middle-Class Tax Refund Debit Card Have a $0 Balance?
Source: NBCLACybersecurity expert Cliff Neuman was interviewed about how cards might be compromised

USC’s MOSIS and SkyWater deliver silicon IC design and manufacturing service
Source: New EledtronicsA new service being offered by ISI’s MOSIS and SkyWater Technology was featured.

Dark Patterns
Source: KTLACliff Neuman was interviewed about dark patterns and what consumers could do to protect themselves against online marketing practices.

ISI is Looking for a New Director for its Artificial Intelligence Division
Source: USC CareersThe Artificial Intelligence division is ISI’s largest research division, home to some 150 faculty, research staff, and students.